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Christa's pic preview

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Thanks girls! Glad you enjoyed. I totally cried during our ceremony - I never really knew what my face looked like when I'm affected that way...now I have a whole series of photos that show me go from smiley to teary. Weird!


And the boys in the ocean - I know, great huh? That's what they were doing up until about 30 minutes prior to the ceremony! Doesn't take boys very long to get ready I guess LOL

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Originally Posted by MikkiStreak View Post
I take it from the photo of you being walked down the aisle, that you guys got things straightened out for Rafael's son to travel with you??

So cool---
Yes, that's his youngest who still lives w/his mom in Arizona. You know, we jumped thru all these hoops to get that stupid paperwork put together & nobody ever asked for it! Figures.

I am so glad they were both able to be there & participate - it wouldn't have been the same without them. I think it's cemented our little family in a very cool way.
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Christa, I love the picture of you and R facing eachother, I love emotional pictures like that - they're so genuine. 20 years from now you can look back on those pictures and remember exactly how you felt by looking at pictures like that. :) Love them, they turned out great!!!

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Christa~ I love the pics! You were a gorgeous bride!! Your dress was beautiful and I love your hair! Is that a real flower? Or, did you briing it with you? I could really feel the love between you two and I think it is so great that your bonus son walked you down the aisle. I'm so happy for you two! Congrats!

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Originally Posted by Nini_Bride View Post
Christa, I love the picture of you and R facing eachother, I love emotional pictures like that - they're so genuine. 20 years from now you can look back on those pictures and remember exactly how you felt by looking at pictures like that. :) Love them, they turned out great!!!
Thanks Courtney! That is exactly why I love our pictures so much...it represents how we were feeling and they really take us back to that moment. Bradley put a slideshow together for us that is so awesome...when I get home I will see if I can figure out how to upload & share it. It really tells the story of the day....ahhh!
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