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We put out disposable cameras on all of our tables at our reception and had a little photo scavenger hunt for everyone - I was so excited because all of the cameras were full so I thought I'd end up with a ton of awesome pictures.


Well today I went and got them developed and ALL of the pictures are crappy...they're all dark and blurry. I don't know if it was because no one was using the flash or if the cameras were just crappy, but now I'm totally disappointed sad.gif

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That sucks!!! What a bummer. What did you end up doing for your scavenger hunt? I still want to do one, maybe I'll have to x out the idea of disposables sad.gif Which ones did you use? Kodak?


Sorry to hear about this melissa sad.gif

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Melissa this was one of my favorite ideas and then Tammy (the host) told me not to waste my money b/c you will end up spending so much money getting the pics developed and they will be blurry, crappy pics that wasted people took. I think it is one of the best pieces of advice I got on this forum. If I would have known you were planning on doing this I would have warned you. That sucks that they don't look good!



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I feel the same way as you do Melissa!!! I had 6 disposable cameras, 2 of which were never returned to us, and the rest we spent $40 on developing, and we have MAYBE 6 good photos...the rest are all blurry and dark!!! I wish I would have known about it before hand, I definitely wouldn't have wasted the money. Oh well, lesson learned, now we can warn other brides!!!!



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Ideally this seems like a good idea, but it always turns out to be a big waste. My bro and SIL did this for their wedding. well it turns out that most of the camera's were stolen by kids and when we finally got them back they we learned that hardley anyone took any pics.

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Melissa this was one of my favorite ideas and then Tammy (the host) told me not to waste my money b/c you will end up spending so much money getting the pics developed and they will be blurry, crappy pics that wasted people took. I think it is one of the best pieces of advice I got on this forum. If I would have known you were planning on doing this I would have warned you. That sucks that they don't look good!

wow, glenda...you listen to my advice smile41.gif just kidding...
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