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Steaming Mad!!

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Hello Everyone,


I glad you all enjoyed me little moment of toture:) I have beening searching on the site to see if I could find anything about petals down the isle way but really didn't see what I was looking for. I would love your opinion on the matter.


I am really want to walk down the isle with it covered in petals instead of a runner BUT I am worried that the petals may all blow away. It is going to be a beach wedding. I have been looking a others pictures and notice that the wind is blowing but does anybody know if it blows hard enough to blow away a isle full of petals?

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a cute story; these men are so sneaky, aren't they?!! Although that was a dangerous move, messing with a hungry woman, I'm not sure my DH would have made it to the end of the meal!!


Regarding your aisle runner question, check out this section of the forum Flowers, decoration, cake, etc. - Best Destination Wedding Forum, there are several threads:






I didn't use petals in lieu of the traditional aisle runner, but I did use several of them on our tables, and they didn't blow away (or around) at all. Having said that, I don't know how much windier it is in JA!

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