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Steaming Mad!!

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Date: August 1, 2008

Place: Augustino's Italian Restaurant


I just knew that he was going to do it today. I just felt it when we woke up..he was acting kind of funny. Strange. I went on to work and sure enough he called and asked if I wanted to go to dinner tonight. I decided that I should do a half a day at work today so I could have time to get ready for tonight….you know eyebrows waxed, hair flawless and all I needed was something to wear.


At about 4:30 (the time I get off work) he started calling me but I couldnâ€t answer the phone because I was in the mall. I went into Express and got what I wanted and headed home. Sure enough when I call him back the first thing he asked was where I was at and I said in a matter-of-fact way “In the car headed homeâ€. I was hungry but running around going a hundred miles per hour it never even entered my mind. I decided not to stop because I knew we were going to eat and I need to hurry to get my bag and stuff put up before Chad (my FI) got home. To my surprise when I got to the house he was already there so I left my bags in the car. I go downstairs and I hear male voices and see my FI and his friends talking and drinking a beer. I decided not to complain and use the time to my advantage plus I just knew they would be leaving soon; after all weâ€re going to dinner. So I take a long shower and touch up my hair. OMG!!! They are still there talking about nothing. I decided to use this to my advantage again and go get my bags out of the car. I get dress…6:30 rolls by, 7:30 rolls by, 8:00 rolls by. At this time I am highly pissed and hungry. At about 8:00pm the guys finally left and it was good thing because I was just about to go in there with the ugly face rant.gif. At this point I just knew he didnâ€t have any special plans. How could he?


We got to Augustinoâ€s about 9:00 pm and steam is coming out of my ears. We sit, order, talk a little, and begin to eat. He begins to tell me how beautiful I am and how much he wants to marry me but hasnâ€t had time to get the ring yet. So now I looking at him like WTF?..censored.gif..You didnâ€t have time? He changes the subject to something else and act as if he never said a word. I continue to eat my food not saying a word. He was just talking and talking about nothing and smiling (till this day I canâ€t tell you what he was talking about all I know is it had nothing to do with weâ€re about to get married). The more he smiled at me the madder I got. The waiter came and asked if we wanted any dessert and of course I said no. I was too ready to go! The waiter came over a brought the check. Chad then asked me was I ready and I said yes. We didnâ€t move. Then he asked me again was I ready…I said yes again and was hoping he wouldnâ€t ask me again because I was about two seconds from going off..mad2.gifof course he asked again…Are you ready? And I said to him "Yes! I am ready. I mean damn are you going to pay for the food? And what the hell are you smiling at"? He then came on my side of the booth and said…Iâ€m not asking you are you ready to go…Are you ready to be my wife? AAHHHHH!!! I couldnâ€t stop smiling and laughing. Then he said GOTCHA! smile120.gif


He told me that he had a feeling I knew something. I was too happy coming from work. I personally thought my game face was on but I guess not. He had the boys come over and stay late to throw me off. At first they were only suppose to stay until about 6:30 but his best man and him and seen the Express bag when I was in the shower so the plan had changed to make me think it wasnâ€t going to happen. He said that he was trying so hard to restrain himself from laughing at the restaurant because I was so beautiful yet steaming mad. He said it was all over my face. Needless to say….It was the perfect proposal. smile159.gif

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So cute! My FI actually pulled something similar on me. It was our anniversary and after dinner he wanted to go have a beer with the boys. And I said "okay" even though I thought WTF? On our anniversary?


Little did I know it was just a ploy to get me to the area where we first met where he popped the question.


These boys are so silly wink.gif Congratulations!!!

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haha that's funny. I remember fi on his way home from asking my dad permission (i had no idea of course) and i called him to see if he could stop and pick up soda. He gave me some lame excuse that he couldnt and so i got so pissed off and said "You better stop and get the soda". He was just in a hurry to come home and propose, and no he didnt stop for the soda.

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