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I'm down a Bridesmaid


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Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
aw thats a sin but it is better to know now is right. :o( maybe she was waiting for you to say something b/c it was easier for her to bring it up. and it was nice of you to be so understanding about it. i hope your friend isnt depressed like u mentioned, that is the worst.
Thanks Jac. At least we can move on from here. hug2.gif

Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
I'm sorry Jamie. You're right in that it is better to find out now. My BM cancelled 3 weeks before the wedding and stuck me with the bill for the trip and the dress.

I know it sucks, but maybe your relationship can improve now and she won't feel so pressured. Or, she might not come around again for a while. My ex-BM still hasn't called me, didn't come to showers, or the AHR. I think she is embarrassed and still feels guilty and it has snow-balled. I don't want to say that to freak you out, but some people do strange things and you need to remember it's not your fault.

Big Hugs!
Oh geez Erin I'm sorry to hear that. That is really, really sad. sad.gif I can totally understand how something like that would happen though. She just wrote me and said "Thank you again for understanding Jaime, and like I said please keep me in mind for things because I really do want to be there with you." so I'm pretty sure we'll be fine. Like I said, I'm just hurting right now and I'm pretty sure that's normal wink.gif Sucks, but normal cheesy.gif

Again, I'm really sorry about your friend... I wish no bride had to deal with some of the things our BDW gals have had to go through. There has been some really nasty and terrible stuff.. I'm really trying my best to "go with the flow" as much as possible and not try and control everything (I'm totally a "Type A"). Like I said, BDW has really been a saving grace in my life in that respect and I'm so very happy and lucky to have all of you girls to learn from and share with... grouphug.gif
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I think it is really good that you confronted her now. I, like yourself, like to avoid things. I took the "confront the situation early" approach with my MOH. Here is the thing she didn't bow out gracefully, she has stayed in her role yet done nothing. I know she has had a really bad year and I could tell her heart isn't in it. It has been really hard for me to keep from getting mad at her b/c this is a once in a lifetime for me and she is supposed to be my #1 person. I would have stepped down in her shoes. So for most of this year I have thought as BDW as my MOH, that sounds strange but this is where I come for advice, to vent, and to be excited for my wedding!


My point is atleast you will be able to salvage a friendship with this girl, I will not. The worst part is that she is FH's sister and I can never truly end a relationship with her.


I wish you the best with your friend and your wedding!smile159.gif

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