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Let’s Get to Know Each Other


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What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?


Marketing Director for a technology company, if I could switch I'd be a house flipper.


2: What is your favorite hobby?


I have temporary obsessions rather than hobbies. Right now it's planning my wedding/AHR, before that finding the perfect house plan, who knows what will be next.


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?


Fourth of July! Grilled food, warm weather and fireworks - what could be better?


4: What is your greatest achievement?


To date ... maintaining nearly perfect credit my entire adult life.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?


Our dog Abbey. She's a crazy little miniature pincher and she cracks me up!


6: What is your dream trip?


A month in Europe with a Eurail pass.


7: What is your favorite food?


Chocolate!!! Must have some every day.


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?


My mother.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?


Periwinkle blue. Not sure why I love it, but always have.


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?


On a warm beach.


11: How many siblings do you have?




12: What is your biggest fear?


Tight spaces and cows ... don't ask.


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?


Chocolate chip pecan pie


14: Do you have a nickname?


Several, but the one that has stuck around the longest is Wart. Brothers, what can you do?


15: What causes do you support?


American Heart Association


16: What is your guilty pleasure?


Reality TV!


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??


The power the guy in the movie Jumper had to just think of a place and instantly be there. I love to travel and that would make it sooooo much simpler and cheaper!


18. How old are you?




19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?


Share with the family, donate to AHA, go on extended vacation, start a non-profit house flipping business.


20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?


Not a big gadget person really.


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?


Toss up between Top Chef and Project Runway


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"


About 6 weeks after we started dating.


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?


Don't think I have one right now ...


24. How many or do you want children?


I think I might be okay with none, but no more than two


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?


Yup. Norman Schwarzkopf, Cal Ripken, Jr., and some one-hit wonders here and there.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?


My fiance - just to see what the world is like from his perspective.


27. Is there anything that you regret doing?


A few things ...


28. What is your worst bad habit?


I pull on my hair in this one spot until it breaks ...


29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?


Jane, after my aunt


30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?


Flew to NY to see a guy I met in Mexico. I was 23 and stupid.


31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?


He refuses to throw away boxes - EVER!


32. What’s your favorite movie?


Gone With the Wind


33. What's your least favorite food?


There are way too many to list.


34. Why did you choose a destination wedding?


To avoid the family drama associated with a traditional wedding (we're eloping to ensure there's no drama)


35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?


Two and half years


36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?


One of my aunts


37. When and how did you and your FI meet?


We met on MySpace about 3 years ago


38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?




39. Do you have any pets?


Just the little min-pin.


40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be?


Honestly, I don't think I would. I don't really have any celebrity infatuations.


41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out?


I plead the fifth.


42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island?




43. Do you have any tattoos?


One in the pelvic region ...


44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?




45. What season do you enjoy most and why?


Summer - I hate the cold.


46. What is your favorite book?


The Other Boleyn Girl (at least that's it right now)


47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality?


Libra - it's pretty spot on.


46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW?


Online looking for the perfect house plan. Found it, got bored, got engaged, found BDW.


47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you?




48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be?


I'd hire a videographer - still might


49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH? Boxers, Briefs or Commando?


Boxer briefs.


50. What was the last meal you had?


Artichoke tortellini bake


51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own?


He chose it all by himself.


52. How did you decide on a wedding date?


It was easy to remember.


53. How are chores divided in your relationship?


I cook, he mows the lawn, we split the rest based on who's got time and initiative that day.


54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why?


The computer - it has all of our pictures on it.


55. Do you wish your FI was an only child?


No - his brother's a cool cat.


56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be?


Wouldn't change anything - it all made me who I am today.


57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be?


Probably not.


58. Did you go to college? if so where and what was your major? Yes - University of Oklahoma, Journalism.


59. Whats your favorite music artist? I really like Kelly Clarkson, but I'm not sure she'd be THE favorite.


60. New question: What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable? Galveston beach vacation with my Mom, brother and another family because my mom got pulled over on the highway (we were terrified), she got stung by a jellyfish on the beach, and I saw my first GIANT wave which resulted in a mouthful of salt water! Awesome vaca!

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1)What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

World Trade Intercompany Accountant for a Fortune 500 country. I'd rather be a world food critic where I get to travel, eat awesome food, and write about it.


2: What is your favorite hobby?



3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?



4: What is your greatest achievement?

Getting a 4 year degree in 3 years


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

Cats, big or household ones, because they can be both cuddly and independent.


6: What is your dream trip?

A cruise around the world in a suite.


7: What is your favorite food?

Tacos. There is not any point in my life when I do not want a taco.


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

It's hard to say. There have been many along the way who have impacted me in many ways.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Rose, because that's the color that I would always use for my own flesh.


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Somewhere warm, safe, and cheap.


11: How many siblings do you have?



12: What is your biggest fear?



13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

Turkey Stuffing


14: Do you have a nickname?

I'm currently going by LeeLeeRarrrrr when talking with my FI.


15: What causes do you support?

Flyer's Bill of Rights and Crisis Pregnancy Centers (which help provide support for women who chose to keep their "unplanned" babies)


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

Hannah Montanna


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

The power to understand people and be understood without any miscommunication.


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Pay off my debts, open a restaurant, and then travel around for a while


20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?

An AeroGarden


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?



22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

When we were pulling a 24 marathon and I fell asleep at the end of Season 1 and when I woke up, he was watching Season 2.


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

Currently? My wedding dresses.


24. How many or do you want children?

I would like to have children. Maybe one or two.


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

No one super famous.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

Paris Hilton. I think it would be interesting to see what she's really thinking when the cameras are off.


27. Is there anything that you regret doing?

Yes, my choice of schools for my Master's program.


28. What is your worst bad habit?

Not stopping eating when I'm full.


29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?

Joy, because my mom thought I was a very happy baby.


30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Have Mall Security jumpstart my car at 5 am with me wearing only a towel.


31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

Doesn't pay attention or cuts me off when I'm talking.


32. What’s your favorite movie?

Much Ado About Nothing - Kenneth Brannaugh version.


33. What's your least favorite food?

Cottage Cheese. I've never been able to stomach the thought of eating something that texture.


34. Why did you choose a destination wedding?

To be able to invite everyone we wanted, and have only people who really wanted to be there come, plus the ability to get married in paradise for cheaper than it would cost to get married in CT


35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?

two years


36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

My father when he's in a "mood"


37. When and how did you and your FI meet?

Picked him up at a bar almost three years ago.


38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?

So far, yes.


39. Do you have any pets?

Yes, two cats who are attention whores... appropriately named Paris and Nicole.


40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be?

Matthew McConaughey, Kenneth Brannaugh, or Kiefer Sutherland


41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out?



42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island?



43. Do you have any tattoos?



44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?



45. What season do you enjoy most and why?


Summer. Being cold makes me miserable.


46. What is your favorite book?

Currently - The Knot Destination Wedding Guide. Very helpful.


47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality?

Virgo... I'm not sure. I don't really follow signs.


46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW?

I used to see real human beings more often.


47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you?



48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be?

Budget. I wish I could afford to help pay for friends/family.


49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH? Boxers, Briefs or Commando?



50. What was the last meal you had?

Sushi and Edamame


51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own?

I hinted, but he chose something different than what I thought he'd get.


52. How did you decide on a wedding date?

We still haven't nailed down the exact date yet.


53. How are chores divided in your relationship?

I cook, he does the outdoors stuff, I do the laundry, and he does most of the cleaning.


54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why?

My scrapbook


55. Do you wish your FI was an only child?

No, his siblings are awesome.


56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be?

Doesn't this fall under the category of regrets mentioned previously?


57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be?

Yes, lottery numbers from tomorrow.


58. Did you go to college? if so where and what was your major?

Yes - B.S. in Accounting (International Business) from Mount Saint Mary College

M.B.A. with Master's Certificate in Accounting from University of New Haven


59. Whats your favorite music artist?

Alanis Morrisette


60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable?

We went to Osh-Kosh Wisconsin so my dad could watch airplanes. He was super stressy the whole trip, so my mom and I ditched and went shopping.


61. New Question: Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Mine is mostly. I henna enhanced it a few weeks ago, but it looks about the same now.

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1)What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

Full time mama. I part time from home as a web master.


2: What is your favorite hobby?



3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Ahh..can't be anything other than Christmas. Why..my kids and getting to be with all of my siblings and mom. Very rare.


4: What is your greatest achievement?

Carrying 4 children at once and living to tell the tale.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

I honestly don't think I have one...


6: What is your dream trip?

Bora Bora maybe...or desert isle with just me and Rob Pattinson. OR, Rob Pattinson in Bora Bora? lol


7: What is your favorite food?

Pasta....anything italian.


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

My mother.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

lol..I'd say chocolate, but that's just too predictable...maybe red. Goes with my personality.


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Somewhere cheap and tropical.


11: How many siblings do you have?



12: What is your biggest fear?

Sharks closely followed by heights.


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

Broccoli/rice casserole.


14: Do you have a nickname?

Too many to list. 8 siblings, remember?


15: What causes do you support?

Equal rights, Parents As Teachers and March of Dimes


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

lol...wow...just one? Twilight, though I'm not real guilty about it.


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

To rid the earth of bigotry and ignorance. Yea...pipe dream.


18. How old are you?

how old do I LOOK? lmao THAT is the question.


19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Buy an island and set up my oasis estate, build houses for each of my siblings and mother and pay off their debts as well. AFTER making them sign an acknowledgement that this would be the first last and only time. lmao


20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?

One of those turbo air convection cookers. Damn infomercials.


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?



22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

When he didn't said he preferred me in sweats with a ponytail over anyone else. Then proceeded to NOT run screaming into the night at the thought of parenting 4 children at once.


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

I don't have just one...impossible.


24. How many or do you want children?

I have 4 and a stepson...and I think we're done.


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Yes, several. Most of the cast of the Young and the Restless (I have a friend/client that is on the show), Danny Glover, Robert Kelker-Kelly, and Ken Norton.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

Wow..umm...Kristen Stewart? Because she gets paid millions to do love scenes with Rob Pattinson. lmao (can u tell I'm a tad bit obsessed?)


27. Is there anything that you regret doing?

No, because it all lead me to where I am right now. Change any of it, and you likely change the result.


28. What is your worst bad habit?

Not stopping eating when I'm full.


29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?

Lynette, and while that has no significance, my FIRST name does. I'm a III.


30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Had sex on a college football field. yea..I think that's it.


31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

Forgets 75% of the things I tell him. I have to manage his life AND mine because of this.


32. Whatâ€s your favorite movie?

An Affair to Remember-Cary Grant and Debra Kerr.


33. What's your least favorite food?

Peanut butter. Ick


34. Why did you choose a destination wedding?

The beauty of it. I love beaches, love tropical settings..it just made sense.


35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?

about a year and a half.


36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

Oh crap...too many to narrow it down to just one.


37. When and how did you and your FI meet?



38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?

Sure...thus far.


39. Do you have any pets?

Yup, a cat and six fish.


40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be?

Please see my previous answers. lmao


41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out?

lol..this forum is only R rated, right? And no, haven't acted it out yet.


42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island?

who said anything about FI


43. Do you have any tattoos?



44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?



45. What season do you enjoy most and why?

Spring. I hate being hot.


46. What is your favorite book?

All 4 of the books in the Twilight Saga.


47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality?

Yea..and while I try not to believe any of it, it really seems true.


46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW?

lol...I can't remember!


47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you?



48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be?

Budget. I'd grant myself every whim.


49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH? Boxers, Briefs or Commando?

Boxer briefs!


50. What was the last meal you had?

Umm....roast beef.


51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own?

I SHOWED his ass versions of the style I liked. Pfft..please.


52. How did you decide on a wedding date?

Weather and rate averages.


53. How are chores divided in your relationship?

I keep up with dishes and laundry, he picks up the clutter, dusts and vacuums.


54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why?

The discs with my kid's baby pics.


55. Do you wish your FI was an only child?

Not really.


56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be?

Nada, just like before.


57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be?

Yes, lottery numbers from tomorrow. (I like this one so I'm keeping it)


58. Did you go to college? if so where and what was your major?

Yes - then dropped out after two years (like a fool) to get married to my first hubby.


59. Whats your favorite music artist?

Rob Pattinson and Mariah Carey. Sorry, can't pick just one.


60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable?

lol...Six Flaggs. I dunno..there was a big group of us and I just remember it being really fun.


61. New Question: Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yup.


62. New Question: What is your most persistent worry?

Being a good mom and providing well for my kids.

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1)What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

Public Relations for healthcare organizations - would like to be a teacher I think


2: What is your favorite hobby?



3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Christmas - love being with my family


4: What is your greatest achievement?

Getting my degree and being in a really great place in my career at 31


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

Dogs - I can't live without them


6: What is your dream trip?

Greece - I want to watch those beautiful sunsets


7: What is your favorite food?



8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

My mother.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Aqua - always loved that colour (and now it's in my wedding too)


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I'd have my home base at home in Newfoundland, but would travel the world if I could


11: How many siblings do you have?



12: What is your biggest fear?

car crash


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

potato casserole


14: Do you have a nickname?

Not really


15: What causes do you support?

Canarian Cancer Society


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

Red wine :)


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

To be invisible - i could learn SOOO much


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Give as much money as possible to my family and still be able to travel the world.


20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?

Hmmm not sure - i NEED all my gadgets!


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?

Third Watch


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

When I was 16


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

My NYC sweatshirt


24. How many or do you want children?

2 or 3


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Regis and Kelly


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

Oprah, I think she must live an amazing life.


27. Is there anything that you regret doing?

No, I don't believe in regrets. Thigns that happen in our lives, make us who we are.


28. What is your worst bad habit?

craking knuckles


29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?

Leigh. No my mom liked it.


30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

I can't say it's too crazy, ha ha


31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

cracks his neck


32. Whatâ€s your favorite movie?

Bridget Jones' Diary ( the first one)


33. What's your least favorite food?

I love all food :)


34. Why did you choose a destination wedding?

To spend an entire week with the people we love, not just one day.


35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?

3 years this time - but we met when we were in high school. long story!


36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

My brother, I LOVE him, but we are very different.


37. When and how did you and your FI meet?

In High School when we were 16


38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?



39. Do you have any pets?

Two doggies


40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be?

Jimmy from Third Watch


41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out?

fantasy's should stay just that !


42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island?



43. Do you have any tattoos?

Yes 2


44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?



45. What season do you enjoy most and why?

Summer i love the heat


46. What is your favorite book?

The kite runner


47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality?

Virgo - yes, I'm a classic virgo!


46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW?

I can't remember - I'm addicted!


47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you?

One girl, One boy


48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be?

To be able to afford everything and anything


49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH? Boxers, Briefs or Commando?

Boxer briefs!


50. What was the last meal you had?

Veggie Pizza


51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own?

I hinted but he picked it out all on his own!


52. How did you decide on a wedding date?

Time of year


53. How are chores divided in your relationship?

It's fairly equal - we take turns


54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why?

my purse it has my life in it


55. Do you wish your FI was an only child?



56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be?

Nothing, see above


57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be?

Yes, lottery numbers from tomorrow. (I like this one so I'm keeping it too)


58. Did you go to college? if so where and what was your major?

Yes - Memorial University of Newfoundland - Business


59. Whats your favorite music artist?

Too many favs to choose just one


60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable?

Camping! Loved just being with fam.


61. New Question: Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yes, but highlighted


62. New Question: What is your most persistent worry?



63. New Question - Did you pressure your FI about getting engaged?

I did mildly - but nothing out of the ordinary :)

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1.) I am a Recruiting Assistant at an international law firm. My dream job would be to open up a dance school for young minorities because I love to dance and use to dance in a lot of competitions.

2.) My Favorite hobby is is dancing

3.) My Favorite holiday is Christmas because I have a beautiful four year old and I love the look on her face when the house is decorated and when she opens her gifts

4 .)My greatest achievement thus far is graduating with two degree's in 2007

5.)I am not a animal lover. I don't hate them I just wouldn't want an pets

6.)My dream trip would be to go to Hawaii for a month with all expenses paid for lol! :)

7.)My Favorite food is Oxtail (for those brides getting married in Jamaica be sure to try it)

8.)My mother has made the biggest impact in my life. May her soul RIP. If my mother was not the strong outgoing women she was I would not be the woman I am today therefore my mother def. made the strongest impact in my life.


My question: What is your definition of true love?

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1)What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

I've been a Medical Assistant for 13yrs. 9 years of it i worked in OB/GYN, now currently in the Orthopedic dept.

My career switch: To be a Chef


2: What is your favorite hobby? anything crafty.


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? Would have to say Thanksgiving and Christmas. These 2 days are the only days I see all of my family in one room. And not to mention that I get to eat guilt free.


4: What is your greatest achievement? Sad to say i don't have any as of yet. Not until i have children is when i can honestly say i have had my greatest achievement.



5: What is your favorite animal... and why? our dog Greyson! He's the sweetest PittBull you'll ever meet!


6: What is your dream trip? A trip to the Maldives! I love the tropics!


7: What is your favorite food? My FI says everything is my favorite! I'd have to agree. But if i have to choose one, it would have to be Sushi or Thai food. O.K. 2.


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? My Mother and Grandfather


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why? I would like to be.. Blue. It's a universal color and goes with a lot of colors!


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Some hut on the beach somewhere!


11: How many siblings do you have? 1 older Brother


12: What is your biggest fear? The fear of not being able to have children. I worked with a fertility specialist for 9 years. And things us women have to go through to conceive is hard work if you aren't able to do it on your own!


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? Candied yams and Miso salmon


14: Do you have a nickname? Melette


15: What causes do you support? Help fight against breast cancer and Alzhiemers


16: What is your guilty pleasure? A whole pint of vanilla ice cream


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?? To get rid of ALL THE STUPID DRIVERS IN THE SF BAY AREA!


18. How old are you? 32


19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do? First off, pay all the debt adding up with the wedding planning. Pay off mom's house and debt-and send her on a Tour of Europe. Donate to Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's Association. I can go on and on on this question.


20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?

The Magic Bullet. The infomercials make them look so cool!


21. What is your favourite T.V. show? At the moment, American Idol


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?" He knows all of my idiosyncracies! and is also a good cook!


23. What is your favorite item of clothing? It's impossible to have just 1!


24. How many or do you want children? 2 or 3


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Yes, several. Slim, from the hip hop group 112 while we were on a girls trip to Hawaii. Shemar Moore and Stevie Wonder at a club in LA while on a cousin's trip. Queen Latifah at the LAX airport. Jay-Z at his sports bar/Lounge in New York. Saw P.Diddy walking to his Broadway show in NY-But didn't meet him.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

Rob Pattison's assistant-If he has one.


27. Is there anything that you regret doing? Snowboarding in Lake Tahoe March 21, 2009--when i landed on and broke my wrist!


28. What is your worst bad habit?

I eat too fast, and eat even if i'm not hungry


29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance? Jennifer. No, my mom just iked the name.


30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? Let me get back to this question.


31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY? Sometimes not telling me what's on his mind. I have to ask him most of the time.


32. What’s your favorite movie?

The FI also says i have too many favorite movies. I'd have to agree with him, yet again.


33. What's your least favorite food? Cooked carrots, raw onions.


34. Why did you choose a destination wedding? The cost factor! If we had the wedding where we live, we'd have to invite everyone and their mama. And Cabo is where we wanted to go for our Honeymoon!


35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged? 6 1/2 years! Who says i wasn't patienthuh.gif


36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

Stupid drivers that I don't know!


37. When and how did you and your FI meet? My guy bestfriend who is also his friend.


38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?

For Sure! with all the help the ladies have given me on this forum really made it fun and worthwhile. I don't think we could have done it if this forum didn't exhist!


39. Do you have any pets?

Yes, an 85 pound Pittbull who thinks he's a cat!


40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be?

Then that would be committing adultery! HAHAHA


41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out? none that i can think of


42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island? My computer hahahaha


43. Do you have any tattoos? Yes 3. 1. a dragon on my right ankle (born the year of the dragon) 2. a phoenix on my left upper shoulder (sign of re-birth) 3. angel wings with my grandfather's initials in my right wrist.


44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?



45. What season do you enjoy most and why? Summer for wakeboarding and winter for snowboarding (until i broke my wrist)


46. What is your favorite book?

All 4 of the books in the Twilight Saga.


47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality?

I'm a taurus, and it represents me totally!


46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW?

Re-reading for the 3rd time around the Twilight saga books


47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you? No. as long as they are healthy.


48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be? Our set budget.


49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH? Boxers, Briefs or Commando?



50. What was the last meal you had?

Left over Pizza


51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own?

It was all his choosing! and i love it!


52. How did you decide on a wedding date?

Weather and Not too soon and not too far ahead!


53. How are chores divided in your relationship? Before the accident, I did majority of the cooking. and he does all of the cleaning. Not even, i know. but other than dishes and laundry, I hate to clean!


54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why? The computer


55. Do you wish your FI was an only child?

No. his siblings are great!


56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be?



57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be?

How may children i would have


58. Did you go to college? if so where and what was your major?

Yes, somewhat. then went to a trade school to be a medical assistant.


59. Whats your favorite music artist?

Alicia Keys, Robin Thicke


60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable?

Del Mar Fair in San Diego visiting family. It was the last vacation all of my family were together.


61. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? 100%


62. What is your most persistent worry? We're not too much over our budget for the wedding!

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1)What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?


I am a teacher .... I teach kids with hearing loss so I have a range of grades. If I could switch, I'd love to do something in the travel or fashion industry.


2: What is your favorite hobby? Shopping


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? I love the feeling of Christmas and getting everyone together. I also love giving gifts!


4: What is your greatest achievement? Hmmm .... probably finally finishing 6 years of university .... or buying my house.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why? Cat ... particularly mine, Trixie....because she's mine!


6: What is your dream trip? I love any trip ..... but I'd really like to visit Turks & Caicos next ....or Europe since I've never been!


7: What is your favorite food? Spaghetti with fresh parmesan!


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? Probably my parents...made me who I am today .... literally!


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Considering I am an elementary school teacher, I feel I should know every colour in the box!!! However, I don't ....so I'll go with pink ....because I like it!


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Somewhere beautiful ....perhaps I haven't found that place yet


11: How many siblings do you have? 1 older sister


12: What is your biggest fear? Losing people I love, or fire....


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? I'm an amateur at cooking ...... I mostly do dessert


14: Do you have a nickname? Brownuts ... lol ...because of my last name or most people just call me Ange


15: What causes do you support? Canadian Cancer Society, Heart & Stroke Foundation


16: What is your guilty pleasure? Hmm, what isn't?!?! I love sea salt and vinegar chips, Cadbury cream eggs, cotton candy, funnel cakes, beaver tails....the list could go on and on


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?? To heal those who suffer


18. How old are you? 27


19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do? I'd pay off our house, buy a cottage and all the toys to go with it, give money to family, give to charity, and finally buy myself a new car which I am in desperate need of!


20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?

That stupid bra thing on the informercial .... so dumb ... I should just shell out the $20 and get it!!


21. What is your favourite T.V. show? At the moment, American Idol


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?" I completely miss him when he is not around .... I am absolutely myself around him ..... I can talk to him about anything


23. What is your favorite item of clothing? It's impossible to have just 1!


24. How many or do you want children? Probably 2


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Nick Lachey, Jamie Walters (haha, from 90210) ...I think that's it!


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

I am not even sure .... Gwen Stefani, maybe? I love her ....and I was once madly in love with Gavin Rossdale too


27. Is there anything that you regret doing? Not breaking up with my stupid ass high school boyfriend who treated me like garbage, first!


28. What is your worst bad habit?

biting my nails



29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance? Diane .... it's my mom's middle name too


30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? I guess I'm not really all that crazy, now that I think of it ..... I finally got kicked out of a bar when I was 25...LOL


31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY? The way he puts things in the dishwasher and leaving every item of clothing turned inside out when he throws things in the laundry....especially socks!


32. What’s your favorite movie?

Probably Pretty Woman or Dirty Dancing...love them both!


33. What's your least favorite food? Cooked mushrooms...ugh!


34. Why did you choose a destination wedding? We love traveling, and also, if we got married at home we'd have to invite everyone! This way, we can invite everyone, but we know for sure not everyone will come. Sounds mean but at least we'll be having an AHR!


35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged? 6 1/2 years!


36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

Another teacher that I work with ....she is just so .......weird!!!!!!


37. When and how did you and your FI meet? One of my friend's was dating a guy and my FI was his friend.


38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?

I'm not that far into it ....ask me in a year!


39. Do you have any pets?

A cat but she still lives with my parents


40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be?

Hmm, I love the way Brody Jenner looks but .... I'd rather have him keep quiet and put his cocky attitude away!! LOL!


41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out? none that i can think of


42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island? Probably my computer, equipped with internet....sad but true


43. Do you have any tattoos? Nope


44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?



45. What season do you enjoy most and why? Summer because I don't like being cold

46. What is your favorite book?

I don't have one real favourite ... I love reading


47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality?

I'm an Aquarius and I don't know much about astrology ...so I am not sure


46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW?

Shop, hang out, watch tv, plan for school ....same things I do now!


47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you? I hate that I secretly want a little girl but as long as they are happy and healthy, it will be wonderful

48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be? Budget...even though we don't really have one yet ...but I'm sure it will be less than I like


49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH? Boxers, Briefs or Commando?



50. What was the last meal you had?

Chicken fingers


51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own?

I wasn't hinting ....he asked me what I liked and I just kind picked something in the store not thinking I'd ever get it in a million years...but I did and I love it, even more so than when I saw it in the store


52. How did you decide on a wedding date?

I am a teacher so it was July or August .... and 2010 since we have friends doing a DW this summer


53. How are chores divided in your relationship?Pretty equally ...we share


54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why? The computer


55. Do you wish your FI was an only child?

No. his siblings are great!


56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be?

At this point, I can't think of anything except maybe not buying this bitch of a house we have .... it's brand new and too big, I don't know what we were thinking!


57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be?

That everything will be alright....


58. Did you go to college? if so where and what was your major?

Yes for 6 years


59. Whats your favorite music artist?

I like Top 40 crap ...


60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable?

Florida .... I was 6 and just loved it. Disney was magical!


61. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Close to it ...


62. What is your most persistent worry? Money!

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Wow – this is long! But itâ€s been the funniest 2 hours of my day catching up on it lol


1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

Iâ€ve been a private banker for a national bank for 8 years. I really donâ€t like it. My dream job would be building trails for the forest service.


2: What is your favorite hobby?

Ummm, I play World of Warcraft-I know, I know-GEEK!


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Thanksgiving. I always spend the night before with my Mom trying to learn all her secrets for putting on a wonderful meal. Itâ€s a special tradition.


4: What is your greatest achievement?

Buying a home by myself when I was 23.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

I love monkeys. Theyâ€re fun to watch.

6: What is your dream trip?

Hiking the Centennial Trail. (Northwestern US)


7: What is your favorite food?

Sashimi – specifically Ahi and Unagi


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

My Mom

9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Olive Green. Dunno – just love the color.


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A cabin in the Sawtooth Mountains.

11: How many siblings do you have?

2 – 1 older half sister and 1 younger brother


12: What is your biggest fear?



13: Whatâ€s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

Bacon wrapped lilâ€smokies drizzled with brown sugar. (Or meat wrapped in meat as my FI refers to it)

14: Do you have a nickname?



15: What causes do you support?

I volunteer at a cageless, no-kill cat shelter.


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

Disorderly, irresponsible weekend partying when my best friend comes to visit once or twice a year. I donâ€t think Iâ€ll grow up until he does.


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

Hmmm. I would control weather  I love a well-placed thunderstorm or sunshiny day.


18. How old are you?

29 as of last week!

19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Create a family foundation supporting humane treatment of animals and spay/neuter programs-especially in developing countries.


20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?



21. What is your favourite T.V. show?



22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

The second time we met in person.


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

This pair of skinny black pants Iâ€ve had for 8 years (seriously!) I donâ€t know what Iâ€m going to do when they finally fall apart.


24. How many or do you want children?

At least 2


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Depends on the definition of famous. Iâ€ve partied with DJ Dan a couple times (my best friend works with him)


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

I donâ€t always like being me but it sure beats being anybody else…

27. Is there anything that you regret doing?

Not staying in college the first time and getting a degree in a field I loved.

28. What is your worst bad habit?

I still like to party a little too hard sometimes.

29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?

Lee. It is my Motherâ€s middle name as well as a variation of my Grandfatherâ€s name (Leon)

30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Moved my FI 3000 miles across the country to live with me after we had only met twice.


31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

His posture bugs me sometimes.


32. Whatâ€s your favorite movie?

The Lord of the Rings or Riding in Cars with Boys

33. What's your least favorite food?



34. Why did you choose a destination wedding?

I saw a movie once where the dream wedding was described as “six people on a beach†and it stuck with me. I donâ€t like stress and I would be a bridezilla with a traditional wedding so it fits perfectly!


35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?

2 ½ years


36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

My uncle.


37. When and how did you and your FI meet?

In Molton Core…… (If you get that youâ€re as big a geek as I am!)


38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?

In a heartbeat


39. Do you have any pets?

Some people call them pets, I call them children…3 cats and 1 dog.


40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be?

Hmmm. Maybe someone naughty like Chris Corner.


41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out?

Mile high club baby! And yes....


42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island?

My IPod


43. Do you have any tattoos?

No-but the bridge of my nose has been pierced for 10 years.

44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?



45. What season do you enjoy most and why?

Fall-I love the colors and the refreshing cool weather after a long hot summer.


46. What is your favorite book?

Canâ€t choose between the David Eddings series and Harry Potter.


47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality?

Taurus – I donâ€t follow my signs but Iâ€ve been told Iâ€m representative of my sign.


46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW?

The gym


47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you?

Iâ€d like one of each-but my priority is healthy kids.


48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be?

My Grandfather would be alive to see it.


49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH?

My opinion doesnâ€t matter lol.


50. What was the last meal you had?

Grilled chicken-prepared by the wonderful FI.


51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own?

I totally picked it out but left the final choice up to him.


52. How did you decide on a wedding date?

After summer, before the holidays and not smack in the middle of hurricane season. (Nov 2)


53. How are chores divided in your relationship?

Pretty even-he loves to cook so I clean. We share laundry and most other stuff.


54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why?

My laptop – it has all my family photos and memories stored in it. (I donâ€t consider my pets personal belongings but they would definitely be the priority)


55. Do you wish your FI was an only child?

It doesnâ€t really matter – I donâ€t really know his family.


56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be?

I would get my degree in a field I enjoy rather than one that was convenient.


57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be?



58. Did you go to college?



59. Whatâ€s your favorite music artist?



60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable?

Backpacking with my Dad and little brother when we saw a bear 5 miles into our 3 day trip!


61. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?

Wait- hair has natural colors!!!


62. What is your most persistent worry?

Feeling like Iâ€m not good at what I do.



And finally my question:


63. Did your FI/DH ask you or your father first?


(Mine asked my dad!)

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WOW!! How fun! We have some amazing women on this board!!


1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

I'm a Chemical Engineer, if I were to swich careers I'd become a pharmacist of psychologist...


2: What is your favorite hobby?

Exercising in some way shape or form


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Halloween!! I loooooove dressing up. When I was little my mom and I would always make my costumes and it was an awesome bonding experience.


4: What is your greatest achievement?

Finishing my degree...or buying my house...not sure which...both were huge accomplishments!


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

Dogs...mine can always put a smile on my face after a long hard day.


6: What is your dream trip?

Touring the Greek Islands with my FI


7: What is your favorite food?

Sushi...ANY KIND...Sashimi, Nigiri, rolls...I LOVE IT ALL!!


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

My parents..as mad as I am at them right now they've made me the person that I am.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Cobalt blue


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

On a secluded beach...not sure where exactly....


11: How many siblings do you have?

1 younger brother


12: What is your biggest fear?

People not accepting me for me


13: Whatâ€s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

Apple cake...mmm...I'm drooling just thinking about it!


14: Do you have a nickname?

Yes...many many...mess maker is the most recent wink.gif


15: What causes do you support?

Breast Cancer, Humane Society, American Cancer Society, Women's Shelters, MS Society....anything that has touched my life I try my best to help


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

Sweets...I get going and I CANNOT CONTROL MYSELF


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

Read people's minds...sometimes it would make life so much easier


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Retire...and then start a non-profit organization.


20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?

A magic bullet (the blender thing)


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?



22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

Our first "real" date where he made me try fried allegator (its way better than it sounds)


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

My big star jeans...they fit JUUUUST right


24. How many or do you want children?

I want 2 eventually


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Not that I can think of offhand


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

hmm...I would have to ponder a little longer on that one...


27. Is there anything that you regret doing?

Nope! No time for regrets...


28. What is your worst bad habit?

Staying up waaaaaaay too late when I have to be at work early the next morning


29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?

Elizabeth, it was my great grandmother's name


30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

I'm sure some wild weekend story could suffice...but they're a little hazy...


31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

He gets ice out of the ice maker at a major moment while I'm watching tv...thank goodness we finally got DVR


32. Whatâ€s your favorite movie?

Dumb and dumber


33. What's your least favorite food?

Anything fried (minus the allegator)


34. Why did you choose a destination wedding?

I've always dreamed of getting married on the beach and I wanted something very informal.


35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?

3 years


36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

One of the guys I work with...he just says the stupidest things!


37. When and how did you and your FI meet?

On a river float trip with mutal friends in the summer of 2005.


38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?



39. Do you have any pets?

1 dog..she means the world to FI and I


40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be?

David Boreanez...I know I KILLED the spelling!


41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out?

Probably mile high club...and No...but maybe on the way back from the DW wink.gif



42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island?

My dog


43. Do you have any tattoos?



44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?



45. What season do you enjoy most and why?

It used to be Summer before I moved to Texas, now its Spring...all the pretty flowers and everything starts to get green again!


46. What is your favorite book?

I have SOOO many...but probably A Prayer for Owen Meany


47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality?

Virgo...I think it depends on who is reporting what the traits should be...I'd say its 50/50


46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW?

The gym and cooking healthy


47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you?

Iâ€d like one of each


48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be?

Not sure...haven't had it yet


49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH?



50. What was the last meal you had?

Sauted Chicken and veggis over brown rice...I'm taking this pre-wedding thing seriously!


51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own?

I picked out exactly what I wanted but they didn't make it anymore by the time he went shopping...so he was on his own with inspiration


52. How did you decide on a wedding date?

The only time FI had available until 2011...he works full time AND is getting his MBA...makes for some crazy scheduling


53. How are chores divided in your relationship?

Evenly...we both do everything..it works out GREAT!


54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why?

Photos or our bed...it SAVED our relationship! (assuming the dog doesn't count as a belonging)


55. Do you wish your FI was an only child?

No...I LOOVE his family...they've taken me in like another sibling...family get togethers are so fun!!


56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be?

Enjoy being a kid a little bit more...I've been working non stop since I was legally able to


57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be?

If things would ever get better with my parents again


58. Did you go to college?



59. Whatâ€s your favorite music artist?

Not sure...I listen to just about anything depending on my mood...


60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable?

Our trip to Disney...it was the vacation from hell. My brother threw up on the plane, cut his finger (almost needed stitches) at lunch, I threw up in the rental car...it was all together a horrible trip for my parents but we still laugh about it.


61. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?

Yes...I'm a red head and I'm terrified to dye it


62. What is your most persistent worry?

Feeling like I'm not good enough no matter what


63. Did your FI/DH ask you or your father first?



And finally my question:

64. If you could pause time for a couple of hours what would you do with the extra time?

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