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How I asked Sol Tamargo to marry me (with photos) longish..

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How in the world do 2 photogs in 2 countries with the same passion find one another.... Well as fate would have it, a couple in love planning a wedding got us started in the right direction!


I was on a job in Feb 2005 shooting engagement session for a couple. During the shoot they told me of this amazing photog that they commissioned in Mexico for their destination wedding... The entire time, all they could talk about was her amazing ability to radiate sunshine with the biggest smiles and most gorgeous eyes...plus, her photos were show stoppers! They gave me her website... I figured what the heck, i'll send an email to this stranger and say HOLA. I attached photos from the engagement session and commented on how awesome our jobs were...next thing you know, I had a pen pal in Mexico... So, this was starting to get interesting... and In August, I went to mexico for a visit. I had planned the trip with my roommate, but at the last second he backed out...it would be ME SOLO headed for the sandy beaches...


My world changed the moment we set eyes on each other... I felt immediately seduced by the gaze of her eyes, yet we somehow managed to spend a week of fun filled adventure...we got our diving certification together, and traveled through the Yucatan for 10 days... it was the most amazing adventure ever! We have a million photos to share!!! I'll try to figure out how I can make a link so you can see...


Anyway, after the 10 day trip, once back in Atl...I couldnt wait to get back on a plane to come back...1 month later (and with a bacterial sickness still from my first trip, 8 pounds lighter) I headed back to see her.... the sickness thing lasted for a long time...lots of doctors and lots of patience later, I was healed... Sol was waiting for me at the airport and again, we were on adventures for another week...


I think we shared several visits back and forth, the one that did it for me was a trip Sol planned for Atl, when simulteneously , 2 days after her trip to Atl, Hurricane Wilma formed in the Gulf, and several days later SMASHED Cancun...Her 1 week trip to Atl turned into 1 month. Her town was CLOSED down... It was this trip that sealed the deal, to me. She met my parents and enjoyed amazing adventures with me... When she left, I cried. Hard crying.


SO, I told myself that this isnt a normal thing and for those of you who wonder or not if you are in love...i've heard "ah, you just know when your in love...." yep, I knew!


Advance to March, 2006. My sister planned a wedding in Melbourne FL. I figured that ALL my family would attend, especially my 90 year old Grandmother, who will not be here much longer. This was the perfect chance. After asking my sister, my sis's FH, my parents, my sister's in-laws, if it would be ok for me to propose to Sol, 2 days proir (March 9), they all overwhelmingly said HELL YES, go for it!


SO, I planned it. I asked my friend and amazing photog, Susan Stripling, who I also had hired to shoot my sis's wedding, to come a few days early and sneak up on us in a restaurant.... Sol bought it, hook line and sinking into my trap. Now it was set. Susan was there because of my sis's wedding, so it was normal to have a pro photog there, and soon enough, susan asked us to go out on the pier on the river for some photos... It was like she wasnt even there... Check it out:


(please note that all images copyright Susan Stripling)


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Here are a few that we took of each other...how big of a camera dork am I?


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and lets not forget about Grandma


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So, what chu tink? Cool story?




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What you didn't get down on one knee? LOL I laugh because Cain didn't either when he asked me and I tease him about it from time to time. Great story, you both look so happy together. Is your friend who captured your engagement going to photographer your wedding?

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And the cute just keep gettng cuter!
My thoughts exactly!! lol!

Awesome story! I LOVE hearing how people met, got together, got engaged etc. And apparently I'm turning into quite the sappy girl lately because I totally got a little tear in my eye reading this! Matt cried when Sol left, I cried reading about it... perfect!

Great story...and I love that you have pics of the whole engagement! You guys are going to treasure those forever!

(side note: I am SO glad we didn't have a photog when David proposed...I was a sobbing disaster! That would have made for some ugly, messy pics! Better that the photog was following the lovely Sol around!)
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