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I haven't been asked for invitations but I've had people that assume they are invited, telling me how they've never been to cancun and they're going to have a great time there.. I just nodded... By now they should know they're not invited hahahahahaha

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I've had a few people ask me - but I think they were saying it in a kind of joking tone. There will be family members "close" friend who I will not be inviting and I expect a bit of flack then. I am only inviting relatives that I acutally like and ones that I have spoken to within the last decade! They sort of have to meet those standards, otherwise I really don't see the point on my or their end. Having said that, I have not been told that they will be "hurt" is I don't invite them.


As a geeky kind of side note, I have actually prepared answers and jokes for when the situation comes up!

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OMG!! I gave invites to the 4 guys I work for...only for $$, of course! They make tons of $$ so I figured - they get an invite - they give me $$.


WELL it back fired on me!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG TIME!! One of them and his wife booked their trip a few weeks ago. I was like WTF!?!?!?! Y'all are going?? Wow - that's great....NOT!!!!


I guess that's what I get!

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Courtney do share your geeky answers to each situations. I am dying to know what you are going to tell people. LOL.


~Jamy what the hell is wrong with people? I agree with your parents 100%. In all seriousness I make a million jokes on the forum that I am going to crash people's weddings, blah, blah, blah. Clearly everyone knows I am kidding. It's only funny b/c we are forum friends. But I would sooner die than ask someone if I am invited to their wedding. Who the hell does that? That is so rude and tacky. I am embarrassed for your co-worker. smile116.gif


And she had the audacity to tell you that her feelings were hurt? I'm sorry did you just get picked last for dodgeball? What the @#$%? Some people are so socially akward that there is no hope for them. I'm sorry you had to go through that uncomfortable situation.



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I have had this happen to me. People can be so rude but I always assume that they don't know any better (although they should). I just explained that it would be a small wedding in Mexico and they pretty much understood. I also had someone that I invited but didn't think they would ever come to come. It was fine though.

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No I have not experience this but if I did I would just say NO. End of story…


And all my co-workers “feelings†will be hurt b/c I did not waste the time or money to send them an invite KNOWING they are not coming. I do know co-workers that do this. Fine! It is in their budget to waste invites. I already had to waste invites on family who I KNEW were not coming.

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Originally Posted by Nini_Bride View Post
I've had a few people ask me - but I think they were saying it in a kind of joking tone. There will be family members "close" friend who I will not be inviting and I expect a bit of flack then. I am only inviting relatives that I acutally like and ones that I have spoken to within the last decade! They sort of have to meet those standards, otherwise I really don't see the point on my or their end. Having said that, I have not been told that they will be "hurt" is I don't invite them.

As a geeky kind of side note, I have actually prepared answers and jokes for when the situation comes up!
That's me too--- Most of my cousins are so much older than me that I don't even remember them. They remember me and I've been told it is "hurtful" to not invite them too.... Well, sorry, but when we're footing the bill, this is how we keep costs affordable. FI's family is way *huge*... like 130 on his dad's side and 300+ on his mom's side. From both of his sides, we're inviting about 15 people combined. I have about 100 on both my sides and we're sending invites to about 20 of them. The rest is immediate family and our friends.
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I can't even get people that we did invite to come to our wedding, losers! Thats so rude, why would someone want to invite themselves to something, I would feel so mortified if I said something about being invited and I wasn't!


I didn't invite anyone from work, I would have invited my whole department if we had a wedding at home because I love the guys I work with they're great, but theres no way we could all get time off to go to mexico, nor do I think most of them would be able to make it anyway, but they would never ask me where there invitation is!

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This has happened to me several times & I'm kind of relieved that I'm not the only person dealing with this awkward situation. I actually felt embarrassed for these people who clearly have no manners.


I've had at least 4 people ask me where their invitation was or whether they were invited. Another couple just assumed they were invited and started talking about booking a vacation and how much fun they were going to have (umm... WHAT??).


My normal response is laughter & a response like "No. We're really limiting it to immediate family." I don't even mention that some very close friends are coming b/c there's no way that most of these people will ever find out.


I did invite one former coworker who asked (who is a friend, but not super close) b/c he knew we were inviting other friends and, as predicted, he probably won't come anyway. I didn't feel upset about inviting him b/c I do really like him & he's tons of fun. But I'm afraid to take that gamble with someone who might actually spend the $$ to go to Cabo & who I don't want to be around!

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