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I need help! Invitation wording

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How can we mention it in the invites that the guests must pay for their own meals at the reception? We don't want to sound cheap, but our guest list keeps growing and everyone is intending on coming, my fiance and I are not receiving any $$ aid from either of our families (just because they cannot afford to help), and so cannot pay for everyone's meals. Help!

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In my opinion, I don't think there is a good way to do that. I would be a little put out if I received an invitation for a reception and I had to pay for my meal. Have you considered choosing a location for your wedding that includes a reception dinner at no cost? We are having our wedding or ROR, and they include the reception dinner. Also, keep in mind that most of your guests will give you a gift that will help cover your costs.

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I have to agree with Anna to be honest. I think you need to ensure that the resort that you pic is a) affordable for your guests to travel and B) offers the right price point for you to be able to host a reception. A lot of hotels have packages and often a buffet is much much cheaper than a private, plated dinner.

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I agree with the other ladies. I personally find it rude to invite guests to a party then make them pay for things, this includes a cash bar.


I say offer what you can. If you can only afford cake and punch, then have a reception with cake and punch that is decorated beautifully.


I think people would be much more accepting of that than if they had to (surprise!) pay for their own meal.

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I agree with the other ladies. Can you find an alternative reception idea that is more affordable to you? Maybe just cocktails and appetizers? Can you get married earlier in the day and have a lunch or small buffet and then people can have the night to themselves so they know they are on their own for dinner? IMO there has to be another option. I don't think there is any good way to word the invite otherwise.

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