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Originally Posted by Jacilynda View Post
Make an Etched Glass Masterpiece

I actually got the idea from a project on Michael's website. Then I used this site to give me directions. Also the make stencils for the etching cream, and that makes it REALLY easy. But the stencils were $12 and then it allowed you to put like "Our Wedding Day" and the date but not your actual names. Plus I just did it with contact paper, cause if I had bought glasses, etching cream, stencils, ribbon, etc. it would have been the same price as just buying some personalized.
I love this idea and I'm so glad I found this post! I never knew what this process was called or even how to do it. Thank you posting!! Is the etching supposed to last forever? Can you wash it? What about if you etched a votive holder, do you know if you can still light a votive in it, say for a reception? wink.gif
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Originally Posted by Kits55 View Post
I love this idea and I'm so glad I found this post! I never knew what this process was called or even how to do it. Thank you posting!! Is the etching supposed to last forever? Can you wash it? What about if you etched a votive holder, do you know if you can still light a votive in it, say for a reception? wink.gif
It's permanent. you can wash it as much as you'd like!! I've had so much fun with it!
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