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BDW Biggest Loser: Season V ~ Official Thread ~ FINAL Results Posted


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WOW... I've been gone for a while and look how many pages of threads I have to catch up on. Whew.... work has been hectic (and cutting into my workout time) but this lovely colon cleanse and detox program I'm on have been helping me with the weight loss. Yay!

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Congratulations to ...

Marianna -3.235% !!!!! (wow!)
Jacilynda (Jacilyn) -2.416%
Shannond4156 (Shannon) -1.828%
Kla.Kari (Kari) -1.653%
MarieSam -0.964%
laycj18 -0.936%
flygirl (Trish) -0.924%
Kristy! -0.852%
Sensatori Bride (Mesita) -0.802%
Sapphire723 (LeAnne) -0.687%
mummergirl (Lisa) -0.618%
KLC77 (Kelly) -0.436%
JLC (Jamie) -0.367%
syl1115 (Sylvia) -0.330%
lscilley (Leslie) -0.301%
Janet -0.258%
Hunnyhun921 (Khajeesah) -0.167%
ccrytser (Carrie) 0.000%
deefalvey (Deanna) 0.000%
OROBride1008 (Maria) 0.110%
jrodsgirl (Rosel) 0.374%
Prettyhazardous (Ashley) 0.833%
Bianca 1.040%
jpitts78 (Joanne) 1.288%

Just Martha <didn't receive anything>
S2BLennon (Kim) <didn't receive anything>
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Congrat Marianne.

OMG you guys don't know how much I wanted to quit this week. I'll be honest and say that I'm doing nothing to lose weight at this time. The only thing I'm doing is not easting as much sweets and replacing them with fruits and veggies. I hate Bally and of course we got a 3 year contract so now I'm basically checking in and leaving out so that I can have 17 workouts in 60 days so I can leave my contract. My FI is soo mad at me ab this becasue he really didnt want me to join Ballys and now we make be stuck n this contract. I do however want to join Planet Fitness bc it's only $10 a month with no contract. Thatsb much better for someone like me. Oh well I realize I suck at this biggest loser thing but I'm gonna stick in there.


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Congrats Marianna - lets keep up the work ladies! A lot of us went off the path this week but lets not get discouraged. I know with the Super Bowl coming up we will all (or most) be tempted - just remember to choose the better treat :)



FI fell off the porch this past weekend and fractured his shoulder so he's in a bum about not being able to go to the gym and said he'd just have to bundle up and go for a brisk walk.....well I got one up on him - I suggested Mall Walking! So that will be out new activity starting today. I've never been mall walking LOL

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Congrats Marianne! Great job to everyone else! You guys are doing awesome!


I will admit I am getting a little discouraged with my roller coaster of a ride. I'm trying to hang in, but have definitely become slightly demotivated this week. We are having some neighbors over the Superbowl so I am going to try to behave.

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WOW marianne! that's a huge loss! can we be nosy and ask what you're doing to lose it? LOL


i only lost a little this week again, but at least the number is going down! superbowl is gonna be a killer ... i'm going to try not to drink at all and stick to the peel-n-eat shrimp instead of all the deep-fried goodness. we'll see how that goes ...

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Good work ladies! I can't believe we are already to week four. I hit the three months until the DW date this week, now I just need the scale to keep steadily moving! I am holding off buying any new clothes in hopes that I can reach my goal.


One think I know works for me and has been suggested by my trainer is one free day per week. Doesn't work for everyone, but it really helps me stay away from the temptations all week if I know I can indulge one day of the week.

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