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Am I turning into Bridezilla?


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So here's the deal...I have 2 wonderful BM's and a MOH (my sister). They have all expressed that they would like to throw a shower for me with just my girlfriends. I thought my sister would be the one in charge since she's the MOH. I expressed to her REPEATEDLY that the only thing I cared about was that it was a surprise (otherwise I will try and plan it all myself).


One of my bridesmaids asked if she could throw a lingerie shower for me and I asked her if she could please talk to my sister so that her feelings wouldn't be hurt. I also told my sister to talk to the other girls so they could all work together.


Needless to say, today I received an evite to my lingerie shower on Dec. 5. My one bridesmaid is throwing it herself and my sister and the other BM are working on planning a surprise lingerie shower. The problem is that it would be the exact same people invited to either party.


WHY can't they just talk to each otherhuh.gif



Any advice about how I can sort this out without hurting feelings? I can get over the fact that this shower will no longer be a surprise. sad.gif

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honestly i would say just let them deal with it and im sure they will figure out to make one party not two...otherwise it might turn a little bridezilla-ish. I dont think you are one right now but just let them plan or else you are going to get all upset and not have fun with it....it wont be a "surprise" if you help them plan it from the sidelines KWIM??

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hmm well maybe just ask them to leave you out of it until it happens because you want it to be a surprise and dont want to get involved at all before the party....im sure they will understand :) and i am pretty sure it will turn out to be a great time no matter what they plan :) just sit back and get spoiled lol! thats what being a bride is for cheesy.gif

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I say just let them do their own thing. If you have 2 showers, it's no big deal.


I'm sure a lot of us have been to lingerie showers, bach parties, family showers, pampered chef parties, etc. all for the same bride. I averaged 3 events per bride, not including the wedding, for all of my friends.


I would send a nice e-mail to all of the girls telling them how much you appreciate their hard work and are so excited. But, ask them to please not include you on e-mails, etc. because you want to be surprised.


Be thankful you have a bridal party that is willing and able to host these events for you. Some of us weren't so lucky. LOL

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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
I say just let them do their own thing. If you have 2 showers, it's no big deal.

I'm sure a lot of us have been to lingerie showers, bach parties, family showers, pampered chef parties, etc. all for the same bride. I averaged 3 events per bride, not including the wedding, for all of my friends.

I would send a nice e-mail to all of the girls telling them how much you appreciate their hard work and are so excited. But, ask them to please not include you on e-mails, etc. because you want to be surprised.

Be thankful you have a bridal party that is willing and able to host these events for you. Some of us weren't so lucky. LOL

That's really sad that you're bridal party didn't do more for you. Especially when it's so clear (from your posts) that you do a lot for others!

I am really thankful for my girls, they're really great. I'm gonna spend the day trying to tackle some wedding to-do's and then go out and celebrate FI birthday tonight. Maybe even a couple drinks on a school night...who knows?smile29.gif
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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
I would send a nice e-mail to all of the girls telling them how much you appreciate their hard work and are so excited. But, ask them to please not include you on e-mails, etc. because you want to be surprised.
I completely agree.. send them an email as said above by Erin!!!

You are absolutely not being a bridezilla. It's completely reasonable to not want to be involved with planning your bridal shower!

Just take a deep breath... and know that these are your closest friends and family. They just want you to be happy and will do whatever makes you happy! Email them and forget about it...
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Sounds like they need to get organized around these showers! But maybe - just maybe- they're sending u these emails to throw u off the trail-- maybe they want u to think it's a lingerie party, when they're actually planning a super-surprise shower... either way, just don't do any of the work for your shower(s). Let them lavish u w/ fun and gifts!


You're def not outta control. Just remember that the showers aren't your responsibility, and if any of your girls try to make it your responsibility, remind them that's their job cheesy.gif

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