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Let’s Get to Know Each Other


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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?


I am a New Home Sales Manager, Stay at Home Mom


2: What is your favorite hobby?

Reading, Talking with my BDW friends


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?


X mas, love the deco and giving gifts


4: What is your greatest achievement?


Raising my 9 yr old daughter


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?


Cats cause they are so cuddly and loving!


6: What is your dream trip?


Australia, Fiji, and anywhere tropical


7: What is your fav food?




8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?


My father


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?


Red, it bright and powerful


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?


someplace warm


11: How many siblings do you have?


1 Brother


12: What is your biggest fear?




13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?




14: Do you have a nickname?




15: What causes do you support?


Breast Cancer


16: What is your guilty pleasure?


ice cream


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?


Fly, dont have to sit in traffic


18. How old are you?




19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?


Take care of my family



20.What gadget do you not need but still want?

An I-POD Touch


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?


Grey's Anatomy


22. How many or do you want children?



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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?


I'm an account manager for an auto finance company but I would love to be a pastry chef or a photographer.


2: What is your favorite hobby?




3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?


Thanksgiving cause I love to cook


4: What is your greatest achievement?


Buying my house and going back to school


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?


Cats- because my 2 are so sweet


6: What is your dream trip?


All over Europe


7: What is your fav food?




8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?


My hubbt


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?


Pink, cause its my favorite color


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?


St. Maarten


11: How many siblings do you have?


1 brother


12: What is your biggest fear?


Car/ plane crashes


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?


Pumpkin Pie


14: Do you have a nickname?




15: What causes do you support?


Humane society


16: What is your guilty pleasure?


reality tv


17. My Question is If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?


To fly so I can get places fast


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?


Buy lots of properties in different places around the world


20.What gadget do you not need but still want?



21. What is your favourite T.V. show?

Desperate Housewives


My question is......


Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?


I met Chelsea Handler in April

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smile159.gifLet's see.


1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?


I currently work in marketing for a large financial company. My dream job would be to do marketing for Apple. However, I used to think my dream job would be traveling to sporting events and event planning. I did it for two years and hated being gone every weekend and having no life at home. So I guess I am happy where I'm at right now.


2: What is your favorite hobby?


My favorite hobby is reading, but I only let myself do it on vacation. Once I pick up a book, I can't put it down. This has led to a couple very late nights.


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?


St. Patrick's day. I am Irish and what a better way to celebrate a holiday then with green beer!


4: What is your greatest achievement?


Graduating from college and hopefully soon starting my graduate degree!


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?


My adorable dog Bailey - He is quirky just like me!


6: What is your dream trip?


Costa Rica, I really wanted to get married there, but that didn't pan out. Hopefully a one year anniversary trip :-)



7: What is your fav food?


Wild Rice Soup - especially my mom's!


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?


My Grandma. She was an amazing woman that was years beyond her time. Her strength and courage amaze me even today. She died about 8 years ago but she will always have a big impact on my life.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?


Blue, I love blue!


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?


Charlotte, NC. I don't know why, but I love it there!


11: How many siblings do you have?


I am the oldest of four. I have one sister and two brothers.


12: What is your biggest fear?


Jellyfish - kind of odd for a girl that lives in Iowa!


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?


Pumpkin Pie


14: Do you have a nickname?


I've had a couple over the years. Shan, Shanny, Nae-nae


15: What causes do you support?


This is an area I want to do more in. I currently financially support a coulple charities but am looking to get into a big brothers/big sisters program.


16: What is your guilty pleasure?


Anything with sugar in it is one. Another is my DVR. I love a lazy saturday to catch up on shows I don't have time to watch. It's like creating my own marathons!


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??


Become invisible. To be a fly on the wall could be good or bad, but I'd like to find out!


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?


Go on a very long vacation with friends and family!


20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?


A Gocco. I am currently obsessed with finding new gagets that will make my diy projects more fun. Need to stop or this diy thing is going to cost me a lot more than having someone else do it for me.


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?


Brothers and Sisters, it reminds me of my family!


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"


Probably within about 2 months. He had become such a big part of my life so quickly I couldn't imagine living without him. He is a little older than I am an never thought he would be married so I think the actual moment I realized he was the "one" was when he broke down and told me he loved me. This was hard for him and meant the world to me.


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?


My favorite pair of jeans. I always feel great in them!


24. How many or do you want children?


2 or 3


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?


I've met lots of sports figures, NASCAR, NFL and NBA through my old job.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

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This is fun!

1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?


I'm a recruiter for accounting/finance-my other career would be a pharma-no stress


2: What is your favorite hobby?


working out


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?


I love seeing the children dressed up for Halloween and I love thanksgiving-such fun memories from child hood


4: What is your greatest achievement?


Being successful at my job-finishing college and making all on my own


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?


I think spotted cows are super cute

6: What is your dream trip?


I would love to go to Tahiti/bora bora


7: What is your fav food?


I love chips and dip


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?


I would probably say both my mom and my future husband -he taught me about patience and my mom because she is the nicest person ever


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?




10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?


San Diego-the weather is perfect all the time


11: How many siblings do you have?


an older sister and brother


12: What is your biggest fear?


Being submerged in a pool of fish.


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?


I dont cook


14: Do you have a nickname?


my last name "Katz"

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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

I work for a non-profit that publishes kids magazines in their direct mail marketing/circulations dept.


2: What is your favorite hobby?

I like baking/cooking and scrapbooking


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Thanksgiving. I cook the entire dinner for my fam.


4: What is your greatest achievement?

Getting my BA in 4 years while raising my son who is now 3.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

I must be honest. I do not like animals. I don't mind them, but they are just not for me.


6: What is your dream trip?

I would love to go to Italy


7: What is your fav food?

Chicken Parm or lasagna or anything Italian or Mexican or Chinese... I love food.


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

Chris, my FI. I met him when I was a pretty crazy teenager. I had a bad reputation and he didnt know anyone I did, so he had no idea who what I was or what I had done. This let me just be me and not worry about everything that people said about me or what he really wanted from me. He helped me become the responsible person that I am today and probably saved my life from self-destruction.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

I would be hot pink bc I love to stand out!


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

In a big city. I have always wanted to live in NYC.


11: How many siblings do you have?

One older sister and one younger brother.


12: What is your biggest fear?

That something might happen to Gabe, my son.


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

hmmm... asparagus with tomatoes. I got the recipe from the Food Network...


14: Do you have a nickname?

Bia, Binky, I think thats it.


15: What causes do you support?

None in particular, but I love working with kids.


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

hmmm... what isnt? Love guacamole, donuts, cupcakes. I'm just bad.


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

To read peoples minds! It could prevent trouble sometimes... or just cause more.


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Pay off our house and my parents house and pack everyone up and go on a lonnnng vacation!


20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?

not much that I can think of? Maybe a new digital SLR


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?

90210, Degrassi


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

A part of me knew the first time we kissed. It was a terrifying feeling and I was so scared to fall for him (for a whole month or two), we got engaged about 3 months after we met.


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

My fave jeans!


24. How many or do you want children?

2 or 3


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

I met Usher's lil brother... I think thats the closet to famous for me.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

I would be... no idea.

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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?


I was recently laid off from my job. But when I was working, I was a PC Support Specialist Senior at a local bank in Columbus. I am now thinking about changing careers and would like to get into digital design.


2: What is your favorite hobby?


I love the beach and anything that has to do with the beach and the ocean.


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?


I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I love that the entire family gets together and we have loads of fun.


4: What is your greatest achievement?


Raising my girls to be independent and achieving individuals.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?


I love my little Fefe (some kind of mix) but I really love Tea Cup Yorkies.


6: What is your dream trip?


My dream trip would be the Greek Isles. Ever since I saw the movie The Sisterhood of the traveling pants!



7: What is your fav food?


Chocolate from Germany. My mother was German and her sister used to send chocolate from Berlin all the time. Both have since passed and I miss it.


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?


I would have to say my mother. She came to this country not speaking a word of English, but she learned. She learned how to cook american food, live the american way but also to incorporate her German heritage into our family. She didn't even learn how to drive until she was 48! She taught my sisters and I how to be strong women.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?


Blue, because it is the color of the Ocean.


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?


This is a hard question because I haven't been everywhere. But for right now, it may be North Carolina. Raleigh to be specific. It is only an 8 hour drive to Columbus and my girls, and a short 2 hour drive to the BEACH!


11: How many siblings do you have?


I have 1 sister older and 1 sister younger. Yes I am the monkey in the middle.


12: What is your biggest fear?


Not finishing what I start. Running away when things are tough.


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?


Egg Nog cheesecake


14: Do you have a nickname?


Is B*tch a nickname? LOL Some people call me Syl


15: What causes do you support?


I support all cancer societies and AIDS.


16: What is your guilty pleasure?


BDW. I can't stay off of this forum.


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??


To remove all pain. I watched my mother during her battle with Pancreas cancer and it was the worst thing to watch.


18. How old are you?

47 Will be 48 next Saturday


19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?


Buy a home for my stepdaughter, donate a lot to the Cancer Society and Hospice. Then go to the Greek Isles.


20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?


Ipod touch, blueray DVD player, new stereo for my car with satellite radio


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?


If I had showtime it would be The L Word, but since i don't I would have to say The Next 48.


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"


After we broke up the first time and I moved to Columbus. We were apart about 3 years and I could not get him out of my system. Then we got married. Then we got divorced! Ten years later, I still could not get him out of my system so we got married again! DUH


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?


Big sweat shirts and/or Steeler gear.


24. How many or do you want children?


I have 2 and 1 stepdaughter and want 0 more. I'm waiting for grands.


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?


Jerome Bettis, Mohammed Ali, That's it I think.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?


I would be someone over 5' with firm boobs and no cellulite.


27. Is there anything that you regret doing?

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Fun thread!



1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

I bartend and cant wait to switch to nursing when im done with school!


2: What is your favorite hobby?

I love home brewing


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

christmas because i loving giving gifts to others and the feeling that the whole holiday has.


4: What is your greatest achievement?

hmmm if I get into nursing school that will be it so far


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

I love all animals but cats are my favorite


6: What is your dream trip?

to go on a year long tour of the world


7: What is your fav food?

anything made with bacon, a rare steak, and anything crispy with a dipping sauce


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

My parents because I was a tough kid to live with for awhile but they waited it out and always believed in me!


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

aqua blue


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

In a little town in the south of france


11: How many siblings do you have?

none im a only child


12: What is your biggest fear?

tie between people I love dying and spiders


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

meat loaf


14: Do you have a nickname?

nat (my name is nathalie)


15: What causes do you support?

Gay marriage rights and animal rights


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

wow I have so many...bacon chocolate at whole foods, cheese sticks dipped in ranch and fried calamari


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

To fly just cause it would be cool and save time and gas!


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

buy my parents a house, open up a no-kill animal shelter, and travel


20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?

the kitchen aid stand mixer even though I rarely cook anything


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?



22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

about 3 years after we had been together and we still loved being together.


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

My new brown boots


24. How many or do you want children?

Im still deciding if I want kids in general but no more than 2


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

I work in bar in LA so Ive met quite a few.. adam sandler, reese witherspoon, Jake gyllenhaal, brooke shields, mike judge, both wilson bros, colin ferrel theres probably more I can think of off hand and most of them were very nice


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

I dont know...probably my FI just so I can see how he puts up with me lol


heres my question: was your worst bad habit?

my is a tie between nail biting and procrastination

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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

i am a project manager for independent musicians and filmmakers. sounds cool, but needy and broke musicians are really exhausting.

i'm currently getting certified to teach and hope to be teaching spanish next fall.


2: What is your favorite hobby?

home improving


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

christmas because i like the atmosphere and my bday is on the 23rd.


4: What is your greatest achievement?

studying abroad. i was a punk ass narrow minded kid who grew up in northeast philly. i decided i didn't want to be like most of the kids i knew and wanted to "expand my horizons". traveling alone def changed my life. and also buying a home at 23.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

cats, i have two


6: What is your dream trip?

spending months in south america.


7: What is your fav food?

mac and cheese


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

my parents, both good and bad. the hubs, for good.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?



10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

i'd move back to spain in a sec.


11: How many siblings do you have?

2 younger sisters


12: What is your biggest fear?

something happening to my family


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

i don't make anything huh02.gif


14: Do you have a nickname?



15: What causes do you support?

i am pretty much pro-everything. but i am a polar bear diver and support the american cancer society by jumping in the jersey shore in feb every year.


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

pop music


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

teleport. beats flying any day..


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

pay off my parents and in laws houses. pay my sisters' college. have kids.


20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?

a new microwave. mine works fine, i just want a different color :)


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?

amazing race


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

we took our first vaca together and i realized i never wanted to travel with anyone else


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

old man sweater


24. How many or do you want children?

2 and i want them nooooooooow. but i'm being patient and waiting our agreed upon 2.5 years.. :)


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

i worked in the starbucks right in the middle of the city, so i got all the famous people who needed a caffeine fix- stacy and clinton (what not to wear), ivanka trump, david schwimmer, hilary clinton, howie day, freddy rodriguez was a regular of mine and he is a huuuunk.


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

anthony bourdain- obvious reasons


27. was your worst bad habit?

i'm judgemental


28. what's your middle name? does it have significance?

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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

I recently quit my job to go back to school. So, I'm in school full time and work part time at Outback for extra cash. My ideal job would be an ESL teacher (English as a second language) in high school and to adults.


2: What is your favorite hobby?

being a part of a NASCAR team Modified 79 Webpage


3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Independence Day I love a good BBQ!


4: What is your greatest achievement?

hmmm, I don't know if I've had it yet... So far its~ not being afraid to quit a perfectly good full time job just because I knew it wouldn't make me happy in the long run.


5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

cats~ I love my 2 snugglers!


6: What is your dream trip?



7: What is your fav food?

anything chocolate


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

my brother~ He's the best and my best friend.


9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

Green, its the color of life and reminds me of nature.


10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

a non-touristy island


11: How many siblings do you have?



12: What is your biggest fear?

being alone


13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

the black and white cookies I make at Christmas


14: Do you have a nickname?

Kel, Cousin (no idea how that one started)


15: What causes do you support?

nothing really... I should. I think about it alot.


16: What is your guilty pleasure?

ice cream, some days I eat it for breakfast.


17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

invisibility. Because I'm nosey as hell...


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

Buy my brother a Sprint Cup team, buy an island


20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?

I'm not really a gadget girl


21. What is your favourite T.V. show?

Everybody Loves Raymond. I love reruns!


22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

after about a month of dating


23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

my penguin pj pants...


24. How many or do you want children?

1, but not for a while. I want to travel after getting married


25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

Britney Spears~ before she was a total lunatic; Jeff Gordon (racecar driver); Tony Stewart (racecar driver);


26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

Angelina Jolie~ only because she gets to have sex with Brad Pitt; or Oprah, because who wouldn't want to be Oprah?


27. was your worst bad habit?

I react before taking everything in


28. what's your middle name? does it have significance?

Lynn, no significance


My Question:

29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?


I went skydiving!

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1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?



2: What is your favorite hobby?



3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?



4: What is your greatest achievement?



5: What is your favorite animal... and why?



6: What is your dream trip?



7: What is your fav food?

anything chocolate


8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?



9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?



10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?



11: How many siblings do you have?



12: What is your biggest fear?



13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?



14: Do you have a nickname?



15: What causes do you support?



16: What is your guilty pleasure?



17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??

invisibility. Because I'm nosey as hell...


18. How old are you?



19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?



20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?



21. What is your favourite T.V. show?



22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"



23. What is your favorite item of clothing?



24. How many or do you want children?



25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?



26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?



27. was your worst bad habit?



28. what's your middle name? does it have significance?



My Question:

29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?




30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

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