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dont hate me but what is a healthy way to gain weight???


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ok so im thinking this is a post thats very out of place because girls are on their wedding diets but i am wondering what is a healthy way to put on weighthuh.gif After my surgery I lost about 30-35 lbs from being on such a small diet and not having an appetite but i was already on the border of being underweight before and so now im way too small....I get too cold when i go outside and in general its just making me very weak. So now that im not on a restricted diet and have my appetite back im wondering what is a quick and healthy way to get back to a healthy weight againhuh.gif

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michelle, what is your current diet like? (just so we can get an idea to make some suggestions) if you drink milk, you should definitely switch to 2% or vitamin D if you don't already drink milk with fat in it.


can you see a nutritionist? did your doc give you any post-op tips about staying healthy with your weight?

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my current diet is eggs and toast in the morning usually and now im having yogurt too.. for lunch ive been have home made macaroni alot and for dinner we have chicken and veggies and potatoes... the nutritionist hasnt given me a specific diet or told me what to have...and i snack on fruit and junk food during the day too...and i drink alot of water and juice in the day (something ive been told i have to do because of the type of surgery i had)...and for milk my FI has been getting homo milk lately so im guessing that has alot of fat in it...and im taking a liquid vitamin

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i've been there before. i tried to gain weight in high school. i drank protein shakes & switched from skim milk to 2%. I agree with all the advice above. high calorie & healthy foods.


the thing to look out for is once you gain the weight, realizing when to return to normal. i was so used to trying to eat all i could that it took me a while to realize when i could stop. that's another reason why doing it the right way will help. if you gain the weight with big macs & fries it will be a hard habit to break when you want to maintain.

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Don't hate you but wish I had your problem!! In any event, please see a nutritionist to ensure you gain the healthy way. For starters, I would recommend putting whey protein in your milk products, incorporating pastas a few more times a week than usual and drinking 100% fruit juices with fruit mixed in for a blended combo.


I wish you well.

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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
i've been there before. i tried to gain weight in high school. i drank protein shakes & switched from skim milk to 2%. I agree with all the advice above. high calorie & healthy foods.

the thing to look out for is once you gain the weight, realizing when to return to normal. i was so used to trying to eat all i could that it took me a while to realize when i could stop. that's another reason why doing it the right way will help. if you gain the weight with big macs & fries it will be a hard habit to break when you want to maintain.
Agreed, and not only will it be hard to break the habit of eating junk food but also the fact that many people who appear/look skinny and eat whatever they want still might eventually clog their arteries from all of the junk they were eating. Outward appearance isn't always indicative of how healthy someone actually is....their insides might actually be better or worse than some people's, depending on their eating habits.

Also, have you considered maybe lifting some weights to put on more weight? (lol that sounds redundant!) What about incorporating more protein in to your diet?

I'm no nutritionist either, so I couldn't say for sure but I think other things that the girls have suggested such as 2% milk, etc are a good start. Almonds also have healthy fats in them, and I believe that 1/3 cup of almonds (unsalted) has about 25g of fat in it.

Good luck, wish I had your problem! wink.gif
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Make sure you get plenty of protein...more than just chicken at dinner. My trainer has me on protein powder 2-3 times a day and wants me to eat chicken (or something with protein) for lunch and dinner everyday. I am a veggie girl, so it is hard for me to eat so much meat, but if I don't get the chicken in, I just make sure I take my protein powder. Good luck!

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