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What great/ridiculous product have you bought off an infomercial?


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Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
A few years back, I bought this ab work out thing. It was like a huge belt that you go around your stomach and it would release a bunch of shocks, that were supposed to simulate a work out. But the shocks hurt like a Beotch.
rofl.gif Ok, this had me cracking up!

Originally Posted by MarieSam View Post

1) The Suzanne Sommers' Thigh Master ~ I had great thighs for about a month then I lost the damn thing, hehehe. elefant.gif
How the heck do you 'lose' a thighmaster! lol I tried to use one once that a friend had and somehow it flew out from between my thighs and smacked me in the face. It was hilarious! Needless to say I never tried it again.

I recently bought P90X after watching the infomercial. Now if that guy would just pop out of the tv into my living room and make me do it consistently I'd be all set.
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Oh, I never bought anything from the infomercial either. Mostly from the "As Seen on TV" store, or in Bed, Bath & Beyond, or other stores that sell that kinda stuff. Fortunately, I've never TV shopped. Cuz if I did that in addition to real shopping and internet shopping, I'd be in BIG trouble!

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
We have the pedi-paws thing (bought from Petco). Sadie isn't a huge fan. It makes a quiet noise, but it vibrates against her nails quite a bit and she doesn't like it. Also, you have to make sure their nails stick out past their fur or you can catch and pull the hairs. It's probably better for short-haired dogs because of that. Sadie's very fluffy and we have to trim her feet first (which she hates).

On the other hand, she's got dark nails and I'm horrified at the thought of using a traditional clipper and cutting her nails too short. But really, for the ease and speed of it, a traditional clipper may be the better way for me to do Sadie's piggies.
Killick is short haired so it might work better. He'll probably just try to eat it - like everything else!! How is the de-shedding or brush part of it??
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We have the shamwows - we bought them at a tradeshow thing this summer...they work pretty good...we don't have carpet so I can't really try the whole soaking it up through the carpet thing - but they worked pretty good at drying the dogs off after their baths - plus I use it as a tea towel to set my dishes on to dry when I'm doing dishes....I like them, but not sure it's *quite* as exciting as the commercials portray it to be! LOL


We also have the magic bullet blender and I bought Nads hair removal stuff way back when...but I've always bought stuff from the stores, never off the shopping channel.


Oh - I also have a cricut, which i LOVE, but I didn't know that it was something they sold on tv too!?!



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We ordered the Hercules Hooks and they do not screw into the wall with ease as advertised...we had a heck of a time with them and gave up sad.gif


We also ordered the doggie steps. It took 7 weeks to get here and when they did we noticed they came from a warehouse 15 miles from here! Then we saw them at BB&B a few weeks later....they are as advertised but we could have saved on s&h and had them immediately so that was a bummer sad.gif

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Originally Posted by kristendotcom View Post
The only thing I ever bought from an infomercial was thos kinoki detox pads that you put on your feet.

Don't waste your money like I did! hahaha
I have always wondered about those! They look gross...yet intriguing at the same time!

At Christmas we always do a "White Elephant" gift exchange. This year I wanted to do an "As Seen on TV" White Elephant gift exchange. Everyone thought it was a good idea but I'm not sure if we are doing it or not.
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