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Is the disco worth the $$

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hey ladies,


Some input here would be super. I am struggling with whether or not I want to rent the disco for an hour or two. I am looking at paying 250/hour to rent the disco. Do you guys think its worth it?? Otherwise I will be filling time from when we finish dinner until 11 pm when it officially opens.

Ladies that have already rented it, your input would be appreciated.



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Hi Angela


I didn't rent the disco but here are my thoughts anyway lol


When I got married (on a Wednesday) the disco didn't open at all. No one had it rented and it didn't open at 11pm.


Personally, I think it really depends on a few things..1) what time is your wedding? 2) how many guests? (if you have alot of guests attending dinner may take a bit longer and some may not want to go party after etc.) 3) it's small..so if you have alot of guests will everyone fit?


I decided to not rent the disco because there were only 6 of us. I did go to the disco one evening and I found it small and a bit smelly. The night I did go to check it out there was a bride/groom there partying at 11.


I think on top of the cost of renting it is the bartender - open bar fee and I can't recall the other fees involved.


I'm not trying to talk you out of it..it just really depends on what you want. I say if you have a large group attending and you want to fill in some time go for it..otherwise..if you have a smaller group I say why pay the extra when it opens at 11...again...just my 2 cents worth lol

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I rented the disco & my experience was good. I'm glad that I did because we had a ball. There were about 30 of us in total & we partyed until the disco closed which was about 2 am. We enjoyed having the 2 hours to ourselves but once it opened to the public we still had fun.


I think you should take into consideration your group. Do they like to party? Will they want to dance the night away?


Initially when we walked in there was that musty smell. If I had to do it over again, I'd have someone go to the disco about 20 minutes before & make sure that the air conditioner was on & that the place was ready to go & vented out. I'd also make sure that the dj was ready & had our entrance song cued, cuz he wasnt ready for us! So that would be my 1 piece of advice if you do rent it.

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