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What are you walking down the Aisle to?

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I really want to walk down the isle to 'Foxy Lady' by Jimi Hendrix...no seriously :) What do you guys think...honest opinions?? Im not a very traditional person..kind of crazy haha but I really wanted our dog to be our ring bearer (his name is Hendrix) so this is my tribute to im and the greatest guitar player of all time. You guys probably think Im crazy :)

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Originally Posted by kris View Post
I really want to walk down the isle to 'Foxy Lady' by Jimi Hendrix...no seriously :) What do you guys think...honest opinions?? Im not a very traditional person..kind of crazy haha but I really wanted our dog to be our ring bearer (his name is Hendrix) so this is my tribute to im and the greatest guitar player of all time. You guys probably think Im crazy :)
Kris, I think that is a GREAT idea! It's cute and meaningful.I don't think the aisle walk needs to be traditional, it just needs to capture what you two are as a couple. Something that will make both of you smile!
Sidebar: I love your pups name!So cute!
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Originally Posted by Tamster808 View Post
I am walking down the aisle to the Star Wars song. My FI is A huge Star Wars fan. Only one other person knows that is the song. I think everyone will laugh!
HA! Oh my gosh, Tamster that's hilarious! Does your FI know, or will it be a surprise? What a great idea!
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I'm walking down the aisle to a song from "Lost" I think is's called Life and Death it's so pretty and my FI loves it-it reminds his of his mom who passed away.


for the recessional i am still on the fence- either the hawaiian version of "somewhere over the rainbow" OR Simpson's theme- LOL


I still have some time to think about it :)

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