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Is Anyone Else in a Christmas Slump?


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Ugh! Don't get me wrong, I love the meaning of Christmas and everything...but I hate all the good (and horribly fattening) food being shoved under my nose everywhere I go.


I'm still going to the gym and everything, which is good but I just loathe all the good food being around me 24/7. Are any of you girls feeling this way? After Christmas is over, I'll have about six weeks until my wedding, so I need to be very careful these days and this is just stressing me out!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hear ya. You don't even want to know how much I ate on Sunday! We had an early Christmas dinner with the extended family and there was an insane amount of food. Turkey, ham, 2 kinds of cabbage rolls, 3 kinds of stuffing, dips, potatoes, turnips, you name it. And I am talking for like 20 people.


Plus we still have actual Christmas Eve/Christmas with our immediate families to go! Eek!

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I am mega stressed about this too...I have done so well the last few months but these past few weeks i have gained back 5 pounds with three weeks till we leave, I'm a bit discouraged....I need to regroup, but there is always pressure to take a cookie or chocolate or have seconds or another glass of wine...YIKES...I need to say NO...

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This thread is so what I needed. I am really good during the day at work and engagements when there is so much JUNK around me and then I go home and snack on stupid stuff like chips! UGGGGHHH! But I gave myself today as a cheat day and tomorrow I get back on the wagon. Will I pig out, no. but everything I taste in moderation and loads of water.

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I'm European, Christmas and the whole 2 months around it are a giant excuse to gorge on everything in sight...literally. I've eaten so much I feel like I am never hungry anymore...lol! just realized I have 3 mos to go before the wedding......so yea..totally need to get on a big diet asap. I'm thinking before new years its unrealistic, but afterwards I'm taking a page out of the anorexia handbook and no longer eating food cheesy.gif last xmas i was in the hospital for 2 weeks before on IV so I was pretty skinny, i think liquid diet is my skinny method of choice for the next 2 mos wink.gif

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omg when its said like that i realise how lucky i am to be having a summer wedding - the only reason i am holding back is because my wisdom teeth are coming in and i'm in too much pain to eat till its too sore...otherwise i'd be munching like everyone else!


can't imagine having to worry about the wedding diet at xmas time - honestly, my heart goes out to you all! but be strong ladies....your nearly married!! woo hooo



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