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What great/ridiculous product have you bought off an infomercial?


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Late Sunday night I inexplicably ended up watching two informercials in a row ~ ok truthfully I just didn't feel getting off my ass to find my remote blush2.gif. Anyhow, I became totally immersed in the overly excited sales pitch, was in awe of these two products and so close to buying stuff I totally don't "need" and woulda been out about $230 ~ yikes!! But thankfully I googled the product reviews, read the hype, and kept myself from getting suckered into calling and ordering "IN THE NEXT 19 MINUTES!!!" cheesy.gif


So out of curiosity, after watching an infomercial.......


1) What great product(s) have you bought?

2) What horrible product(s) have you bought?

3) What product(s) are you tempted to buy, but just not sure it's worth it?



I'll go first . . . .


1) The Suzanne Sommers' Thigh Master ~ I had great thighs for about a month then I lost the damn thing, hehehe. elefant.gif


2) A terrible ceramic flat iron that left me with nappy hair and split ends everytime I used it. girl_werewolf.gif


3) Some of the products I saw on Sunday night ~ has anyone bought these?:

- the "Shamwow" -- good lord it cleans up everything!!! blink.gif

- the "Kodak ESP-7 All-in-one printer" -- I hate getting gouged by printer ink prices!! censored.gif

- oh yeah and this makeup airbrush system -- the girls look so pretty after using it, but I have a funny feeling I'd end up looking like a fool if I tried frown.gif

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I want the Sham-WOW too!!! It looks incredible!!


My mom just recently bought me (and my dog) a dog training video & equipment (leash,collar,etc). The trainer is called the Dog Father!! I hope it works...but who knows with these kookie infomercials!


Oh...and I want the Pedi-Pet. It's supposed to grind down the pets nails and it has some type of de-shedding brush thingy!

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Matt just bought the Shamwow thing at Bed Bath and Beyond. At least I think it's the same thing. He loves it.


I wanted to but P90x from an infomercial. But I bought Power Half Hour instead after doing some research. Have yet to start it.


I forget what they are called, but the tubberware that all has the same size lids. I bought that. It's a great idea, but was so super cheap I threw it away.

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I bought Nads Hair Removel system years ago. A friend and I were drunk in college and thought it would be funny. It wasn't any better than regular Sally Hansen wax you get at Walgreens.


We just bought the Pedi-Pet from Petsmart but have yet to try it out.


My mom had a food dehydrator years ago I loved it! We would always make apple chips.


I am intrigued by the Debbie Someone Green Bags...


Mike got the Perfect Push Up through his rewards points at work.


Apparently I have a bunch of "ass seen on TV" stuff but I have only ordered the Nads everything else came from the store.


Occasionaly I am tempted to order the CD collections like Monster Ballads or the #1 hits of the 1970's but never do. LOL

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I bought bare minerals off an infomercial. I also bought this massage chair from Ijoy. It looked so cool. When I got it, it was ripped and it hurt my back really bad so I just sent it back. I was watching an infomercial the other night for a steammop. I can't remember what it was called, but it looked so cool! And for 3 easy payments of 33.35 it could have been mine... sigh

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