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How many glasses of water do u drink in a day?

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I hate drinking water - I have to force myself to do it. I just got a new coffee mug for my office and I find if I pour the water from my Nalgene into that I drink way more water. So that helps - but for real, I have to force myself to drink it.

And it's not like I'm drinking other stuff - I have 1 cup of tea in the am and the occasional diet coke. There is something wrong with me. Maybe I'm part camel.

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I only drink water!!! When I was in High School I kept having problems and the doctor final told me that I can't have cokes. So ever since then all I ever drink is water. On occasions I have sweet tea. Of course I pee all the time. Everyone makes fun of me at work, but I can't help it.

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Originally Posted by TAMMYM View Post
Well I drink about 6 glasses a water a day. My DR a few years ago was telling me that 8 glasses was too much for me and that I was flushing out the good stuff.. so I cut back.
Really? I never even thought there was such thing as too much water. I guess it makes sense.
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Last facial I had, I was told that the wrinkles on my fore head were not from age but because my skin was dehydated. She said that if I start drinking more water that they would become less noticable...I'm working on it, I just hate having to constantly going to the bathroom!!!

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