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And I thought a DW would be easy.......Please help!

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To my uderstanding the sand ceremony is in place of the unity candle. You may be able to used sand down there but I would think that if you wanted colored sand you would have to provide that yourself. I'm planning on doing the sand ceremony so I would interested as well to know the process.

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bpayne & Soon2beWed09.......


I'm glad you guys have questions about the Riu Negril, too.


I see both of you are getting married after February, so I will definately post a review and try to figure out how to get pictures posted because I know exactly how it feels to want to know every single piece of information available about how the wedding will go at the resort!!! Which wedding packages are you going with?


The sand ceremony takes the place of the unity candle, and I think it's a neat idea because we are being married on the beach, and I like the verbiage about the sand, once poured together, can not be separated........


Are you guys using True Colors Photography? Or an outside vendor? Or who is this Michael that everyone is talking about?


From what I am able to understand, he is from the photographer from Riu's on the other side of the island and he will come to the Riu Negril for photo's?

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I believe Michael is the photographer that they use at the Riu in Ochos. I'm doing the Royal package. That includes 12 color photos. I'm not sure who exactly the photographer is. This is such a struggle but I'm trying to stay positive. At the same time my MOH is also my TA so I'm driving her nuts as well.


I dont know about you guys but my biggest concern are the flowers and the ceremony decoratons. I wish I new exactly what was offered in the packages.


Pearlygirl, what package did you pick?

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Originally Posted by Soon2beWed09 View Post
Sorry for all the questions...but do u have to prvide ur own sand?
Originally Posted by bpayne View Post
To my uderstanding the sand ceremony is in place of the unity candle. You may be able to used sand down there but I would think that if you wanted colored sand you would have to provide that yourself. I'm planning on doing the sand ceremony so I would interested as well to know the process.
Ladies, there are lots of threads that have info on sand ceremonies. Just do a search & they should come up. Here's one that is fairly recent:

Also to answer your question, yes, you have to provide your own sand. You can buy sand in any color from a craft store, or from online vendors. Some people also chose to use sand from the beach at their destination. Also, ROR does not charge you for doing a sand ceremony. You just have to let Chandlyn know that this is something that you want to do.
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I am also going with the Royal Package, we'll only have 12 guests. I just posted a reply on the thread about the flowers. I'm getting myself confused going back and forth between threads!




Thanks for helping us newbies out! The search is a great tool and there is a ton of information on this site, but some threads become more personalized to the writer as they go on. After spending so many hours on this site (instead of getting my work done...oops!), I just had to write my own question.

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Originally Posted by pearlygirl View Post

I meant JustUsTwo, not justthetwoofus....sorry.

That's how confused I am!?!?!

Its ok, I totally understand. I know it all seems like alot of info but you'll get the hang of it & everything will fall into place. Just make a list of things you need to do & go down the list. So you said you're struggling with flowers right now. Decide if you want to go with the resort florist and compare that to going with an outside vendor if thats an option for you. Then, move on to photography, then your reception, etc. I found it easier to manage when I made a list & then worked from that trying to focus on one thing at a time.
The fact that you're here on BDW definitely gives you an advantage cuz there's so much info.
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Originally Posted by Anna83 View Post

5. We're not having any attendants.....I've been the MOH in a few weddings, plus my FI's sister is a very good friend, I'd never be able to pick an MOH without hurt feelings.....So who are my 4 witnesses? Can it just be our parents? Do they just sign some papers?

It can definately just be your parents. I don't think you even have to have 4. We are having my brother and FI's sister be our witnesses since we don't have a wedding party.

I don't know if anyone else was told this, but my TA said Chandlyn asked her for the names of four witnesses, two each, and none of them could be related to either of us. She said that this is one of the reasons that destination wedding packages offer "witnesses," because often there are only family members in attendance.
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