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Dinner for photographer? Opinions please!

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Soooo, to update the few girls who had asked I post what I decided on doing....:-)


I e-mailed the photog's assistant (who has been my regular point of contact), and told her I hadn't arranged for meals, and exlplained the difficulty with numbers at our resort, but also said if they'd like to stay I would definitely work something out...


She e-mailed back to say that my photog NEVER eats at the weddings he shoots! She said he's too busy working...which I guess is good:-)

I messaged her back to say they'd be done work by the time dinner started, so if they changed their minds to let me know...but I didn't hear back.


Sooo, I guess a big tip and no dinner is the final decision!:-)


Thanks to everyone for their input...all this etiquette stuff is stressing me out!girl_werewolf.gif

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