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Originally Posted by nicc80 View Post



Thanks beach bride!! My wedding is in 4 weeks! I have neglecting this

Blog... Overwhelmed and busy. I will PM soon.



is everything decided, booked, fixed?

Location, arrangments, shoes, reception,...?

I would like to be there again :-)

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Hello everyone!!  My fiance and I are planning to get married at SMB on 2/22/2013, but are a little concerned about the planning aspect of it all...  Hopefully, some of you can give us some answers and much appreciated advice!!  Here goes...


1.  We would like for all guests (less than 20, more like 15) to stay at another resort.  The reason for this is that SMB is quite pricey and we would like to give our guests other options, and also, it's gonna be our honeymoon so we kinda want to be alone.  cool.gif


If guests stay at another Secrets resort (Silversands, Capri, The Vine), is there still a charge to get on the property for the welcome bonfire and wedding activities??  (assuming the bonfire and wedding/reception will be a couple of days apart...)??  I really hope this is an option, so that our guest won't have to pay $100/day to get on the site for each activity.  That would really be a bummer.  sad.gif


2.  We have chosen the Ultimate Package.  I know this includes all white.  We like the idea of small pops of color and LOTS of lighting (reception is after sunset).  Can certain portions of the package be exchanged for credit to use on decor/lighting??  (ex.  no photography or video in exchange for flowers, cake, or lighting credit)  Since photography is one of the main expenses, we don't wanna "pay twice."  


3.  Photography is extremely important to us, since our guest are just close family and very few close friends.  We will be having a reception when we get back home for all others, so we want to have these photos to show them, as if they were there with us.  woot.gifWe want to hire an off-sight photographer, as to avoid the "typical" photos that the resort guys usually do...  We want other photos of us (not ceremony), such as in the abandoned building next to the resort, beach photos, and others.  My concern is that our ceremony is mid afternoon and reception is after sunset (only allowing about 1 hour in between for photos.  Would it be weird to get photos made before we get married, so we can catch some of the good light and sunset in them??  Any advice ladies??


4.  Ahhhh yes... the MUSIC!  


Welcome Bonfire - we wanted to use the Mexican Trio that is included in the Ultimate package for the cocktail hour/welcome bonfire, so this leaves the ceremony and reception to consider.  


Ceremony - I would love to have a violinist play at the ceremony, but SMB's price for that is too expensive.  Anyone used an off sight violinist or string quartet??  Cost?  The other option is to use our own music... which leads to the next question... 


Reception - the options are to either bring our own music and rent their sound system (which is WAAAY overpriced, IMHO) or bring our music and a portable sound system.  Which is worth it??  I am open to any and all experiences with either - love it? hate it? any regrets??


5.  We will most likely be using Expedia to book our trip - will wedding package payment be expected before we arrive, or mostly after we've arrived and chosen what we want?  I've read that there are more options than that are listed on the site...  I'm really just a control freak and a little stressed about choosing so many things without seeing them...  BangHead.gif    Does the planner (Cecelia) send photos of other options or at least options listed upon request?  (ex.  lanterns vs. lighting balls *or* chair covers vs. different colored sashes, etc)


Sorry for the long post ladies, but I am starting to get stressed just thinking about planning!!  Any answers or advice is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!


Thank ladies!

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Hello Ladies!  My fiance and I are planning our wedding at SMB on February 22, 2013.  I have some concerns and questions about the actual planning, so here goes...  


1.  If our guests choose to stay at another Secrets resort (Capri, Silversands, or The Vine), is there still a charge to get on the grounds for each day's activities??  Our welcome bonfire and wedding/reception will be a couple of days apart and this would be a definite bummer, since SMB is so pricey...


2.  We have chosen the Ultimate Package - can certain parts be exchanged for credit to use for others?  (ex. no photography in exchange for decor allowances)


3.  We plan to hire an off-sight photographer to capture our day - we want to get some really cool photos in all types of light, so would it be weird to shoot in our wedding attire BEFORE the ceremony??  I figure we may as well take advantage of the scenery since it's a destination wedding, after all!  wink.gif


4.  Ahhhh, the MUSIC!!  We would like to use the Mexican Trio during the welcome bonfire/cocktail hour (haven't quite decided which one we'd like to do...)


Ceremony - we would love to hire an off-site string quartet or a single violinist to use... any suggestions on who/if to use??  However, if it's just not in the budget, we may have to bring our own instrumental music and use a sound system.  What did you guys do??


Reception - definitely want to use our own music!  So the question is (and this goes for the ceremony as well, should we decide not to hire live music...) - Is it best to buy a Bose portable sound system and use an iPod or just "suck it up" and pay the outrageous fee to use the resorts sound system?  What did you use?  Did you love it??  Any regrets??


5.  We will most likely be booking through Expedia.com - is payment for the Ultimate Wedding package due immediately or upon arrival?  I would really rather see the options in person and have the option to make any changes before agreeing to anything.  I have read in the forums that Cecelia will show other options not listed on the website - any truth to this??  Also, I would like to sit down and discuss customizing and/or exchanging anything before agreeing to pay first. 


Any help or advice is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!


THANKS LADIES!!  cheesy.gif

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Thanks for the info Beachbride....was the DJ "cheesy" at all?  My fiance and I love the idea of having a dj as well but are worried that he will be sort of juvinille or annoying.  Thoughts?



Originally Posted by beachbride2013 View Post

Newloves-I know this is directed at Cri, but just for info, I had the sound system on the beach. I had 20 guests and don't think anyone would have heard anything without it. It stormed really bad earlier that day and was pretty windy. The veil wasn't a problem though. A bridesmaid can tuck it into the back of your dress when you get up there if it's super windy and it won't blow and will look normal from the front. Just let them know before the ceremony to keep an eye for it blowing everywhere.


Also, speaking of sound system, etc. I remember a few people saying they would use an ipod and ipod dock for their sound system during the reception. Just some food for though here.

We brought an ipod and good quality ipod dock with loud volume to use for the bonfire on the beach. It was pointless. There was a wedding reception going on at the wedding gazebo and they had a DJ. You couldn't hear ours and it just sounded like a mess trying to play it while the DJ was playing at the reception. If there isn't a reception you will be fine...otherwise it's just pointless. We were fine listening to the DJ music though.


We did our reception at the Barracuda Terrace. It's just on the opposite side of the pool from the wedding gazebo. There was another reception that started shortly after mine at the gazebo. The DJ's will work to make sure one doesn't drown out the other, but if you had an ipod dock (no sound system) you will basically be out of luck. The DJ music is very loud and it will drown out any ipod dock imo. I was soooooo glad that I chose the DJ because our reception would have been completely different. Just keep that in mind, and maybe check to be sure that there aren't 2 wedding receptions going on at those locations at the same time if you are planning to bring an ipod dock and not use the resort sound system or DJ. If you have the DJ it isn't a problem at all. They will communicate with each other to get the right volume so that one isn't heard over the other. The DJ/MC made the reception the awesome party that it was though, so if it's in the budget I would go for that. We just used the resort DJ and were glad we did.

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Originally Posted by msop04 View Post


Hello everyone!!  My fiance and I are planning to get married at SMB on 2/22/2013, but are a little concerned about the planning aspect of it all...  Hopefully, some of you can give us some answers and much appreciated advice!!  Here goes...


1.  We would like for all guests (less than 20, more like 15) to stay at another resort.  The reason for this is that SMB is quite pricey and we would like to give our guests other options, and also, it's gonna be our honeymoon so we kinda want to be alone.  cool.gif


If guests stay at another Secrets resort (Silversands, Capri, The Vine), is there still a charge to get on the property for the welcome bonfire and wedding activities??  (assuming the bonfire and wedding/reception will be a couple of days apart...)??  I really hope this is an option, so that our guest won't have to pay $100/day to get on the site for each activity.  That would really be a bummer.  sad.gif


2.  We have chosen the Ultimate Package.  I know this includes all white.  We like the idea of small pops of color and LOTS of lighting (reception is after sunset).  Can certain portions of the package be exchanged for credit to use on decor/lighting??  (ex.  no photography or video in exchange for flowers, cake, or lighting credit)  Since photography is one of the main expenses, we don't wanna "pay twice."  


3.  Photography is extremely important to us, since our guest are just close family and very few close friends.  We will be having a reception when we get back home for all others, so we want to have these photos to show them, as if they were there with us.  woot.gifWe want to hire an off-sight photographer, as to avoid the "typical" photos that the resort guys usually do...  We want other photos of us (not ceremony), such as in the abandoned building next to the resort, beach photos, and others.  My concern is that our ceremony is mid afternoon and reception is after sunset (only allowing about 1 hour in between for photos.  Would it be weird to get photos made before we get married, so we can catch some of the good light and sunset in them??  Any advice ladies??


4.  Ahhhh yes... the MUSIC!  


Welcome Bonfire - we wanted to use the Mexican Trio that is included in the Ultimate package for the cocktail hour/welcome bonfire, so this leaves the ceremony and reception to consider.  


Ceremony - I would love to have a violinist play at the ceremony, but SMB's price for that is too expensive.  Anyone used an off sight violinist or string quartet??  Cost?  The other option is to use our own music... which leads to the next question... 


Reception - the options are to either bring our own music and rent their sound system (which is WAAAY overpriced, IMHO) or bring our music and a portable sound system.  Which is worth it??  I am open to any and all experiences with either - love it? hate it? any regrets??


5.  We will most likely be using Expedia to book our trip - will wedding package payment be expected before we arrive, or mostly after we've arrived and chosen what we want?  I've read that there are more options than that are listed on the site...  I'm really just a control freak and a little stressed about choosing so many things without seeing them...  BangHead.gif    Does the planner (Cecelia) send photos of other options or at least options listed upon request?  (ex.  lanterns vs. lighting balls *or* chair covers vs. different colored sashes, etc)


Sorry for the long post ladies, but I am starting to get stressed just thinking about planning!!  Any answers or advice is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!


Thank ladies!


Dear future bride, welcome to SMB brides!

I can answer only partially to your questions;


2. If you but Ultimate package you can have some credit if you don't use any service, this expecially if you upgrade the service. For example if you want a bigger photo packet you can pay the upgrating or if you want more flowers, in my case, I have added flowers to the canopy but I didn't want corsages and extra boutonniere so I received credit for the flowers not used and I have spent to canopy flowers.

If you don't want at all one service, for example video, you will receive partially the credit.

3. My reception was at 5.00 and when my guest were at the cocktail hour we have taken pictures in the abandoned mansion. For pictures on the beach during the day you can fix one other session some days after. The photographer in the resort (Adventure phjotos) gives one session of 45 minutes for free and you can purchase ony the pictures that you like.

Remember, you must pay 20$ tip to go in the old mansion

4. Mexican trio. At the beginning I have booked them for cocktail hour but at the end I have change and I have booked them for the dinner. This is because you will not be with your guests during the cocktail (you will be with the photographer) and we didn't want miss them.

5. I have booked my owne the rooms and I have used otel.com with the 10% of discount thet you can have booking by facebook. This is the best rate I have found.


Cecilia can send you more option if you ask  something special but I suggest you to fix as soos as possible before arriving to the resort, they need time to arrange everythings. Flowers and menu should be choosen at least one week before.

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Thanks CriCri!  I never thought about not being with my guest during cocktail hour... There is one question that will greatly affect where my guests stay, and that is


"If guests stay at another Secrets Resort, do they still have to pay $100/person/day to get on the property?"


My family would like to stay at Silversands or Capri, but not necessarily if they have to pay so much just to get to the welcome dinner and wedding day activities...


Is there someone I can email to ask these questions??  Would a travel agent know this??  We've got to book as soon as we hear back from Cecelia about the dates we submitted on the wedding request form. 


Thanks again!   cheesy.gif




Originally Posted by CriCri View Post


Dear future bride, welcome to SMB brides!

I can answer only partially to your questions;


2. If you but Ultimate package you can have some credit if you don't use any service, this expecially if you upgrade the service. For example if you want a bigger photo packet you can pay the upgrating or if you want more flowers, in my case, I have added flowers to the canopy but I didn't want corsages and extra boutonniere so I received credit for the flowers not used and I have spent to canopy flowers.

If you don't want at all one service, for example video, you will receive partially the credit.

3. My reception was at 5.00 and when my guest were at the cocktail hour we have taken pictures in the abandoned mansion. For pictures on the beach during the day you can fix one other session some days after. The photographer in the resort (Adventure phjotos) gives one session of 45 minutes for free and you can purchase ony the pictures that you like.

Remember, you must pay 20$ tip to go in the old mansion

4. Mexican trio. At the beginning I have booked them for cocktail hour but at the end I have change and I have booked them for the dinner. This is because you will not be with your guests during the cocktail (you will be with the photographer) and we didn't want miss them.

5. I have booked my owne the rooms and I have used otel.com with the 10% of discount thet you can have booking by facebook. This is the best rate I have found.


Cecilia can send you more option if you ask  something special but I suggest you to fix as soos as possible before arriving to the resort, they need time to arrange everythings. Flowers and menu should be choosen at least one week before.

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Originally Posted by msop04 View Post


Thanks CriCri!  I never thought about not being with my guest during cocktail hour... There is one question that will greatly affect where my guests stay, and that is


"If guests stay at another Secrets Resort, do they still have to pay $100/person/day to get on the property?"


My family would like to stay at Silversands or Capri, but not necessarily if they have to pay so much just to get to the welcome dinner and wedding day activities...


Is there someone I can email to ask these questions??  Would a travel agent know this??  We've got to book as soon as we hear back from Cecelia about the dates we submitted on the wedding request form. 


Thanks again!   cheesy.gif

We're doing our pictures before the ceremony so we don't miss the cocktail hour with our guests.  We're using Juan Navarro.  He and his associates are the photographers included in the package.  I contacted Juan directly and ensured he will be our photographer.  I love his work and after getting quotes from a lot of the other photographers, it just made sense to upgrade our package rather than go outside.  We just have to pay the difference between the listed package prices to upgrade, but Valeria, the other coordinator, told me we would only get $350 credit if we didn't use the photography.  Plus they charge a $100 outside vendor fee. 


I would contact Cecilia about guests staying at Silversand or Capri.  I know they have a deal where they can come to Secrets for dinner, but I'm not sure if that applies to the weddings or not.  It also probably doesn't allow them to spend any kind of extended time there.  That may be what you want, but for us, we want to spend time with our closest friends and family.  That's why we invited them.   

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Originally Posted by msop04 View Post


Thanks CriCri!  I never thought about not being with my guest during cocktail hour... There is one question that will greatly affect where my guests stay, and that is


"If guests stay at another Secrets Resort, do they still have to pay $100/person/day to get on the property?"


My family would like to stay at Silversands or Capri, but not necessarily if they have to pay so much just to get to the welcome dinner and wedding day activities...


Is there someone I can email to ask these questions??  Would a travel agent know this??  We've got to book as soon as we hear back from Cecelia about the dates we submitted on the wedding request form. 


Thanks again!   cheesy.gif

We are having our wedding ceremony at 4pm,  and then pushing our cocktail hour to begin at 5:30pm, that way we dont miss the cocktail hour! We will do photos for the hour between ceremony and cocktail hour!


From what I understand, guest staying at another resort (even if it is Secrets resort), still have to pay $100 per person as a guest fee to come onto the property. I would definitely verify this with SMB, and keep us posted. However, that is what I was originally told several months back from my travel agent when we began this entire process.

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msop04- I have the same situation as you.  A lot of our guests waited too long and the rooms at Secrets sold out so they are all staying at other resorts.  I asked Cecilia about if they stayed at another Secrets if they would be allowed to come to Secrets Maroma for the wedding or other events at night since they have that "dine around program" where you can eat dinner at another secrets for free.  And she just said flat out no they have to pay the day pass every time they come to Secrets Maroma.  I even double checked with the information email at Secrets and they waited a month before they even got back to me and told me to ask my wedding coordinator.  Unfortunately, it looks like there is no way around it.  So, since there was no benefit for them to stay at another Secrets, the guests booked elsewhere.  Good luck with your planning!

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Hi Ladies,

I'm so sorry I've been MIA for a while.  I think I just need a break from wedding stuff.  Im still working on my review, but I can answer any questions.  I'm waiting on the professional pictures and video, but i'll be sure to post them asap.  Juan does post a couple pictures from the wedding to his FB very quickly.  He had them up the same night!  The same for the TTD.



On this one you can see my barefoot sandals.









Here are some teasers from the TTD






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