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A very unwanted wedding guest


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Aunt Flow is arriving in Mexico two days before my wedding.




What the hell do I do?


Here's the story: because of the fertility testing that we are undergoing, the doctors told me to stay off of the pill, because then my hormones will be all different, and I would have to wait about 3 months after being taken off the pill to continue the testing. I should have had this last test many months ago, but after the last miscarriage, I couldn't bring myself to go and get it done, it was just way to hard.


We don't really want to wait until 3 months after the wedding, because Francis is leaving for work about 2 weeks after we get back and he will be in Ontario and Alberta for about 5 months or so, so I don't want to go through the testing without him. I will though, but I don't know if I start the pill now, if it will have corrected my cycle by the wedding.


I don't want AF when I'm in Mexico either, because that will just suck. My schedule wasn't suppose to fall on the wedding either, but the last miscarriage change my cycle dates around.


What should I do? I'm thinking to go on the pill, but at the same time, I don't want to have to wait for the fertility testing. I need to make an appointment with my doctor and talk to her about this.



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Originally Posted by tylersgirl View Post
I'm sorry. I have no idea what advice to give you. I would suggest just talking to your Obgyn like you said. I am on the pill so when I don't want AF to visit I just start a new pill pack. I don't do it that often though.
See, that is what I'm thinking that I might try, but would that work with me just starting the pill?

I need to make a doctor's appointment as soon as possible.

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I'm on seasonique. When I first started taking it I started spotting around 2 months into my first pack (you only get a period every 3 months)


I would tell your GYN your due for your period while you're away for your wedding, could she suggest a way of postponing it. I think I remember someone saying they could prescribe something other then the pill.


I wish you the best!! A friend of mine got hers at her reception. I think I would die!

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I feel your pain as mine is due to arrive on my wedding day! That means a fun pre-wedding and wedding week of bloating, cramps, the works. I'm holding out hope that my cycle will jump by a day or two in the coming months. I'm not on the pill and don't want to start it as we hope to "try" in the near future. For me, I chose to deal with my period and not go on the pill to manipulate my cycle because starting a family soon is top priority.


I think you need to decide if you'd rather deal with your period on your trip to have the fertility testing done right away or put off the testing for a while longer. Sorry to hear about your miscarriage sad.gif

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I may have it too on my wedding week sad.gif I went off the pill nearly 40 days ago and am still waiting for a period. So I have no idea when it's going to come....


From my experience in the past going on and off the pill is not good for your health and typically when I wanted it to postpone 'her' visit, it just ended up making me spot for the whole month and have worse cramps.

I'd be worried about that...


I think if I were in your position, I would just wait it out and deal with it. It sucks big time, but at least this way you're not messing with your natural cycle.


Good luck!hug2.gif

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Originally Posted by heather007 View Post
Even if it came earlier and I had the tail end of it when we first arrive, frack, it sucks being a woman.

I second that!! Gees...we get it all...aunt flo (and EVERYTHING that goes along with that), giving birth, putting up with men!! And what do they have to do...nothing!! LOL
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