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I wish I had found ya'll sooner!!!


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Hi guys my name is Michelle, or my friends call me Mishi. I am getting married to the love of my life on April 20th, 2007, omg 29 days away!!!

We invited 15 of our family/friends and are going to Cabrera, Dominican Republic for 5 nights/6 days. I really thought that I was doing the best thing ever and would have no planning, boy was I wrong. I am glad I did it this way but unfortunately even thought we are paying for everything and the only thing our guests have to cover is the passport and plane ticket ($550-$700) all of his 6 guests are on board and 0 out of 8 of mine are officially coming. So, I am in a panic, but I am excited none the less. In the end as long as it is my finace and I, that is all that matters.

Anyway, I am glad to be here, and if there is anything that you guys think I have to know, please tell me!!!

Thanks!!! M

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A couple of couples that we know recently vacationed in DR and loved it. And, I know April is a beautiful month to be in the Carribbean. That was my original choice for a date...but we just couldn't pull it off that fast (we were in engaged in Jan. and have lots of friends and family that are coming). While I'm glad so many guests want to come, I have to admit, part of me wishes it were just the two of us and a few select friends and family. Like you said...he's the love of your life, and that's all your really need. I like the idea of a very intimate ceremony...you can always have a party when you get back home!

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Welcome to the site - better late then never! Anything else we can help you with? Sounds like you're in teh same boat as TammyM - not too many of her guests are coming, but most of her FI's are coming. Like you said - as long as the two of you are there, that's what matters! Are you having a party back home?

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I wish I had found this board earlier as well.


Aww, I can sympathize with a small guest list. Hardly anyone we invited will be able to make it. My FI has more of his "side" coming though. Apparntly everyone I know is broke. Oh well!

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Welcome to the site! I hope you find it very informative, although you probably have almost everything done already. AND, if that is the case... share with the group! we like photos, but general discriptions work well too!

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