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Excellence Playa Mujeres Brides Post Here!

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No one seems too alarmed about the guy that left, I am assuming that he is fine (and a jerk)... I too feel so much for the bride though. Honestly how does it get to that I wonder? There had to be so many red flags... You´d think you´d know your man enough to know if he were capable of something like that... But enough of that sad talk... You chicks are about to get married in the most gorgeous place ever!!!!


I am so excited for each of you!! We only have 2 more days left here, I cant believe it! Where is the time going??


I was having a glass of wine outside last night and some girl came up to me to compliment me on my dress (that I seriously bought at Marshalls for like $15 bucks... I didnt get one compliment on any of my BCBG dresses!! but ppl swoon over my bargain dress Jeesh ;-) ) anyways, she started small talk and her poor eyes were beat red so I made a joke about the booze getting to her and she said "NO, I havent had one drink, I have been crying all night because I am getting married tomorrow and our wedding coordinator is no where to be found and when I went over everything with her earlier she had all the wrong info and Im so scared that nothing will be right!"


poor thing :(


I told her all about us and myself (she had no idea I just got married here), etc.... Her WC is, surprise, N!


She felt a little better knowing we all felt her pain, I even told her to come on here to vent if she needed to but that I promised everything would turn out gorgeous regardless!!


I miss Gustavo :)


Ok gals, TTYL, Im off to the beach!!

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At this point we're planning to go into Cancun & get our flowers ourselves & we're prepared to have our ceremony on the beach with no music or support. Dinner could be at a non private restaurant. Not what we were hoping for, but it's better than paying for a package that we don't get to enjoy & counting on a coordinator that no longer exists. If I coud I'd book at a different resort with a history of happy (not stressed & crying) brides.

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Have you still not heard from N??? This is crazy. 

Originally Posted by MsBlissMpls View Post

At this point we're planning to go into Cancun & get our flowers ourselves & we're prepared to have our ceremony on the beach with no music or support. Dinner could be at a non private restaurant. Not what we were hoping for, but it's better than paying for a package that we don't get to enjoy & counting on a coordinator that no longer exists. If I coud I'd book at a different resort with a history of happy (not stressed & crying) brides.


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Hello ladies,


I'm new to this forum but so excited to read all your posts. I'm getting married at EPM on March 23, 2103. I'm going to Mexico later this month (a trip that was already planned before choosing Mexico for my wedding-a bunch of family and friends celebrating my brother's 50th birthday). I was planning on renting a car while I'm there this month and going to visit EPM, Excellence Riviera Cancun and El Dorado Royale just to make sure I had made the right choice (I have the date held but have until May 1 to send in the contract). But you ladies have seriously calmed all my fears and I don't even feel like I have to go through all that. I'm definitely going to get married at EPM and I'm so excited to be able to check this off my list!


Iciz you have been so helpful with all your posts and you looked absolutely stunning for your wedding! I emailed N last week to ask her some questions. Now I know why I haven't heard from her...if she's not responding to you ladies getting married within a week or so I know she's not responding to me who's getting married a year away!


Looking forward to sharing ideas with you all!



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Oh my God!!! I can't believe you haven't heard from her...this is crazy! Have you called her or at least someone in the wedding coordinator group? Somebody has GOT to be able to answer some questions over there! I must say, you are handling this with incredible grace....you're awesome! I would not be so sane. :( 


Originally Posted by MsBlissMpls View Post

At this point we're planning to go into Cancun & get our flowers ourselves & we're prepared to have our ceremony on the beach with no music or support. Dinner could be at a non private restaurant. Not what we were hoping for, but it's better than paying for a package that we don't get to enjoy & counting on a coordinator that no longer exists. If I coud I'd book at a different resort with a history of happy (not stressed & crying) brides.


Groom's and Bride's information blank.xls

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I CANNOT believe that you still haven't heard from N!  I'm leaving tomorrow and have a meeting set up with Lleny on Tuesday to confirm all of the details, view the venues, and do the menu tasting.  She hasn't been as responsive lately because she said she has been averaging 2 weddings and a rehearsal dinner a day - but atleast she is responding to me!


So are there definitely 2 different wedding coordinators working at EPM?  I have never received an email signed from 'N', but I have worked with a Nayeli briefly.  I thought for awhile that 'N' and Lleny might be the same person, but now I'm rethinking that.  Is anyone else working with Lleny?


MsBlissMpls, I will ask Lleny about the non-responsiveness and let her know that people are very upset.  Let me know if there is anything I can do to help?  Have you still not even received a wedding planner?!

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Hi Ladies,


I have not been on here lately (sick again...must be the stress of the wedding!) but it seems like i missed a lot! lciz you looked AMAZING!!!!!!! Your pics are great and it is so nice of you to post and help us out while you are on vacation.


I was originally working with N, but somehow I got transitioned over to Llenny. From my understanding, N is the Manager while Llenny is a Coodinator (scary thought of having N as your boss right!).  Llenny is pretty good with getting back to me in a few days. However, after I filled out my wedding planner with ALL of the details I sent it to her and she rejigged it to format it her way. She sends it back to me and half of the details are missing! I had to type her an email listing 15 things again for her to add...and have not heard back. Although at this point I am just thanking my lukcy stars that I somehow got transitioned to Llenny away from N.


MsBlissMpls I would be freaking out if I was you! Not sure how you are keeping so calm but good for you! I will keep my fingers crossed that it all will work out.


I work as an event and wedding planner myself and I just wanted to offer some advice to all of the brides for your big day. First of all I think we all know by now that our weddings will not be perfect. Details are going to go wrong and there is not much on the big day you can do about somethings like if they send the wrong flowers or serve the wrong meals. Those things can't e fixed the day of. However, take control over the things that can be changed. For example, I am having my Fiance go down to the ceremony sight before the ceremony to see if they set things up right according to my site plan. If not, this gives my Fiance time to arrange decor, chairs etc or get them replaced with the right ones before we begin. I am having my sister meet my DJ in the lobby to make sure everything gets set up right and on the day of the wedding before I get hair and make up down my best friend and I are going to the reception site to oversee the set up a bit and that way if there are things that are wrong I can fix them myself quickly or at least tell them what changes to make! It is unfair that we might have to work a bit on my special day but I have put TONS of time and effort into the special details of my wedding and I would rather put in 30 minutes of my time to make sure what I can control I do then leave it up to them and be upset that they screwed it up! Now I am sure that not every brides cares about the details as much as some of us (there are days I wished I was more laid back but I figure in my job I am paid to care about the details so it is so ingrained in me!) but the way I see it, I put hours of my time in before hand so a tiny bit of time on the day of will be worth it. A lot of the things I care about to are things that have special meaning to me or I put in place to make sure we have a really great time. I am also glad that i hired outside vendors for DJ, Hair and Makeup and photographer since it is less the hotel has control of. Plus by bringing a lot of things from home I have saved my budget and also had some fun putting things together. i have also had to tell myself that on the day of to remember that those small details will not ruin my wedding. At the end of the day it is really about our family and friends coming together to celebrate our marriage and nothing else really matters. I love your attitude about it all MsBlissMpls because your attitude really reflects that and I think that is amazing. Issues like getting our money back if something goes really wrong (which I would fight for) can be worked out the next day, but on the day of the wedding the small details I am going to try to ignore since that is not what the day is about. However, if something major goes wrong I am not going to be paying for it! evil.gif


Best of luck to all the brides in our planning. I am so glad that we have had this board to connect us and keep us sane as possible before our big days!

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Welcome Lynn.  It hasnt always been this hectic with EPM.  All the other brides that i have communicated with who previously got married at EPM also had a great wedding.  There is a another bride whose wedding was covered in Essence Magazine that I previously communicated with.  Lciz has been a hreat help to us all.




Originally Posted by danak71 View Post

Hello ladies,


I'm new to this forum but so excited to read all your posts. I'm getting married at EPM on March 23, 2103. I'm going to Mexico later this month (a trip that was already planned before choosing Mexico for my wedding-a bunch of family and friends celebrating my brother's 50th birthday). I was planning on renting a car while I'm there this month and going to visit EPM, Excellence Riviera Cancun and El Dorado Royale just to make sure I had made the right choice (I have the date held but have until May 1 to send in the contract). But you ladies have seriously calmed all my fears and I don't even feel like I have to go through all that. I'm definitely going to get married at EPM and I'm so excited to be able to check this off my list!


Iciz you have been so helpful with all your posts and you looked absolutely stunning for your wedding! I emailed N last week to ask her some questions. Now I know why I haven't heard from her...if she's not responding to you ladies getting married within a week or so I know she's not responding to me who's getting married a year away!


Looking forward to sharing ideas with you all!




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