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Originally Posted by msts82675 View Post


Also, just curious if it's worth it for the larger packages as I don't see much difference between them.  Did many just go with the basic and add on?


Thanks so much!




I think I'm going with the basic package, it has pretty much everything you need except for flowers and a few extras. I'm going to go into town and pick up some flowers and do my own bouquet just because for what I want is going to cost me $180 at the resort and I can do it myself for $20-$30. I think it totally depends on what you want in the package and whether you can do the things they don't include youself. It's nice to have the hair and makeup and whatnot included...but to me seems like your paying a pretty penny for it when you can venture outside the resort and have it done for much cheaper! Just my opinion lol, Happy planning!  


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Originally Posted by dallace View Post


hey can any past brides tell me whether there was a swim up bar anywhere in the resort?? Our best man has his heart set on a swim up bar and I can't find  anywhere on there website if they have one or not lol.


sorry to post AGAIN lol but I was also wondering from anyone that has stayed here how the beds are? I would imagine like most hotel beds but my FI is being a pain (just because he likes to tease me) and wants "big plushy" beds because we're getting married and figures we should be treated like royalty lol. I told him I'd try and find out but not to get his hopes up haha.




Originally Posted by Kray41 View Post


Did you find an outside flower shop?  I am getting married May 31, 2012.  Yes four months away!!



There are TONS of outside flower shops in Playa. I had my mom looking at things down there for me last time she was there and she found a place that had HUGE bouquets for like $20, I'll ask her what the name of the place was and get back to you.


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Hi Again!


  I was told we have to pay a 300 dollar fee for an outside photographer which seems steep to me.  Has anyone used the resort photographer and how much did she cost?   I was sent a website but it had no prices.  As for the florists that is great info!  Thanks for the advice dallace!

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I haven't been there yet but I understand that there is one in the adults only pool in the Riviera section.

Originally Posted by dallace View Post

hey can any past brides tell me whether there was a swim up bar anywhere in the resort?? Our best man has his heart set on a swim up bar and I can't find  anywhere on there website if they have one or not lol.


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