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How to include a negative mother in planning?

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Well ladies I went last night and saw my mom. She promised to be less negative but somehow I am not believing her. She was getting her new computers so she was already pretty happy. I guess all I can do is wait and see if she follows through or not....

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I was so in your shoes when I was planning my wedding. I think it's harder to brush off negativity when you are under the stress of wedding planning, and it is even tougher when it's your mom being negative. My best advice is to pick your battles and give in to her on things that aren't really important to you just to make her feel like she is part of the process. I can tell you that she won't change over night, but you can change how you handle her. I know it's hard so BIG hugs to you and remember what the whole day is about....you and your soulmate. :)

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