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Ocean Turquesa & Coral Brides?

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@@MrsSheppardToBe you're probably on your way now and SO CLOSE to being married!! Im am so so excited for you and can't wait to hear!!


@@Marciemarce welcome to the group!  Were both from London (Ont) cool eh?  my FI and I have been on the opposite end of the spectrum planning a larger wedding at OTC so Im afraid Im not a lot of help to you there.  I think i do remember brides on here talking about the creperie which is a very small a la carte and recall brides saying it was small and intimate and perfect for their small group..maybe shoot ana an email about that!  Just kind of echoing what aborgesbride said, put your deposit down on the wedding day at the resort (by using the email and paperwork that @@HwesleyE sent you and give it a couple wks.  then once that is confirmed (and I would also confer your wedding and reception location and time if you're fussy)then have your TA get a "new" quote on the trip and book that.  With a small group you don't need to be as worried about availability of seats on the plane so you've likely got loads of time!

congrats @@SarahWember!!  Cant wait to hear your review :)

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Welcome back @@SarahWember and thank you so much @@HwesleyE and @@BeeJewell you have both put my mind at ease.   I am just waiting to hear back from my TA to see if she handles the emails, or if I do, and worst case scenario if I have still not heard back by the end of June I can have my friend who is fluent in Spanish call down.  Any ideas on how much the deposit is or does it depend on what package you think you may be using? And I suppose they wont charge your card unless they have a date and time available.   @@HwesleyE you mentioned that you have to take an imprint of your cc? So did you guys scan that back to them or fax? Sorry that might be a lame question.... ha ha!


I'm hoping that in the next month that I can say that I am going to be and OTC bride too!

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Welcome back @@SarahWember and thank you so much @@HwesleyE and @@BeeJewell you have both put my mind at ease.   I am just waiting to hear back from my TA to see if she handles the emails, or if I do, and worst case scenario if I have still not heard back by the end of June I can have my friend who is fluent in Spanish call down.  Any ideas on how much the deposit is or does it depend on what package you think you may be using? And I suppose they wont charge your card unless they have a date and time available.   @@HwesleyE you mentioned that you have to take an imprint of your cc? So did you guys scan that back to them or fax? Sorry that might be a lame question.... ha ha!


I'm hoping that in the next month that I can say that I am going to be and OTC bride too!


the number for OCT wedding dept is Tel. 52 (998) 287 2100 | Ext 2004, one time i spoke to a man who had quite broken english and the second time i spoke to ana who could communicate fine, so your spanish speaking friend may not be necessary!  IT was after speaking to ana that got the ball rolling, my confirmation came later that night. The deposit is 250..keep an eye on your cc statement, they charged us a week and a half before i finally called (and spoke to ana) and kind of demanded a confirmation since they had already taken our money.  Turns out the coordinator i had been working with had left the company..im not sure that that is an excuse, but I can understand how things like that can fall through the cracks…ANYWAYS.


​what hanna is talking about is on the credit card authorization form there is a blank rectangle…they want you to put your credit card under the paper and then run a pencil over the top in that rectangle so that the raised numbers and name on your credit card appear in the rectangle..when i was explaining it to hanna i likened it to when we were kids and you would put a leaf under a piece of paper and run over it with a pencil to get a picture of the leaf…strange but thats what they want..we forgot to do that the first time we tried to send in our paper work.  I scanned my paper work in and sent it to anas email..i think thats easiest..then you have a paper trail of it too. you can go to staples to do that if you don't have a scanner.


hope this helps!

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Well, I'm a Mrs! We just got back from OCT a few weeks ago. I have to say, it all went smoothly, there was no fuss, it was gorgeous, and we hada a dream wedding. If anyone has any questions, email me at sarah8196 at gmail.com I plan to write out a full review, but it's been hectic since getting back...it might just be easier to answer questions! I was lucky enough to become friends with a girl I met on this forum, and we were married a few day apart from one another-- so having each other there at the same time, and celebrating together, seeing each other's weddings, it was really, really cool!!! Hope everyone's planning is going well!


Congrats Sarah!!!! So happy for you!


Did you happen to use the resorts hair or makeup for your wedding???

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Congrats Sarah!!!! So happy for you!


Did you happen to use the resorts hair or makeup for your wedding???


Thank you!! Yes, I did use the salon for hair and makeup. It came with my package. I was nervous, and brought a lot of my own makeup for them to use (really good foundation, waterproof mascara, etc) but they ended up having a ton of stuff. They did a REALLY great job. I was REALLY nervous. I hardly wear makeup on a regular basis, so I didnt' know how it would turn out, but they did a great job. My mom had hers done, too...and was more than pleased.


Here's a wedding selfie hahaha (you can't see the hair that great, but it really stayed all day, which I was surprised, with the wind.) My hair stayed put all through the trash the dress session the day also!






Here's hair and makeup the next day, it held up!



Also, if you're trying to plan what time you should go to the salon (this was one of my concerns) I scheduled mine for 2...and I  had to be back at my room to meet the girls for pictures at 4:30. It was perfect timing. Took about 40 min for makeup, and the rest of the time was hair. Ceremony was at 6. So the timing worked out well.

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Ya looks great! Im very relieved lol! I was kinda stressing about the hair part mostly, especially since my hair gets very frizzy...but looks great! very excited! Even happier to know that the curls didn't come out or anything!

Good to know!


thanks Sarah!

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Ya looks great! Im very relieved lol! I was kinda stressing about the hair part mostly, especially since my hair gets very frizzy...but looks great! very excited! Even happier to know that the curls didn't come out or anything!

Good to know!


thanks Sarah!


I have naturally wavy and very tangly hair that DOES NOT stay curled, AT ALL...ever. So this was a concern of mine. But they all stayed put, to my surprise. You'll be in good hands. They know what they're doing in there!

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It will have been 2 weeks on Monday since I sent a wedding date request to the WC. I even had my TA follow up on my email. Still haven't heard anything...*sigh* Planning to wait until Monday and then ask my TA to call. I just want to order my invitations and start getting people's trips booked.


@@Marciemarce have you heard anything back?


@@SarahWember Congrats!!! I'm new to the forum, but love hearing other brides reviews. I'm sure I will have some questions for you! I can't see your hair/make-up pics on my work computer, but am excited to check them out when I get home.

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