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Our AHR was this weekend & I have to vent....


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Celina, that sucks! I'm so sorry. smile27.gif

I don't blame you for being livid! I probably would never invite them to anything EVER again myself.


You shouldn't stay quite though, make sure you let them know what's on your mind!!voodoo.gif

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Awwww, I am so sorry. Sometimes people don't realize how much time, money and effort it takes to put together a AHR. My best advice would be to let it go and enjoy your life with your new husband. If your dad's family doesn't want to be apart of it, they don't have to. Thier loss! I am also curious...what did your dad have to say about it?

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So sorry to hear this has happened to you. Like the others have said, people can be selfish, inconsiderate, a-holes. I do hope that regardless of this you, your husband and children managed to have a good time with those who did show up. Big hug, I know what it's like to have family like that.

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OMG I cannot believe what jerks they are. They are beyond jerks. They are complete and utter evil f*&^tards. This is beyond anything I could ever even imagine. I would go completely postal on their butts. voodoo.gif


Seriously, it's kind of funny that they knew how to RSVP (most of our guests don't), but didn't stick to what they RSVP'd.


And what kind of imbicile doesn't understand that a formal gathering with food = $$$ for the host?


I want to just run all of them over right now.

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i can't believe that! It's one thing to expect a few not to show, but 70?! Sounds similar to my Dad's side of the family...but I already know they won't be invited to my AHR...

I'm so sorry that happened to you...I can't believe how rude and selfish people can be sad.gif

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