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Readings at ROR ceremonies??

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Hey ladies, not sure if they have changed, but here are the vows that Chandlyn sent me in 2008:




_________(Groom/Bride’s name) will you take _____________(Groom’s /Bride’s name ) to be your wedded husband / wife to live together in the holy estate of marriage?


Do you promise to love him/her honor and keep him/her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others keep only unto him/her so long as you both shall live?


I__________take you _______to be my wife/ husband. I promise to be your loving and faithful wife/husband to share with you in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live.




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Originally Posted by ch2344 View Post
Thanks for posting. That helped us decide to definitely prepare our own vows. Did you have a civil or religious ceremony? I noticed the vows say "holy" so I wonder if civil would be different?
We had the religious ceremony & wrote our own vows. You also bring up a good point. Chandlyn never told me if these were the religious vows so I'm wondering if there's a difference between the civil & religous vows.
Maybe you ladies with upcoming weddings should find out & then post for the other future brides.
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