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Rich Bride Poor Bride~ New episode!


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I cannot even STAND to watch that show anymore. Before it used to be about trying to swing a great wedding on a budget, and now it's all about name calling, mean wives to be that buy stuff over budget just out of spite and beings c**ts all the time!


The best I saw was the girl was just being a crazy bitch, and the hubby was like "you want drama? YOU WANT DRAMA? The wedding is OFF!!" and stormed out! I laughed and applauded!! HA! TAKE THAT BIATCH!!

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I used to LOVE watching RBPB because it appealed so much to my budget-minded nature. It was a lesson on how to figure out where to splurge and where to save for my upcoming wedding. Unfortunately, the show has descended into drama-rama. Every couple is portrayed poorly nowadays. Whether it be a hysterical bride or an overly controlling husband. The worse part is realizing that these moments do happen (have had a couple myself) but you know these get blown out of proportion for the sake of higher ratings. Yech. I see RBPB auditions areas at bridal shows and want to scream... "Don't do it unless you want to be tv edited into becoming a monster!"

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Originally Posted by Debs View Post
Also, in most of the episode's I've watched lately, they go WAAAY over budget. I thought the point of the show was to show how NOT to go over budget??
I agree. They have been going over budget ALOT. I watch because I like to see what people get for their money, but if its going to be like this last episode I'll probably skip it.
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I remember watching that episode a while back with the bride who punched a hole in her bathroom wall, that was priceless. If I ever did that, my fiance would kick me out.


I used to TIVO that show, but stopped now because the people are just nuts on it. I would be so embarrassed if I was recorded for millions to see acting like that. I watch Wedding SOS because it's about people who "forget" about stuff for their wedding and have no budget left for it, so that, I can relate too. Plus Jan Dayus Hinch is so cute. I want her to be our wedding planner.


Did anyone see that episode of RBPB with the princess groom? He was insane, I could barely sit through that show. He even looked at his fiance's wedding gown to see if it was up to his standards. Luckily though, she knew that he would do that, so she bought an ugly one to mess with his head.



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Are you serious? Wow, I need to find the link to see that one. I applied today to be on Bulging Brides, but don't think that I will get on. sad.gif


I haven't seen RBPB in awhile just because how crazy the people are. There was one episode that the girl wanted a bus to carry her people in it, and her fiance said no, but she got it anyway. Man, that would be the day.



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Hmmmm, not sure. When I read it in The Knot's bio, she said that it was her first initial inside his initial.


Oh well. Their wedding was very pretty. It would have been really neat on the farm like how he wanted. Very classic, instead they went contemporay. If we were getting married here, we would have done a winter wedding at around 5:30p.m. just when the sun was setting.



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