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Anyone have eczema advice?


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I thought I would throw this topic out there and see if anyone could provide some advice about treating eczema.


I developed eczema about 3 years ago or at least that's what my doctor calls it. It seems like the term "eczema" covers any unknown skin condition. It comes and goes and is worse during colder months. I only have it in a few areas thank goodness. When it flares up my skin turns red and white, swells, and itches to the point where cutting my skin with a knife sounds good to give me relief. Crazy, I know! I've been to the doctor several times and also a dermatologist (who I didn't care for). I tried the creams and ointments they prescribed to no avail. I've also tried the Aveeno eczema cream and Egyptian Magic.


Does anyone have a product or treatment they would recommend? I'm getting married in about 9 weeks and would LOVE to get rid of this before the big day. It's currently on my right hand (fingers) and left toes.


Thanks for your input!!!!

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My sister and her daughter both have eczema really bad, but they were both born with it. I'll e-mail her and find out what they use. I know it's some sort of prescription lotion, and maybe a pill. Let me get back to you on this one. I'm so sorry you have this. Have you tried going to a different dermatologist? Maybe you could find one that specializes in eczema in your area.

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What you're experiencing does sound like eczema. I used to have it really bad on my inner arm, and it would flare up really bad in the winter months....plus the itchiness is unbearable!!! sad.gif

I would try using Prevex (a verrrrry moisturizing hand cream) and there's also a Spectro Eczema moisturizing lotion. What kind of body wash do you use?? Make sure it's something very gentle with hardly any perfums in it.

Also something as simple as switching your laundry detergent can be helpful-I had to switch to the kind that have no added fragrances and specfically made for sensitive skin. It has made a world of a difference for me!!

Good luck!!!

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I was born with it and it just sucks!


I use cortizone 10 cream for small flare ups. I also got a prescription cream that works great. Your doctor should be able to hook you up. Changing your detergent is important too. I also can not use Bath & Body products anymore...sad.gif It is like my body goes through a change every few years and then I get it really bad...I then have to change products until it goes away.

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Not sure if I'm allowed to post in the "ladies lounge", but I saw this post in my unread posts section...


...anyways my wife has had eczema since I've known her - she's been through many different creams that either didn't work at all, or worked for a short time. Then, she cut wheat and gluten from her diet and it went away. Not sure if its coincidence or not...

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I have a slight case. I was diagnosed last winter and I had never had it before. My doctor told me to just moisturize as soon as I got out of the shower. I get it on my lower legs. He said to just pat dry and put lotion on right away. Then if I still get little spots I put a cortizone cream he prescribed to me. It usually gets rid of it in a day.

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I'm not going to be very helpful, because it sounds like you've tried all the "regular" stuff, but a friend of mine swears by "Purpose" soap...her doctor recommended it in high school and she still uses it on the outside of her upper arms...you can buy it at any drug store (comes in a blue/white box) which makes me think it wouldn't work so well...but my friend says it cured her so I guess it's worth a shot (her excema probably just went away and she's been using the same crazy soap for 10 years...haha)

Good luck!

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