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Thanks so much for all of the suggestions! You guys are great!


Maybe it is best to wait until I get the details nailed down. I think that I've just been getting so excited about actually getting something done for the wedding (although I am going with my maid of honour tomorrow for her first wedding dress fitting and she's going to try on the BM dress for my wedding too, yay!)!


I thought about putting the Caribbean but then I wasn't sure how that would go over with people since the exact location really dictates the price (FH originally wanted Anguilla and then we looked at the price...yikeseek.gif). I guess that March really isn't that much longer to wait than January, plus I think that the boarding pass STDs will look better with the exact details (just in terms of the format that we're using).


Another quick question. Did you put a website for your wedding on your STDs? I'm wondering if we should include it or just wait for when we send out the invitations themselves.

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Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
I included our wedding website on our STDs...then your guests can keep up to date before the invites go out!
That's what I thought we should do. I've talked to FH and we will definitely wait until we officially set our date and we will include the website. We aren't going to find out the date until around March but I'll post an STD once we do get them done!
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