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My Wedding Dress is in!!!

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How cool - Lulu's Bridal here in Dallas just left me a message saying my dress is in! Today marks exactly 7 months until the wedding, so that's pretty cool =)


I'm hoping they will let me come in and try it on cause I want to take my Grandma, Sister, Aunt (she bought me my dress!!!), and Maid of Honor in to show them. However, I don't want to do alterations on it just yet because of all my medical stuff - the doctor predicted I would lose some weight so I'm really hoping that is the case!!! LOL Of course, I will do the usual "bridal work out and diet" beforehand, but you can never really count on that because of all the stress that's sure to come (and thus all the junk food I'll probably be eating to comfort myself - haha!).


Oh, this is so neat.


It does make me miss my Mom though. For those of you who don't know, she passed away when I was 17. She had a tough life, so it was the right time for her to go. However, it's times like these when I really miss her and wish she could be here to see her little girl all grown up and to see what an AMAZING man I've chosen to be my Husband.


Gosh, I'm getting all teary-eyed and sentimental now... wink.gif


Martin, I love you SO MUCH! I guess this is really gonna happen now, huh!? heehee


Btw, I promise to take my camera with me when I go and try and take some better shots of the dress. I'm also thinking of asking my FMIL to hand embellish the train. It is just a little plain (well, it's completely plain actually - lol) and the rest of the dress had some beautiful crystal detailing that I think would look beautiful if tastefully mimicked around the edge of the train.


Also, on Sunday I'm going for my Bridal Hair Trial. We're considering extensions and a nice loose chiffon style bun, with cascading tendrils (does that make any sense?? haha). I'll definitely take my camera with me to that one as well cause we all know we're picture whores. I'll probably post a separate thread on that though.


OOOOH I'm so excited! smile123.gif

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YAY!!! It's so exciting isn't it??!!! Mine just came in last week and I went right away to "visit"!!!

Your mom will be looking down on you for sure...just like all our lost love ones will be during these special times in our lives. Oh boy...now I'm getting teary eyed!!

Can't wait to see pics!! Of the hair too!! Sounds like something I want to do with mine!!

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