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MOH Issues... (And she's my sister)!


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Wow, she is very immature!


Is your mom paying for any part of the wedding? The reason I ask this is if she is she might feel entitled to make decision about your wedding.


I don't think you were wrong in taking away her MOH title.


You need a MOH who will be supportive and there for you.

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Originally Posted by selina View Post
Thanks for listening. I really have no one to talk to right now and am thankful to have your ears (or... eyes). After I emailed her telling her that I wasn't comfortable with her being my MOH, she sent me a response with about 25 F words calling me every name in the book. Then said to have a nice life and not to bother contacting her anymore... So, that does it I guess. Nice sister I have.

Wow, what kind of sister responds like that! I would completely ignore her and not respond any more. She's being really immature and you're better off not having to deal with someone like that. The birght side of this is that you know NOW and not a month before your big day. Don't let her drag you down! This is a fun and exciting time for you and its her loss that she is going to miss out on that. She's selfish and ridiculous.
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I can't believe she reacted like that? It's YOUR wedding. Don't these people understand?!


I am no longer friends with my BF because she acted the same way and I x'ed her as my MOH 2 months before my wedding. It sucks!! I hope she comes around soon and realizes that your request was not something to get so crazy about.

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I think id print a copy of the nasty email she sent and then go and speak with your mum if she gets all defensive then say look she wasnt your 1st choice it was hers and now its backfired.Id also tell her i hadnt planned on showing her the letter but this is what you recieved and then keep quiet.Let your mum deal with her and wait for the opology.

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I completely understand where you are coming from. Itâ€s sad when someone in your own family has a lack of interested in something that is so important to you. You did the right thing, its your wedding, your day.. having someone as your MOH that will cherish the day with you 100% is the most important thing.

My sister was my MOH as well but because of the lack of interest in my wedding I made a decision a few weeks ago that we are not going to have anyone stand up with us..instead they will be our ‘witnesses†and sign the document, that's it. I know I didnâ€t solve my own issues with her but honestly I couldnâ€t bear the added stress of having to deal with her.


I hope for the best for you and remember its your day, your moment.


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Originally Posted by roo66 View Post
I think id print a copy of the nasty email she sent and then go and speak with your mum if she gets all defensive then say look she wasnt your 1st choice it was hers and now its backfired.Id also tell her i hadnt planned on showing her the letter but this is what you recieved and then keep quiet.Let your mum deal with her and wait for the opology.
I was going to say this, maybe its an english thing lol

Give your mum a copy of the email and say as she is no longer your MOH or having anything to do with you, her inlaws are off the list lmao Let her explain she is a twat to them!

And I agree with the other girls tell your mum to back off she's had her wedding this is yours. Stand firm or she will butt into everything she can because you've let her get away with it.
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I'm with the other girls on this. The primary responsibility of the MOH is to make your life easier and more stress free...not the opposite. I think you made the right decision.

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