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CarrieRN's planning thread with pics!!

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Okay, well it is almost time for my wedding! I canâ€t believe it is almost here and it is my turn to do a planning thread. We have 44 people joining us down in Mexico for a variety of trip lengths. I am starting to get very excited!


So, here it is! (Iâ€ll have to do another one later for my AHR.)


The rings:

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Click the image to open in full size.


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We found Daveâ€s rings on amazon.com just by searching for tungsten rings. They were $30/each which is why we got two.

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Daveâ€s outfit:

Shirt custom ordered from weddingtropics.com and pants from Kohlâ€s. We got a similar shirt and same pants for his twin brother/BM. Dave does have a matching jacket as well.

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My MOH/twin sisterâ€s dress:

Click the image to open in full size.


Her jewelry: (she was in charger of her own accessories)

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Her shoes: (We figure if our feet hurt, we can just trade shoes since they are the same color.)

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The OOT bags: Totes from cheaptotes.com, my stepbrother screenprinted them for me.

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Contents of OOT bag are one bag and one travel mug per person, a CD, the photo scavenger hunt list, 2 maraca pens and a deck of cards (not pictured…need to buy more of those.)

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Close up of the travel mugs with our logo. Ordered by my stepsister for discount when she was working at Leedâ€s. Ended up costing $2.10 per mug including my (our) logo.

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Hair Inspirations:


I couldn't get the pics to show up. So, I put them in a word doc and attached the link here.



Flower inspiration: Pink callas or pink callas and pink roses. I’m thinking something in the pink range. Haven’t ruled out orange colors yet though. I guess I’ll commit when I get to the resort.

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Click the image to open in full size.



hair for thread.doc

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Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ View Post
Everything looks wonderful! Your dress fits you so perfectly!!! Best wishes on your upcoming wedding!
Thanks! I only spent $50 on alterations. Just need the sides taken in at the top and the front hemmed a smidge. I did ask her to put in bra cups but she apparently forgot. Oh, well! I doubt I could add anything in the top and still breathe!
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