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It's gorgeous girl and why the hell are you worried about fat issues? Come here so I can smack you into reality, lol fryingpan.gif J/K tee hee smile124.gif~ Your figure looks absolutely wonderful in that dress, and what a steal for something so intricately designed!!! You're gonna look amazing on your wedding day smile159.gif

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Originally Posted by MarieSam View Post
It's gorgeous girl and why the hell are you worried about fat issues? Come here so I can smack you into reality, lol fryingpan.gif J/K tee hee smile124.gif~ Your figure looks absolutely wonderful in that dress, and what a steal for something so intricately designed!!! You're gonna look amazing on your wedding day smile159.gif
I hate sounding like one of those typically ridiculous women who are over concerned with weight and think they should be a fence post. BUT, here's what happened.

I have a "friend"..I put that in quotes because I'm beginning to see that she has issues of her own and may not be the best person to listen to. Well, in my excitement yesterday, I sent the pics to her FIRST via email....you know what she told me? I mean..this is my VERY FIRST FEEDBACK about the wedding gown that I searched high and low for, and have been so thrilled about. She tells me...."Well, I think it will look great once you have the right UNDERGARMENTS ON."!!! Seriously. I spent about an hour trying to dissect that sentence and see if I was just not taking it in the right way, or being oversensitive. Then I spent a half hour looking at the pics and trying to figure out if I looked gross and just didn't know it. All because someone whose opinion I value(d) was basically a bitch to me.

I talked to FH, and wise man that he is, he pointed out that this person never had a "real" wedding, that she tends to seek attention in inappropriate ways (yea, she's one of those...I'll go ahead and say it..HOOCHIE) AND that her marriage hasn't exactly been anything to write home about. She is constantly saying things like "Thats why I didn't have a wedding." or "This is the reason I'm glad we kept it simple" everytime I would mention a particular obstacle in regard to my planning. I finally just told her a few weeks ago "Well, everytime I complain or worry, I'm still loving it...thats what brides do. We bitch and moan because we can but under it all, it's the coolest experience in the world and I'll be sad when AHR is over because that means the end of all my planning!"

She hasn't said much about it since.

ANYway, I am usually the most body image accepting person I know...I honestly don't get upset over not being a size 2 and never have....she just knocked my confidence for a loop being Negative Nelly with me. So I really do thank you girls so much for helping me counteract her bullshit impact on my feelings about my dress.
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