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Hello All! My name is Amy and I'm 22 years old. My fiance's name is Richard. We are getting married on March 12, 2009 in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. I know that's a long way away! Well anyway, just wanted to introduce myself.
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It seems far away now, but you will wake up tomorrow and it will be here. Then you will be like most of us, in a panic, not knowing up from down and you will be posting my favorite phrase from here... "freak out in 5, 4, 3..." hehehehe! But it all turns out beautiful in the end and we live happily ever after.

Anyway, welcome and let us know if you have any question, need advice or just want to vent.

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Thanks everyone! I think the two year thing is good and bad. Part of me wants the wedding to be here now and the other part is so glad I have a lot of time to plan. Plus it is nice to have that time to save up some money. Anyway thanks again and I'm sure I will be going some venting, so glad to know this is the place to do it!

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Hey Amy, welcome to the forum! That's awesome that you have so much time to plan. I've been engaged for almost a year and it has gone by SO fast, and now I have a year until my wedding... I'm halfway there!! (it sounds better if I say it like that!!) Plus, by the time your wedding comes around you'll be so organized and such a pro your day will be flawless!!! Just curious - is there a reason why you're waiting two years?

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