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How I asked Sol Tamargo to marry me (with photos) longish..

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I think I have to give my side of the story!... if you ladies were tearing up, imagine my self!!!


When Matt emailed me for the first time, sending the engagement photos he shoot of my clients, and writing with great passion about how lucky we were to do what we do, I was instantly touched, and I told to my self: "solecito.. this is a great friend to have!! "..


After a couple of months he finally came (alone his buddy couldn't make it.. fate??).. we hang out for 10 days, and I "knew" he was the one..., at the airport when he was leaving, I told him: "we are meant to be together.. you'll see"... imagine his face.. hahaha!!!.. he told me, wait to meet me a little more, I'm a crazy guy!!!...( I guess I'm crazy too!!)


When he left, I told my friends, I just meet the guy I'm going to marry!!!.. he doesn't know yet, but we will marry.... you'll see...


Well, Matt went back home, with a mexican bacteria in his stomach, but that didn't keep him from returning a month later, 8 pounds skinnier, hahaha..., but back to Mexico and to me...


He already told the story about the hurricane wilma, and our "extra time together"..., then we spent christmas together and the next time we saw each other (the fifht time) was at his sister wedding..., you read the story..., I got a ring!!!... and the photos to tell the story!, didn't he got the greatest idea??... I was clueless...,


So to make a long story short... I am so excited about life!, I meet my parter and soulmate! and we share the passion for what we do!!!


Thanks everybody for all the nice comments!, I can only agree that he is cute!.. haha... and that we are meant for each other...


Our wedding plans for december are still on the process, there are lots of things going on in our life!!!


I'm sooo happy!!!




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