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Gift table/Card box at DW?

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Hey ladies,


it just occurred to me that people may bring gifts or cards to Mexico for the wedding and bring them to the actual wedding as people do here... I wasnt planning on having a gift table or card box but then what if they bring it and it gets stolen. But by having one, then I dont want it to seem like I'm expecting or looking for gifts...


what are you guys doinghuh.gif If they do bring gifts/cards, I dont want them to get stolen but... i'm so confused. HELP!



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I am not having one. I really hope guests do not bring gifts & cards down with them. That seems kind of silly to me. Do they expect you to take it all back and paying for extra luggage!?

Maybe you could send an email to all your guests saying something along the lines of you are not expecting presents, but if people insist then please give them before or after the wedding as you do not want to chance anything getting stolen. (or something like that!)

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I am hoping not to receive any gifts or cards down there either. I am not planning on having a gift table. I have told a few people that and I figure they will spread the word. Depending on how many guests you are having, maybe just mention it to a couple of them, such as your parents and FI's. They might be good at letting people know not to bring gifts.

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Ooh, I didn't even think of this. I'm also just hoping no one brings anything. Now that you brought it up I will probably tell FMIL and my mother and they can spread the word about not bringing anything and if they insist on a gift sending it to us at home instead.

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Hey all,


I just put on our OOT bag stuffer page - "Please no gifts - your presence is all we need".


This tells them not to bring anything there for sure. I hope if they do decide that they have to that they will bring it to the reception that we are having back in our home town.

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Our WC told us that in all the wedding she's done, she's only seen a few gifts and a few cards - most ppl won't bother trying to pack this to bring down. She told us that if ppl leave a card or something on the guest book table, she'll gather them at the end of dinner and take them to our room. Maybe if you just give your WC the heads up to look out for any gifts/cards??

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