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Share your wedding NIGHTMARE...

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I unfortunatley just experienced my first dream about my wedding day and it was not a fun one to experience sad.gif


We were getting married in an old smelly house that had wood panelling on the walls and shaggy orange carpet. My FH didn't understand why I was so upset so instead of fighting with him about the location I was tryng to hide my feelings. So I went to get ready and suprise... I had no shoes, no veil, no jewelry!!!! I was freaking out and no one understood why. My mom was there and I remember she was so calm and patient like nothing was wrong. I was so upset, crying the whole she-bang. AWFUL, awful, AWFUL!


It was horrible...regardless we ended up getting married in this stinky ugly house and I was a mess of a bride. I remember I thought about calling off the ceremony but i didn't.


God I can only hope for better dreams in regards to this wedding. I still feel the anger and disapointment from the dream LOL

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I dreamed that I picked out the PERFECT dress...it was my dream dress! I sent it away to have it altered....they'd turned it into a size 6 (ya right i'm fitting into that hahaha), dyed it red, and cut it to just below my knee.

It was the day before we were leaving for Mexico, I had no time to find another dress, so I had to suck it up...I ended up walking down the aisle looking like a big fat red oompa loompa with the back of my dress undone because it was way too small.

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I dreamed that it was the day before the wedding and I was at my childhood church at my wedding rehersal and I didn't have my shoes or my veil yet or an appointment to get my hair done and it was going on 6PM. This was one of many that I have had. Scarey :)

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Originally Posted by mexicomelissa View Post
I dreamed that I picked out the PERFECT dress...it was my dream dress! I sent it away to have it altered....they'd turned it into a size 6 (ya right i'm fitting into that hahaha), dyed it red, and cut it to just below my knee.
It was the day before we were leaving for Mexico, I had no time to find another dress, so I had to suck it up...I ended up walking down the aisle looking like a big fat red oompa loompa with the back of my dress undone because it was way too small.

I had a kind of similar one...

Right after we first got engaged, like 2 days after (aka 9 months ago lol) I dreamt that I had planned everything, but never thought to get a dress. So, the DAY of the wedding I decided to go to the mall (of all places!) and I found this really hideous neon blue dress and it was the only dress in the mall that came in my size. So I had to suck it up and wear it - I don't think I got far enough into the dream that I actually saw myself walking down the aisle... I'm pretty sure I woke up in a cold sweat lol.

That's the only one I've had so far... which is weird since I talk 'wedding' ALLLLLL the time. I'm pretty sure people are going to start avoiding me so that they don't have to listen to it anymore.

I'm pretty sure I'll be adding to this thread again in the future lol...
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Originally Posted by kay726 View Post
I dreamed that it was the day before the wedding and I was at my childhood church at my wedding rehersal and I didn't have my shoes or my veil yet or an appointment to get my hair done and it was going on 6PM. This was one of many that I have had. Scarey :)
Mine was sorta similar to yours... i wonder what it all means. I have a dream book (I'm a dork) but I don't know what to look up. Grrr
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Originally Posted by mgreen View Post
Mine was sorta similar to yours... i wonder what it all means. I have a dream book (I'm a dork) but I don't know what to look up. Grrr
I wonder what it means also. I think those type of dreams have turned me into a neurotic anal freak with my wedding planning. I swear I have never been this anal about anything in my entire life. smile105.gif

If you do find the meaning to this dream, please let me know. :)
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