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Ok-so I am a total DIY moron. I got the raffia fans and I am trying to thread them with my satin ribbon...I must not be doing it correct because I cant get the ribbon to go to the top of the handle...ugh! Any suggestions from you DIY ladies out there?

I wish I could pay someone to do this sad.gif

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Originally Posted by Blkatz View Post
Ok-so I am a total DIY moron. I got the raffia fans and I am trying to thread them with my satin ribbon...I must not be doing it correct because I cant get the ribbon to go to the top of the handle...ugh! Any suggestions from you DIY ladies out there?
I wish I could pay someone to do this sad.gif
I just finish making them...what I did was I started on the handle from left to right then without cutting the ribbon I started wraping the ribbon around the top of the handle but before putting on the ribbon I used glue dots on specfic spot...

so if you start wraping the ribbon by the left side inner handle and keep wraping around until you get to the right side, all u have to do is wrap the top part

I hope this help u
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Originally Posted by vtello View Post
I just finish making them...what I did was I started on the handle from left to right then without cutting the ribbon I started wraping the ribbon around the top of the handle but before putting on the ribbon I used glue dots on specfic spot...

so if you start wraping the ribbon by the left side inner handle and keep wraping around until you get to the right side, all u have to do is wrap the top part

I hope this help u
I figured out how to do the bottom half of the handle just not the top. Do you have to wrap the top separate?
Thank you so much!
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I did mine all in one. I just passed the ribbon through the holes in the fan at the top. I put the short end through, wrapped it down below where the rest of the ribbon would cover it, anchored it with a glue dot, and then wrapped the long end around and thru once more - so you get a figure 8 of sorts thru the actual fan part at the top. then I just started down and around the handle.


Hope that helps!

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