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How long did it take you to decide on the destination?

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The RIU Bachata was my first pick! Although I did spend 4-5 months researching other places, but I came back to the original one. Funny how that works...should always go with your first instinct I guess! The same thing happened with my dress!!!

Don't stress over it too much...everything will fall into place!! Do you have a TA? Maybe you could give her/him your criteria and have them narrow it down to 3-4 for you - then you pick from one of those.

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Have you at least narrowed your search to an area? Like Rivieria Maya or Cabo? I was trying to decide between Mexico and Jamaica, so I looked at travel options. Flight schedule, etc. That helped me pick Mexico.


Then I told my travel agent what I wanted in a resort. He sent me a bunch of info and then I narrowed it down to Riveria Maya. Then I read up on the resorts he recommended there and then picked one.


It is very stressful to decide because you are wanting to pick a place that everyone will enjoy and that most of all YOU will like.

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I think you need to make a list of your top three priorities. We knew right away we wanted to get married in PV because of its affordability for our guests. Most of our guests live in L.A. so flights are cheaper than to RM or the Caribbean. Over all, its cheaper that Cabo and we knew most of our guests on my side would plan a side trip to my family's home town in Mexico. I chose pv for its convenience. Although I didn't get the amazing ruins in the RM or the amazing water/beaches in the Caribbean we knew it was the best choice for our guests.

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I dated a guy a long time ago that wanted us to get married at Atlantis, then we broke up. FI proposed... and of course he also wanted to get married at Atlantis. I just presumed that since two men thought it was so great - well it must be great. BIG mistake. Do your own research, make sure you like it. We went to the bahamas... and I really didn't enjoy it.


We aren't getting married at Atlantis because their coordinators wouldn't ever get back to us. We found another location on the island that we both like, but I still don't like the island. The wedding venue is amazing - the rest I could live without ever seeing again. FI is stuck on the bahamas though. Personally, I love the Seychelles, Fiji or Tahiti... but he's not willing to give in. At least we have a great venue though.

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We have narrowed it down to 3-4 different places. We want it on the beach. I also think since its just us two going, we dont have those other options to help us narrow it down even more. lol


I keep going back and forth like...I really like that but what if this is better.


Have I mentioned Im the most indecisive person on this earth?

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You sounds a lot like me when I started. wink.gif


I was really overwhelmed at first. The three thing that really sealed the deal for us was the prices in the Riviera Maya were great, pictures from Del Sol photography that showed how amazing the area is for a wedding and the activities in the area are amazing.


After that though we got a TA because we couldn't narrow it down any further. I would really sugguest getting a TA, I don't know what we would do without Tom. Carla wink.gif

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Originally Posted by GracieBebe View Post
If you know the names of the various resorts and/or hotels, check out tripadvisor. They have great reviews of the actual locations and candid photos of what the place looks like. And the forums there are really helpful so that you can ask questions. :-)
OMG...I swear I spent hours & hours everyday looking on trip advisor before we finally picked our destination!!! Had I known about this forum I would have been on here too!! I still can't believe in all my web browsing I never came across it...or maybe I did & just didn't look close enough!!!

With trip advisor, just remember to take the reviews with a grain of salt. Some people just have a bone to pick...and can never be pleased!! I mostly looked at the pictures! Oh...and search the forum for other brides!
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