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Hairdresser butchered my hair!


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So I went to get my hair cut. I went in wanting the Nicole Ritchie bob but just below my shoulders and not any shorter. This lady just chopped my hair off. It's way above my shoulders and horrible. Looks nothing like it. And my bangs are so short. I can't even put it in a pony tail. I just feel horrible and can't stop crying. What do I do. I called to speak to the manager but she's not in till tomorrow. Should I just find a shorter cut I like and go somewhere else? Or what? Should she refund my money? What do I do?msncry.gifmsncry.gif

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aww that's a bummer.. i don't know what you should do about the manager but in the meantime you need to figure out some cute ways to style it!


my hair is in a pretty short bob right now also, but i'm not in your situation cause that's what i wanted. i usually style it with a side part off to one side with all of the bangs swept over as well. the key is a good flat iron and styling products. as for a ponytail i use lots of bobby pins and hide them with a stretchy headband or scarf. hope that helps a little!

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That's really too bad. That happened to me years ago and I went back to the salong the next day (my haid was crooked) and showed the manager. She ended up doing my hair herself to ensure it was done right. She had to cut it shorter but at least it was a better cut. She didn't charge me anything the second time but now that I think of it I really should have tried to get a gift certificate from them or something. I never went back.

I'm sure once you talk to the manager that she'll help you out. Especially if it looks nothing like what you asked for.

Good luck! Make sure to take pics of it today to show the manager...and to show us..it's probalby not that bad.

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Aww Calia, that really sucks. Why would she cut it so short if you told her to go just below the shoulder? Did you bring a picture of Nicole Ritchie's cut to help illustrate your vision??


As for a new style, can you post a picture of the new cut? Maybe some of the pros have a few suggestions.

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Oh no! That's the worst!!!


I have a few friends who are hairdressers and as much as they don't want their clients to be upset they would way rather you tell them so that they can do something to make you happy and fix it than that you just cry at home and never tell them...


I know you hate the way it looks and feel like your hair is all gone, but I'm sure that there is a great short hair style that will look beautiful on you and suit your face. You just have to go back there and ask them to do something else to fix it so that you're happy with it and it complements your features.

At this point, as you have nothing really to lose, I'd just go back in and ask them to do something that really will make you look amazing.


I'm not suggesting you go super short, but I had a pixie cut for 5 years and I loved it and everyone thought it looked great on me.


I'm sure something will be done to make you happier and more confident. It's a whole new look. You just have to get to the point where you are finding it fun! hug2.gif

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Ok I'll show pictures. Not the front though b/c that upsets me. The bangs are SOO Short. like really really short. She did this like two layer thing in the back like a mullet. Not even a bob. I don't know what she was thinking! So like the bottom flips out and top flips under. It's weird. Should I just go back and do a shorter bob? But make someone else do it??

Ok heres the pic I wanted it to look like:

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and then mine

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Honestly Calia, I think it looks great. And I promise, I'm not just saying that! It actually looks like a cut I use to have, only your hair looks healthier than mine did! And totally does NOT look like a mullet. The layers gives it great body and life. I honestly like it!


Having said that, I don't think it looks much like the picture of Nicole Ritchie you posted. I'd say wait a couple days... see if you grow to like it. Usually when I get a hair cut, if I like it at first, I end up hating it later (the hairdressers always style it so well!). Or if I don't like it when I leave the salon, I'll give it a few days and make it my own, and love it!


Judging from your avatar, your new hair cut is quite a bit of a change (even if it did match Nicole Ritchie's). give it a few days, play with the style. Wash it, curl it a different way or use a straightner etc. See what you think in a couple of days, and if you still want to change it, then go back to the salon and see what they can do.

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