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Let’s Get to Know Each Other


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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?



2: What is your favorite hobby?



3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?



4: What is your greatest achievement?



5: What is your favorite animal... and why?



6: What is your dream trip?



7: What is your fav food?

anything chocolate


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?



9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?



10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?



11: How many siblings do you have?



12: What is your biggest fear?



13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?



14: Do you have a nickname?



15: What causes do you support?



16: What is your guilty pleasure?



17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

invisibility. Because I'm nosey as hell...


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?



20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?



21. What is your favourite T.V. show?



22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"



23. What is your favorite item of clothing?



24. How many or do you want children?



25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?



26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?



27. was your worst bad habit?



28. what's your middle name? does it have significance?



My Question:

29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?



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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

I love healthcare. I currently work as a Director of Human Resources for a non-profit nursing facility for people living with HIV/AIDS. I also work p/t at a hospital as a phlebotomist (vampire). My ideal job would be food critic.


2: What is your favorite hobby?

Travel. FI would say “being on the laptopâ€


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Christmas. I love the warmth of people, spirit of giving, smells, cookies, and snow.


4: What is your greatest achievement?

Finding my true love.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

Oh geez. I donâ€t have a favorite. Iâ€m highly allergic to dogs, cats and horses (known allergies). They are darn cute though.


6: What is your dream trip?



7: What is your fav food?

Thai food. I also love cucumbers.


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

My mother. Sheâ€s the one that started it all ! haha. She was my mentor, friend and the greatest blessing any child could have (I especially miss her during this planning process).


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Yellow – always bright and cheery (ok I loved to make a sun in the corner of the drawings).


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Right now itâ€s Costa Rica. Itâ€s absolute gorgeous nature in all its beauty. And sometimes itâ€s Italy awesome architecture, people, food and fashion.


11: How many siblings do you have?

1 sister and 2 older half brothers


12: What is your biggest fear?

Little bugs in large quantities. Thousands of creepy crawlies.


13: Whatâ€s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

My fantastic sweet potato dish.


14: Do you have a nickname?



15: What causes do you support?

Me, myself and I. (sorry I couldnâ€t resist) I support The United Way. I also provide an award at my univ. for text books for students in need.


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

Oreos and milk


17. If you could have one special power, what would it be & why??

Mind reader. I love to know what people really think.


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Travel to every country in the world.


20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?

Towel warmer.


21. What is your favorite T.V. show?

Home décor shows.


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

When we stared and spoke to each other so much before being able to order dinner on our first date. The waitress came to the table about 6 times. His smile stole my heart.


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

Black dress pants.


24. How many or do you want children?

2 or more? As many as we are blessed with.


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Steve Forbes, Hilary Clinton, James McGreevey (famous NJ Gov), James Earl Jones, Christopher Reeve, Andrew Shue (from Melrose Place), Jon Bon Jovi, Deepak Chopra. Wow –never knew it was that many.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

Queen Elizabeth. I want to wear the jewelry.


27. What is your worst bad habit?

Fighting sleep like a toddler.


28. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?

I donâ€t have a middle name.


29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Drive through a flooded road to meet my FI on our first date. Sooo worth it.


30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

Talks during a movie.


My question:


Whatâ€s your favorite movie?

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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?


Currently an Administrative Assistant in a gov't job. If I had to or could switch careers, I would like to have something in music either composing or performing.


2: What is your favorite hobby?


Video games, I'm such a huge girl-gamer dork wink.gif


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?


Christmas, good fun with good people...and the food! lol


4: What is your greatest achievement?


Being a stronger (emotionally) person than I ever knew or thought I could be.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?


Dogs, I can't resist the puppy eyes!!


6: What is your dream trip?


Australia...or anywhere in Europe.


7: What is your fav food?


Italian! I love me some pasta!


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?


That's tough, I'd say my mom AND my FI. My mom has always been there for my sisters and I, she's a strong lady and has taught me so many valuable lessons that I don't think I would have learned without her. My FI because he genuinely loves me exactly the way I am, even though I'm not sure why most days haha wink.gif


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?


Red because I'm passionate about everything I do.


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?


Anywhere that doesn't get colder than -10 degrees celcius would be fine with me. I hate being cold!!


11: How many siblings do you have?


2 sisters, 2 step-brothers, and a half brother.


12: What is your biggest fear?


Death and dying, funerals freak me out. I only go if I absolutely have to...it's not out of disrespect for them, just that it makes me so depressed and scared.


13: What’s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?


I'm not much of a cook...I guess drumstick cake :)


14: Do you have a nickname?


Katie, Special-K lol


15: What causes do you support?


The Stollery Children's Hospital here in Edmonton, they are fantastic!


16: What is your guilty pleasure?


Really bad food, like poutine, etc haha


17. If you could have one special power, what would it be & why??


To be able to time-travel, it would be so awesome to see how things used to be and to immerse myself in it.


18. How old are you?




19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?


Retire, travel, give money to family, give money to the less fortunate, sit on my butt!


20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?


a Sony PSP


21. What is your favorite T.V. show?


uh, America's Next Top Model, The Simpsons, Say Yes to the Dress, Rich Bride/Poor Bride...I could go on..


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"


I don't think it was ever one specific moment, but many small things culminating


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?


My hoodies, all of em


24. How many or do you want children?


Right now, I don't want any...that might change one day though


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?




26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?


I'm honestly not sure, I've never given it much thought..sorry! sad.gif


27. What is your worst bad habit?


Apologizing too much, cracking my knuckles 24/7


28. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?


Middle name is Denise, it's my grandma's first name


29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?


Gone skiing in the mountains after not skiing for about ten years...I twisted my knee pretty bad lol


30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?


Thinks that people are joking when they say rude things to me even though I'm sure he knows they aren't really "joking" heh


What’s your favorite movie?


It's hard to pick just one, I'm going to say Aladdin haha,

I must have watched that a bajillion times when I was a kid!


My question: what's your least favorite food?

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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

I'm a casino dealer/supervisor. If I had to switch careers, I'd love to work a normal Mon-Fri 9-5 job with weekend and holidays off!!


2: What is your favorite hobby?

Shopping, reading and surfing the net


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

New Years, fresh start to a new year and putting the past year behind you!


4: What is your greatest achievement?

Buying my own house at 24.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

Cats, they're fairly self sufficient and mine thinks she's a person and a dog!


6: What is your dream trip?



7: What is your fav food?

Stuffed Cabbage.


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

My Mother, she's the best in the whole world, and without her love and support I wouldn't be where I am now in life.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Red. It's so unpredictable!


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

As long as I'm in driving distance to my family and I have a roof over my head I'm happy!


11: How many siblings do you have?

Just 1 younger brother.


12: What is your biggest fear?

Being alone.


13: Whatâ€s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

I'm the crab dip queen!


14: Do you have a nickname?



15: What causes do you support?

Breast Cancer Awareness and Stem Cell Research


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

Mike and Ikes


17. If you could have one special power, what would it be & why??

Be able to teleport, I really hate driving places!


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Pay off both our parents and siblings debts.

Build a family compound, but they wouldn't have a key to our house!


20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?



21. What is your favorite T.V. show?

I have to many. CSI's, Law and Orders, Criminal Minds.....


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

That's a hard one, it just kinda happened!


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

Sweats and a Hoodie


24. How many or do you want children?

2 is good!


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Alot actually, being in the casino business. It seems they all like to gamble. The nicest was Jerry Orbach, The worse was Allen Iverson.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

Princess Diana, so I could tell the story of how she really died.


27. What is your worst bad habit?

Biting my nails and picking at my face!


28. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?

Marie, after my great grandmother.


29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Sledding behind my uncles jeep on an old VW beetle hood in a peach orchard as kids!


30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?



31. Whatâ€s your favorite movie?



My Question:

Why did you choose a destination wedding?


My Answer:

Our relationship has been anything but normal, so having a traditional wedding was not a thought. Why not do something that no one in either family has ever done and save some money in the process!

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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

I’m an accountant at an Entertainment company. If I had to switch careers, I'd love to do something where I’m my own boss and work my own hours, doing something I really love. Not sure what that is….


2: What is your favorite hobby?

Shopping, baking.


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Christmas – I love spending quality time with my family and it reminds me of the good times I had with my brothers growing up.


4: What is your greatest achievement?

Moving to a bigger city on my own, and getting the job I came here to get!


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

My puggle Nixon. Because he’s the cutest and I love him!


6: What is your dream trip?

French Polynesia or Turtle Island


7: What is your fav food?



8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

My parents for sure. I’ve learned so much from them, and I still go to them with questions etc and I’m 28 years old!


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Pink. Because it’s adorable 


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

New York City (if I had to work), or somewhere warm and relaxing if I won the lottery and didn’t need a job.


11: How many siblings do you have?

2 older brothers.


12: What is your biggest fear?

Not succeeding.


13: What’s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

I’m still learning to cook and since we just got a proper kitchen last week, I haven’t made any holiday dishes yet!


14: Do you have a nickname?

Yes - Feather


15: What causes do you support?

Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer.


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

Taylor Swift 


17. If you could have one special power, what would it be & why??

I like the teleporting one! Mostly because I’m always late and usually lazy.


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Buy everyone in my family a house or cottage

Buy a place in NYC

Never work again!


20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?

Kitchenaid Mixer


21. What is your favorite T.V. show?

Lots! Gossip Girl, Brothers and Sisters, Ugly Betty…


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

Within the first few months. I was so comfortable with him and we have so much fun together.


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

Right now it’s a new shirt FI got me from work but usually I’d say my Lululemon sweatpants…I live in them at home.


24. How many or do you want children?

2 children


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Yes – I met Justin Timberlake when I was in high school. I also saw Jennifer Aniston when I was working at Warner Brothers in LA for 3 weeks.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

Victoria Beckham. I’d love to know what goes on in her twisted mind, what it’s like to be so skinny, and of course what it’s like to be in bed with David wink.gif


27. What is your worst bad habit?

Being late for work


28. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?

Elizabeth – my grandmother’s middle name.


29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Getting into a weirdo’s truck after my friend’s bachelorette party last summer…pretty sure we almost got abducted


30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

The way he brushes his teeth…he gets toothpaste all over his face and then wipes his face on our hand towel. Yuck!


31. What’s your favorite movie?

This is an impossible question! I love movies.


32. Why did you choose a destination wedding?

Because I wanted something casual and different than the same old wedding that everyone has. Plus getting to spend a week with all of my favourite people will be amazing.


My Question:

How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?

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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

I work for CBS Sports, and would love to stay in sports but not work weekends.


2: What is your favorite hobby?



3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Christmas, because of the meaning and being with my entire family


4: What is your greatest achievement?

Living in NYC on my paycheck. Hahaha


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

Dogs... Punkin' can always make me smile


6: What is your dream trip?



7: What is your fav food?

Moms spaghetti and meat sauce


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

my mom


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Fuchsia... because it's so fun to say


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Greece or Italy


11: How many siblings do you have?



12: What is your biggest fear?



13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

Cheesy potato casserole


14: Do you have a nickname?

FI calls me "Bubbah, Family calls me "Bookie"


15: What causes do you support?

Make a Wish Foundation and Lymphoma Leukemia Society


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

Reality TV


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

Flight... I've always wondered what it would feel like


18. How old are you?

26 but turning 27 on Dec 8


19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Buy everyone in my family a new house and cars


20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?

does a dishwasher count? washer and dryer too


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?

Arrested Development


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

When I went to visit him for the first time in college


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?



24. How many or do you want children?



25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

President George W., Modanna, Katie Holmes, Dan Marino, Bill Cower, James Brown, Dirk, Vince Gill, Usher, Keith Urban


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

Oprah... I'd be pampered all day!!!


27. was your worst bad habit?

I'm a picker


28. what's your middle name? does it have significance?



29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Skinny dipped in the college pool


30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

Tries to play if off like he's listening to me while he plays video games


31. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

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Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
I am an Insurance Agent. I handle personal accounts IE: home auto, etc... If I could change careers, I would love to be a chef.
1. Stacey - me too! Well I do health, life, disability, dental, vision and long term care insurance - we should chat - I don't do commercial, auto, or home and I need someone to refer these clients to - plus you are in CA!
I actually wouldn't change careers - I love working in a family business where I can make my own hours

2: What is your favorite hobby?
Shopping, running, planning trips/events

3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?
Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love to be surrounded by my extended family since I do not get to see all of them very often.

4: What is your greatest achievement?
I just bought my first house back in May - all by myself! It is tough, but I am so glad I did it.

5: What is your favorite animal... and why?
dogs - but I have two kitties right now and love them - just not home enough right now for a dog - soon!

6: What is your dream trip?
Oh, everywhere! - Asia, Australia, South America

7: What is your fav food?
Mom's Cranberry Chicken

8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?
My parents - I love them to death and I can always trust them for honest advice, even if it is not what I want to hear

9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?
periwinkle - because its fun to say

10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Florence, Italy

11: How many siblings do you have?
1 younger sister - 22

12: What is your biggest fear?
death - eh hate public speaking also

13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?
I'm a little cooking challenged...I can make a darn good green bean casserole by following the directions on the back of the onion can

14: Do you have a nickname?
Jess, Bess, Jessie, Bessca, Boozer

15: What causes do you support?
Lupus Foundation of America and I'm on the board of a non-profit called ARTS (ARTS A Reason To Survive)

16: What is your guilty pleasure?
Reality TV for sure

17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??
I would love to be able to fly - I've always wanted to since I was little

18. How old are you?

19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?
Buy my dad a Ferrari, both parents an amazing vacation and a vacation house, buy my sister a house on the beach since she is dying to live right on the water, pay off my mortgage....oh lots

20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?
a remodeled bathroom - does this count? not really a gadget...

21. What is your favorite T.V. show?
hmm Grey's Anatomy

22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"
The night I met him I called my best friend and said "I met the man I'm going to marry tonight!" - of course I had way too many cocktails that night but she thinks it is great. When I really knew though, it was Thanksgiving of 2005.

23. What is your favorite item of clothing?
flip flops

24. How many or do you want children?
2 or 3

25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?
The Full House cast, Andrew Keegan (is he still famous? ha), Beverly Mitchell from 7th Heaven went to my college - hmm I can't think right now - I used to live in LA so we would see random people a lot

26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?
The President or the Pope - just to see what it is like to live a day in their shoes

27. was your worst bad habit?
waiting until the last minute to get things done that I do not want to do

28. what's your middle name? does it have significance?
Laraine - my dad's mother was named Loraine and my mom's mom is named Lorraine so they just changed the spelling

29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
mooned the boys dorm my freshman year in college - wow I'm pretty lame...haha

30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?
He acts like he doesn't hear me sometimes when I am asking him a question and I will get irritated when he doesn't answer - then he will come back a few minutes later with the answer - I don't know, maybe it is a software engineer geek thing - :)

31. What’s your favorite movie?
I love romantic comedies - too many to name

32. Why did you choose a destination wedding?
I've been to way too many weddings and they are all so similar. This is not bad, but I just wanted something different - something where all my guests could go on vacation.

33. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?
4 years - well minus 7 months - we broke up for a little bit because I needed to "explore" - thank God we are back together

34. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?
My mom can really get under my skin sometimes with her trying to run my life still at 25 - but I lover her to death and I think it would be weird if she just stopped one day.

35. (my question) When and how did you and your FI meet?
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1. What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?


I currently work as an Acquisitions Consultant for Samuel Lynne Galleries. I recently also became an Independent Distributor for ForeverGreen. I love both of those jobs, but if I had to switch careers I would love to do something with travel or with brides (actually I'm working on setting something up at our gallery for an Art Registry! That would fulfill my dream =))


2: What is your favorite hobby?

I love giving presents - shopping for them, wrapping them, making them... the whole works. I think Christmas is on my mind wink.gif


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Well I guess I kind of made that obvious in my last question, but in case you're still wondering it is definitely Christmas! I just love the feeling that is in the air around that time. So special, and a whole day to spend exchanging presents and spending time with family - how can life get any better than that!?! wink.gif


4: What is your greatest achievement?

Gosh that is a good question... I think when I graduate college next semester that will be my greatest achievement.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

Ollie is my favorite animal! He's our spoiled little Dachshund. Actually he's laying on my lap right now in his little red hoodie making it very difficult to type... fryingpan.gif


6: What is your dream trip?

My honeymoon! @ The Royal Plantation in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. I'd also like to travel around Europe and visit Italy and Scotland for sure!


7: What is your fav food?

Potatoes & Cheese! Sadly, I'm off of dairy because it doesn't agree with me. Boo! sad.gif


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

Martin, my Dad and my Grandparents.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Silver because it's fun and I could color on black paper! lol


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Oh gosh, that's a tough one! I would want to travel all over first to pick out a place. Probably somewhere Spanish-speaking though.


11: How many siblings do you have?

2 half-sisters through my Mom. They're 12 and 16 years older than me. I'm close to one of them.


12: What is your biggest fear?

Losing control - I hate Dallas traffic, I'm always panicking driving around in it. I also have a weird fear of falling down the stairs.


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

I love to make long-stemmed, big chocolate covered Strawberries at Christmas time!


14: Do you have a nickname?

Apparently I have one on here - "JL" lol wink.gif Other than that, not really - other than little names Martin calls me.


15: What causes do you support?

Animal Rescue Organizations, Orgs. that help Children, the Earth, etc.


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

Mint Chocolate Martini - lololol


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

I think it would be... to be able to feel serene and calm whenever I wanted! (Have a lot of anxiety!)


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

First, I would donate at least a million to charity. Then I'd buy Martin a badass car, then I'd pay off our house, my Dad's house and help out anyone else in our immediate family who needs it! OH AND I'D GET INSURANCE!!! LOL


20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?

A tv behind our bathroom mirror (our neighbors have those cheesy.gif)


21. What is your favorite T.V. show?

Lost for sure


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

I think I'm starting to realize that more and more as time passes, and our love has changed from "lust" to different types of "love" and all the struggles in between! But that's kind of a lame, general answer, so I'll also add that when all of my friends and family gave him the thumbs up I knew he was the one!


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?



24. How many or do you want children?



25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Some famous artists (Peter Max, Alexandra Nechita...), Chuck Berry, and several local celebs.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

Hmmm... definitely someone I really respect to see how they handle things that come their way. Not sure exactly who though. Probably just an "average" person.


27. was your worst bad habit?

Lately? Laying around in my PJs past noon!!! smile41.gif


28. what's your middle name? does it have significance?

Lynne - it most definitely has significance. Lynne was my mother's name, and I will also pass it on if I ever have a daughter (it will be her middle name too). Also, my Dad just opened a gallery and it's named Samuel Lynne; the Lynne being after me! :)


29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Oh lord... we're not *that* close! HAHAHAHA


30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

He forgets things like CRAZY! Seriously, I can tell him something and TWO MINUTES later he will ask about what I just told him. hit.gif


31. Whatâ€s your favorite movie?

That's a tough one. I loved Devil's Advocate and Across the Universe.


32. Why did you choose a destination wedding?

I think I always knew I was a little "different" in that department. I never wanted a local wedding in a church. Even if I'd done it local, it probably would be at the Arboretum or some other visually stimulating place. I took Martin to Mexico a few years ago and he absolutely loved it! Mexico holds a special place in my heart. We were engaged there June '07. We knew before then - that was actually during our site visit! LOL Plus, when else will you have this chance to spend several days to a week with your closest family and friends AND celebrate the biggest day of your lives?


33. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?

About 2 years I think?


34. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

Oh gosh - there are a few. But to save face I'll just say my best friend for being late all of the time (that is annoying!). wink.gif


35. (my question) When and how did you and your FI meet?

Kind of a long story - we grew up right down the street from each other, went to the same HS, same college... but never "knew" each other. Then 5 years after HS we met randomly at a bar. Martin said he saw me walking across the street and I was completely lit up and he was mesmerized. He got distracted for a minute and when he turned around I was standing right in front of him. He was so baffled and shy he didn't know what to say, so I said "Hey, I think I know you...". He was so shy though that I thought he was blowing me off. Little did I know! We talked for 4 hours and I swear it was just like a movie - everyone else faded into the background and all I remember was him and a fire burning behind him (we were outside). Eventually I had to go, and we gave each other a "Half-hug" (we joke about that all the time now) and said we'd find each other on Myspace. I was bitten by the love bug, and ran home and found him ASAP! (Stalkerish much?!? LOL) He was slightly taken aback but also really happy. The rest is history...


36. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?

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: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

I'm in my Master's program to be a school counselor (graduate in May-yay!), and interning as a counselor in a high school. Because the internship is unpaid, I'm also still working my old job, which is a residential instructor at a boarding school for children with special needs. I love my job(s), but if I had to switch, I think I would be some sort of instructor in an exotic location...SCUBA instructor or skydiving instructor would be awesome!

2: What is your favorite hobby?

Reading, painting, traveling, shopping

3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Thanksgiving! I love food and I love getting together with my family

4: What is your greatest achievement?

It will be graduating my graduate program...so close!

5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

Penguins...not really sure why

6: What is your dream trip?

Around the world in a hot air balloon

7: What is your fav food?

spinach or ice cream...it really is a close tie

8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

Definitely my mom

9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Haha, I love this question! I don't know if anyone else remembers when they asked people to name crayons and they were these really cool names...My favorite was always "macaroni and cheese." If I had to choose I would be the one called "mauvelous" and I think I just like the name, although the color is cool too....to this day I still say "mauvelous" instead of marvelous when I use the word :)

10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I would love to live somewhere warm, but being close to my family and friends is more important. So I guess I'll be staying in New England...

11: How many siblings do you have?

A younger brother...he's about to turn 18

12: What is your biggest fear?


13: Whatâ€s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

kahlua pecan pie

14: Do you have a nickname?


15: What causes do you support?


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

ice cream

17. If you could have one special power, what would it be & why??


18. How old are you?


19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Pay off my parents' debt. Provide in home care for my grandmother...remodel my parents' kitchen...and take everyone on an exotic vacation...

20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?

cell phone...I wish I didn't rely on it so much

21. What is your favorite T.V. show?


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

When he cried in front of me one night...he'd kill me if he knew I was sharing this...

23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

FI's giant hooded sweatshirt

24. How many or do you want children?

2 or 3

25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

I work at a small pizza joint in Litchfield, CT...which attracts a lot of people in the fall for the "leaf season." I've waited on Ben Stiller and his wife, who were excellent tippers (more than their meal cost if I remember) and also the coach of Miami Heat...I'm not into sports so I didn't really care but the guy was a dick.

26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

someone very young...seeing the world for the first time and enjoying every moment of it!

27. What is your worst bad habit?

Does speeding count?

28. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?

Hannah...it doesn't really have significance, although my name was almost Hannah Rachel instead

29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Flew to Paris to see my FI while he was stationed overseas in the army...Paris might not seem crazy, but the fact that it was just for a weekend and I spent more time on the plane than I did with him made it pretty ridiculous...but totally worth it :)

30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

plays video games

31. Whatâ€s your favorite movie?

Sleeping Beauty

32. Why did you choose a destination wedding?

I have always wanted to get married on the beach...although I never really expected to be doing it somewhere thousands of miles away. Basically, I really wanted a smaller wedding, with just my closest family and friends. If I had my wedding close to home I would feel obligated to have my extended family there. It's not that I don't enjoy their company, but a wedding is a very special event, that will hold significant meaning for my FI and I...I only want to share it with the people that care about us the MOST...not the family members who I see maybe once a year...I hope that didn't sound too selfish...

33. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?

We started dating in November of 2005, and got engaged in February of 2007...so not even a year and a half...but it's even less than that because he was deployed to Germany in February of 2006...so if you want to get technical we were only really "together" for 3 months...crazy huh? It scares me a little when I think of the amount of time, but when you know you know :) reminds me of that song from Serendipity...I think it's called "when you know"

34. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

One of my professors in my graduate program...ughhh I can't even think about her...she makes me crazy...

35. When and how did you and your FI meet?

To put it in a nutshell, we technically met in college

(we had one or two classes together but didn't really talk), but we ran into each other at a bar one night and that's where we started talking...I think it began with "you look familiar..." Not the most exciting story...

36. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?

Absolutely! We have been really laid back about the whole process...we're not doing a private reception or anything like that, so I'm probably not as stressed out as most of you DW brides...we're having about 20 people and hopefully it will be a good time :)

My question: Do you have any pets?

My answer: We have fish because we don't have time for anything else...we will be getting a puppy next summer as a wedding gift to ourselves though...can't wait!

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