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Sept/Oct - my least favorite time of year and why...

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It's hot here and I hates it! GENERALLY, the end of September/beginning of October are some of the hottest weeks of the year here in Vallarta. It always seems that the weather gets hotter and hotter and hotter until it "breaks" and then, suddenly, things just feel cooler and life is roses again wink.gif. Last year I marked October 13th as the last "burning hot" day of the summer fall season and the days after that as rosey delights wink.gif. This year, however, it's still hateful hot as I write this on October 27th. While I pray to the god/buddha/mohammed of "oh please oh mighty one cool this place down", I will let you know when the weather finally "turns" wink.gif.


As Vallarta turns, to be cont.......

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I can vouch for Mishka. I was in Vallarta last week and it was miserable! I couldn't believe how hot it was and many of the locals told us that it is usually not like that past the middle of October. Man it was HOT.....but, we loved it there. It is gorgeous and can't wait to get back!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay - I've been holding out on ya'all - but mostly because I'm still cranky that we haven't been able to shut the air off at night yet.


ANYWHO - THE WEATHER broke at the beginning of last week ... what that means is you can go walking around downtown in the shade AND NOT SWEAT (well, you can if you're use to our climate ... I mean I can walk around downtown and not sweat wink.gif. AND you can walk around in the sun and sweat like a normal person - instead of taking a step outside of air conditioning and instant drippage due to humidity. Nighttime is downright beeeyoootiful....


as vallarta turns....still turning :).

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Originally Posted by pvinnov View Post
Mishka, I was looking at the weather forecast and it still looks hot! Well to me, at least. Here's to hoping that the weather gets a little cooler on Saturday when I am out getting married!
As long as you stay out of the sun you should be okay ... really! :):). I know the numbers look sortof high, but it's the loss of humidity and the wind is cool - that's how I can tell the weather has shifted. If you're down by the beach, you might even be a little chilly... if you're from the LA area, I think the climate will be slightly similar, with a bit more humidity.

If you're from northern ca ... well, you might find it a wee bit warm wink.gif.

And congratulations ahead of time! :):):)
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