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Are Any Other Canadian BDW Gals Keeping Current on the Federal Politics These Days?


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Originally Posted by BC Bride2be View Post
If it does happen I hope it goes to a vote again.. then at least Canadians would be the ones making the decision... not the suits in Ottawa..
OR I should say.. the one suit in Ottawa...our attorney general has a tough decision to make. would hate to be in her shoes right now!
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I am by no means an expert on Canadian politics, but this whole coalition thing is pissing a lot of people off. I have little trust in Harper, but absolutely NO trust in Dion, Layton or Duceppe. I hope this doesnt go to another vote - what an astronomical waste of tax payers dollars that would be.

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OK, so not being a Canadian citizen, I wasn't actually allowed to vote in the last election, but I've lived here for the past 3.5 years and intend to make it my permanent home so I consider that I have quite a stake in what goes on too...


My understanding of the reason for the Coalition is that with the continuing economic downturn, Harper and the Conservatives have refused to offer any kind of economic stimulus package and so they're an enormous enormous liability. Canada is actually the only major world power without an economic stimulus plan. This all of us here wide open to the recession. Harper's philosophy is that free markets will eventually take care of themselves and we'll all be fine if we just ride this out. I know the guy was educated as an economist and so he thinks he's the expery, but he's currently the only leader in the free world standing by this theory. Even worse, Harper has proposed to cut spending which would do away with or pair down essential services and supports that Canadians will need now more than ever.


While I agree completely with others here that Dion is not a good pick for Prime Minister, I don't think that what Harper and the Conservatives have been doing (or not doing as the case may be) necessarily represents the will of the people or Canadian values (I don't want my health care benefis reduced) or even what is being considered common sense by other world class economists and leaders. And right now I'm not sure that we have the time to wait another 4-6 months to see what happens...there was an expectation of the Conservatives to act to protect the country and they have and are continuing to fail to meet it. Even if all this does is put the focus on the urgent need for this than I can see that it has some value.

(I understand politics can be quite a hot button topic so please know it was not my intention to offend anyone at any point...I am always happy to respectfully agree to disagree on subjects like this)

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Well said Julia, and your right not everyone will agree with you (and me) Harper was also trying to revoke people's right to strike and not allow for owed back pay. FI is in an union without a contract for three years, Whatever your opinion is of unions they have been around while and to change it like that is going to have backlash.

Maybe they should suspend government for a month to allow everyone to cool off and get all the facts straight. I just don't want to see the attack ads.

This coalition agreement has already changed the face of Canadain politics, lets take and moment to understand fully what it means.

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