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Is My Apartment Haunted?


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Originally Posted by Michelle View Post
wow ya that would be freaky! my Grandparents ontime had the freakiest thing happen too....they were both getting ready for bed and then they got a knock on the door. it was paramedics looking for someone who had called 911 for help. My grandparents were like no no one called from here are you sure it was our house? and so the paramedic i guess called dispatch and traced the call and it came from their address and their phone number. well anyways neither of them had called but it definately came from their house and so the paramedics had to search the house to make sure they didnt like kill someone or something and denied calling for help...but ya stuff like that has happened a couple times so im a little scared of their house now!
K, that is SO weird because we also had this happen to US!!!

My Dad's house (where I was living at the time) was built in the 1920's, so there are Maid's Quarters above the garage where someone does live. Well, she was going on Vacation to Florida to see her Mom for Xmas. One night, it's me, my Dad's girlfriend and my Dad just chillin' in our PJ's, and we hear the doorbell ring. It's the COPS! They explain that they had a call from the upstairs apartment and it was a girl screaming and crying - saying that someone had kidnapped her and taken her there!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHFUCKINGAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we explain that no one is home, and are concerned that somehow someone must've gotten up there and was either pulling a joke (the woman who lives there is NOT the joking type at all!) or someone really did kidnap her. wtf.gif (Ok, I'm getting that freaked out feeling again just typing this up! LOL) So the police did the same as they did to your Grandparents - they walked the premises, checked everything out and NADA. I think the call came again after that - an hour or two later? And they came back and this time walked through OUR house. I must say it was pretty funny because my dad's gf at the time was like 24, but she looks like she could be 18. So they're looking from my Dad to his gf to me constantly. rofl.gif Just a funny side note.

Bottom line - they found NOTHING. We NEVER found out what the hell happened!!!!
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I love this stuff too! I have so many stories, the spirits like me for some reason.


The house I grew up in is haunted. There are hardwood floors in the living and dining room and if you step on them they creak. No matter if you try and be quiet. Anyhow, we always heard footsteps on the floors when we were all on the other side of the house, not there were only three of us.


My bedroom light would go on and off all the time. At one point I remember yelling at the air, stop it already, cause I wanted to sleep. I've had my(SIDE NOTE my coworker came into my office and I just screamed...LOL) comforter pulled off of my in the middle of the night too.


A couple of years ago I was visiting my parents and they were BBQ'ing outside. I was opening the sliding glass door to set the table and when I looked out I saw my grandpa sitting on the chair reading the paper. I screamed bloody murder cause he had passed over 15 years ago. The image was picture perfect, it was crazy. It made me happy after the fear passed cause I knew my grandpa was with us waiting for the BBQ like he always did.


I have so many more, but this is just a tidbit.

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Okay, here is another one.


I was 8 years old and my parents and I were in Maui. My dad wanted to go to the top of a mountain to see the big island. We were driving our brand new rental car (we were the first people to drive it) up the hill and it was raining super hard. We saw this lady walking up the hill in the rain. My dad pointed her out cause there was nowhere to walk to. I forgot to mention, my dad moved a no trespassing blockade to get to this view point.


So we went to the top took pictures and then on the way down the car just stopped. My dad was cussing and stuff cause the car was brand new and didn't know what was wrong with it. All of a sudden a swarm of bugs were on top of the car and we couldn't see anything but black. We were rolling up the windows and trying to kill the bugs with rolled up newspapers, while my dad was trying to start the car. The windsheild wipers worked, and then they went swoosh and the lady was right at the window looking at us with a smile. My dad screamed "SHIT!" and the the lady went away. The swarm then took off and the car started...yes it was very spooky! BTW, when my dad developed the pics none of them from the top of the mountain came out.

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wow that is a really creepy story Yari!!!


i have a kind of similar one...my neighbours at the cottage were a lovely Irish couple in their 70s...well the wife passed away and when her husband was at the cottage a month or so later he saw this one butterfly that was always around him when we was outside...well he grabbed his camera (not digital) and put a new roll of film in it and went outside to take a picture of the butterfly...he took alot of pictures and then finished the roll of film that weekend and he heard the roll rewind when it was done....well when he opened the camera to take the film out there was nothing in the camera!! it was empty!! and we know for a fact there was film in it...his daughter and i were standing right there when he put the film in!

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