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"The Straw That Broke This Camel's Back"


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I am with you on this one!


I gained 10 dating my finace...then another 10 in cancer weight (he has it...trying to get him to eat...you eat...not good)! Well, heck the dog gained 8 too during that time...so it isn't hard to gain weight!


I am trying to get 20 off by April...but it is freakin' hard!


PLease don't let it get you down! I think the fact that he makes you feel so comfortable with yourself that it is awesome! However, my mom lost a ton from cutting down on cheese and eating items with less than 10% saturated fat...and that is my new method...oh and walking!


Good Luck! You can do this...we have been there or are there!

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Sadly, I think your story is all too normal for some of us. I was skinny when I met Matt (after having gained weight with a previous boyfriend and then losing it all), and I started to pack on the lbs as soon as I met Matt practically. It's the eating, drinking, fun stuff that new couples do! I lost some for the wedding, but I've gained it back again. So it's an ongoing battle. Weight Watchers is the way to go though! I lost about 10 lbs on that before the wedding and it was really easy to do. It's totally about breaking habits and learning portion control. Good luck!

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I've been there too! (still there actually...but on the right track!)

I just started walking my dog (usually 15-20 mins twice a day) and cutting back on my portions (and carbs!). Instead of having a sandwhich and a huge honkin salad I'll have an open faced sandwich (one slice of bread) and half a salad, or a cup of soup. You'll be surprised with what effect it has! It's not a quick process by any means, but it works!

Good Luck!

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Originally Posted by DallasAshli View Post
That is too funny! smile120.gif I think lots of us have had that moment - whether seeing a picture or the number on the scale :)

I lost 25 pounds on WW, so I know it can be done! I have another 5 to go for the wedding since I will be in a bikini in front of family & friends. Tracking is great...and it teaches you to pay attention to how much you consume!
I had the same moment last night!! I started to look through pictures on my KodakGallery (both myself and all of my friends use it post pics of our 'outings' and celebrations).. I freaked and barely recognized myself from pics 2 - 3 years ago compared to now. I was showing my BM some of them today from 3 years ago and she said "OH... is that really you?" wtf.gif She knew me back then.. LOL. I guess when it happens gradually; none of us realize it.
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I gained 50+ pounds in the time that my husband and I have been together, 6 years.


Not fun. I still have the jeans I wore on our first date. They were KIDS SIZE!!!!! I will get back into them one day! LOL


Easy fixes are to cut out excess carbs and sugar. Quit drinking sodas and juice and try to just drink water. Watch how much salt and alcohol you take in because it makes you bloated.


I use Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople a FREE online weight loss site. It has amazing food calculators, fitness trackers, articles, meal plans/grocery lists etc.


I've lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks just by keeping track of my foods. If I know I have to write it down, I'm less likely to eat the 400 calorie slice of chocolate cake.


Try to sneak in exercise any way you can. Park farther away from your building, take the stairs, suck your stomach in, and be more active on the weekends.


I know it's hard, but you can do it! Good luck!

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You are definitely not alone! I joined WW online too very recently, and it is totally working! I have already dropped 5 lbs, which was so hard for me to do before! Now i have 10 to go and i will be so happy. So stick with the program, watch what you eat, exercise and the pounds will drop away. Your wedding day will be even more satisfying when you feel better about yourself.


Good luck!

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Originally Posted by Kelly C View Post
If it makes you feel better I gained 30 pounds in 2yrs since I meet my hubby. Yout not alone. Just hang in there. My trainer said to write down everything you put in your mouth. That will hold you accountable. Good Luck.
I agree with Kelly...accountability is the key. It has helped me tremendously.
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